Dubai’s New Hyper Loop Train is Going to Turn Hours of Travel into a Matter of Minutes

Hyperloop One's new transportation system will bring an end to a frustrating two-hour drive between the two major cities of the UAE.


An American company called Hyperloop One has signed a deal with one of the fastest growing regions in the Middle East. The deal will see a train built that can take passengers from Dubai to Abu Dhabi in just 12 minutes.

Image Source: Daily Mail – An image showing a concept of the Hyperloop One’s transit system going to Dubai, as shown in the background.

To give our readers a better example, the distance from Melbourne to Sydney is more than 800 kilometers, taking almost 12 hours if you travel via train. Similarly, if you take a car it takes 9 hours and 13 minutes to reach Sydney, and if you fly, it takes 1 hour and 20 minutes. However, according to the company, the Hyperloop One transit system is going to make this 9-hour long journey a matter of 41 minutes.

Image Source: Daily Mail – A picture showing the concept of the Hyperloop’s control centre, the report showed how the whole transportation system would be monitored and controlled from the command & control centre.

This new high-speed train connection between the two cities will shorten the travelling time considerably, considering the bad traffic conditions people have to face there every day. However, if the conditions are right, and the traffic is moving freely, then the travelling time from Dubai to Abu Dhabi via car is no more than 2 hours.

Image Source: Daily Mail – A concept image showing the inside of the travelling portal and all the gates and entrances will be visible upon entering the travel centre.

The Los Angeles-based company completed the paperwork with Arab authorities at the start of this month, with plans to set the station in front of Burj Khalifa, currently the world’s tallest building. If things go according to plan, the nation will see a transportation system that works on electromagnetic technology, allowing wheel-less and frictionless travel of the train, or to be precise the pods, at very high speeds inside a pressurised tubing.

Image Source: Daily Mail – The travelling pod will have room for up to six travellers, the pods will be held by pressure vessels that would be attached to the pods chassis for lifting them so they can be accelerated and reach speeds of more than a thousand kilometers, the company also says that different pods will have unique designs to meet the needs of travellers.

This idea was originally put forth by Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla motors and the commercial space company, SpaceX. However, Hyperloop One is amongst one of the two companies currently using this technology. The other company, which is called Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, is working in France to develop a high-speed transportation system.

Image Source: Daily Mail – Image showing the miniature design of the Hyperloop One’s transit system along with the background view of Dubai from Burj Khalifa – the world’s tallest building.

Currently, the company is running tests and the date of completion is yet to be announced, but if all initial reports and tests go accordingly, then the transportation system is set to be ready in five years.

Image Source: Daily Mail – The Hyperloop One’s station design, and what it would look like when viewed from the Burj Khalifa.

The company also tested this technology in the deserts of Nevada during the summer to mimic United Arab Emirates conditions. If this project is successful, it’ll revolutionise our way of travelling for future generations to come.

Source: The Telegraph, Daily Mail, Hyperloop | One.  

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