Spokesman Confirms D.A.R.E Has NOT Removed Marijuana from Their Lists

DARE's decades of lectures, indoctrination and propaganda are introduced into the classroom without ever been scientifically validated. Their fight against drugs continues - even against marijuana.

DARE marijuana

D.A.R.E., the Drug Abuse Resistance Education authority was started in the early 1980s by Chief Darryl Gates from the LAPD. Gates was old school, and anyone that so much as dabbled in drugs, according to him, “ought to be taken out and shot.”

D.A.R.E’s campaign against drugs position endorsements in school programs where kids are warned about the evils of drugs. Decades of lectures, indoctrination and propaganda are introduced into the classroom without ever been scientifically validated. Some drugs are difficult to argue, but marijuana was a major case study for the DARE program; marijuana was considered and lectured about as the “gateway” drug to every other illicit substance.

There are rumours circulating at the moment that D.A.R.E. has dropped their anti-marijuana campaign from their ‘to do’ list of propaganda tasks. This isn’t the case.  The war on marijuana use is alive and well, and though countries like Canada are preparing to lift the long-held prohibition against weed, and several states in the U.S. are doing similar, D.A.R.E. firmly believes in and continues their anti-marijuana program.

Corresponding to Canada’s Task Force creation to mandate a “public health approach” for legislative framework to legalize marijuana in the Commonwealth, D.A.R.E’s coordinator Const. Cory Jamison at the time said, “We combat already legalized toxins if you will, alcohol and tobacco, so we already battle those issues.”

D.A.R.E. ‘graduates’ (young students) have already taken to writing to the Canadian PM asking to make tobacco illegal. According to Jamison, marijuana is on the same fight list.

Contrary to reports, D.A.R.E. still lists marijuana, and all other DEA scheduled drugs, such as narcotics, heroin, GHB and cocaine on their website; inclusive with a DEA 88-page report.

So, it isn’t happening. The propaganda about the D.A.R.E. propaganda is just that. Marijuana is still clearly listed today; is accompanied by blogs from mid last year denying the media reports; and they still take the hard-line approach that marijuana is a dangerous drug.

Sorry to disappoint, folks, but D.A.R.E’s stance on all drugs is as hardline as the DEA’s and doesn’t seem to be lessening any time soon.

After asking D.A.R.E. to confirm or deny the reports, Frank Pegueros, a D.A.R.E. spokesman emailed the following statement:

“The [media] reports are inaccurate. The D.A.R.E. curriculums address marijuana. As the curriculums progress by age group, the substantive curricular content relative to marijuana escalates accordingly.” However, he said that “D.A.R.E does not employ the term ‘gateway drug’.”

This article (Spokesman Confirms D.A.R.E Has NOT Removed Marijuana from Their Lists) is a free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author AnonWatcher and AnonHQ.com.

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