It has been revealed that three senior police officers from the town of Palm Beach, in Florida, hired a prostitute and used cocaine at a private golf party with a teenage boy, way back in 2012.
The officers were seen in photos with a naked prostitute. The photos were leaked to the website pbsotalk.com, which is an anonymous forum where police can blow the whistle and speak about corruption and malpractices at the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office.
The officers involved in this dirty game are Major Robert Van Reeth of the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office Management Services Bureau, and his then underage son- Jeffrey Van Reeth. Jeffrey is now said to be the current deputy for the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office. The rest of the officers are Joe Van Reeth and Lou Penque, both from the West Palm Beach Police Department.
In the photos, that we have also obtained, these officers are seen happily enjoying the company of the naked prostitute. The officer then took pictures with her in different locations and in different styles at the party grounds.
Due to our Editorial Policies, we are unable to publish the naked pictures of the prostitute with the officers. But those who wish to see the nude photos can follow this link and scroll down to see them. www.sheriffbradshaw.com/2012/12/van-reeth-family-and-a-hooker-the-cross-agency-scandal/
Witnesses also confirmed that members of the party were openly using cocaine, and that the prostitute who attended the party walked around the golf course fully nude. Pictures taken indeed confirmed what witnesses said.
It is said the officers willingly asked bartender-Gino Defonzo, to take photos of them with the prostitute. In the pictures, the prostitute is indeed seen standing between the officers and the then underage boy whilst naked. Some officers are also seen holding beers in very festive moods. It is believed that the officers were intoxicated and that is why they allowed Defonzo to take the indecent pictures.
People who saw the pictures reacted with different opinions and views, with some still defending the officers despite the overwhelming evidence that the pictures provide. Some, have also condemned the actions of the officers. These are some of the comments on the pictures that were recorded by the sheriffbradshaw.com:
“This is taken completely out of context, this woman was playing a round of golf when a gator attacked her, (no it was not Tim Tebow, so don’t comment with juvenile jokes) tore off her clothes and was about to do bodily harm to her until these brave men came to her rescue”.
“As a cop, and a frequent poster of this website, I condemn this behavior. They should all have their certifications pulled and be indicted. This behavior is not excusable”.
“Hey Bobby – you get your kid a blowjob out of this? You should get the ‘dad of the year’ award. Sick pervert”.
You can see that there are varied views expressed there. However, despite mounting pressure from the public, the Palm Beach County Sheriff Office has not commented on the pictures. Currently, it is unclear whether they will take action against the officers involved.
Commentators say whereas the officers have their right to a private life, allowing the prostitute to walk around naked and the usage of drugs at a public place do violate some laws. This illegal activity should therefore be fully investigated.
The police are the public protectors and they must exhibit behaviors worthy of emulating. Nobody is against anybody’s private life, however, it is critical that your private life does not injure on your public life. What is your opinion about the photos? Do you think the actions of the officers are right and they should not be investigated? Share your opinion with us in the comment box. Feel free to express yourself sincerely!
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The real problem here is that neither charge should be a criminal offense. Using mind-altering substances on private property on their private time, should not be a crime. An agreement for sex between consenting adults, should not be a crime. If you can’t name a victim, it should not be a crime.
But, ha, totally serves them right talking out of both sides of their mouths.
What are you talking about Dark Sense? Higher ranking Police Officers should conduct themselves as moral citizens whether in or out of work.Thats the deal when they sign up. Cocaine is still illegal wherever it is used. The hiring of prostitues is illegal. Its condoning innapropriate behaviour and abuse. And to behave like this infront of a minor of 14 years. What message does this give him? Sack the lot of them. Knowone should be above the law. Dark sense or no sense?
These assholes have broken laws that the rest of us would go to jail for!!!
Police are held to a higher standard of morality
than the public is for Christ sake.
And think abou it, the police bust people for having sex in private let alone in public.
They need to be in jail or at the very least be kicked out of the police force.
Besides they aren’t very bright doing something like that in a public place and taking pictures. What the hell were they thinking!!
Well. Is that an actual question?
Civilians have to endure police violence and total observation.
You might even pick up a bait hooker and land in jail for that, not even thinking of a class A substance like cocaine.
So nope. No two measurements.
If you belong to the police force, you don´t have a private life. You have made yourself property of the state. So every law counts double for you.
Cut off their dicks and noses and set a good example!
dude you are pretty fucked in the head to think thats alright
no he makes a very valid point till the very end lol at the very least they should be charged with the maxium sentence for there crimes who knows how many peoples lives they have ruined by arresting people for the same exact charges they are being accused of so they really deserve no sympathy
I’m not surprised the Sheriffs office is yet to comment. What can theysay?! Especially after seeing the full gallery of unedited pics. Its disgraceful & beyond disgusting. They should suffer a higher punishment for these crimes then the average person, because they abused the communities ultimate trust & respect in them as senior police officers & role models.I can only imagine what else is still hidden considering this happened 3 years ago & probably wasn’t an isolated incident either.
I’m not surprised the Sheriffs office is yet to comment. What can theysay?! Especially after seeing the full gallery of unedited pics. Its disgraceful & beyond disgusting. They should suffer a higher punishment for these crimes then the average person, because they abused the communities ultimate trust & respect in them as senior police officers & role models.I can only imagine what else is still hidden considering this happened 3 years ago & probably wasn’t an isolated inciden.