Elderly Man Called 911 Because He Was Hungry, So These Cops Did Something Unexpected…


by Amanda Froelich at trueactivist.com


A 79-year-old man called dispatchers because he hadn’t eaten in two days and needed help. So, these officers used their own money to stock his pantry for month’s. They then launched a food pantry at the police station to help citizens in a similar situation.

Last Saturday, a disabled 79-year-old man called dispatchers saying he hadn’t eaten in two days and was hungry. The 911 call was a last resort for the elderly man, but it was answered by a group of police officers of Mt. Pleasant in Tennessee.

WKRN News reports that a group of the station’s officers showed up at the hungry man’s door with several bags full of groceries.

Reportedly, they spent $160 of their own money to make sure the man had enough food in his kitchen to last him a month.

Said Nathan Bolton, one of the officers:

“I think he was shocked at the amount of food that we bought and just the fact that it was there without question.”

When one of the pictures of the officers stocking the man’s cabinets was posted on Facebook, the country was made aware of the men’s good deed.

It’s difficult for us to see as police officers. We’re out here to take care of the public at large and that doesn’t always mean stopping a car. Sometimes it’s us doing little things like this,” said Mark Billions, one of the officers.

Most of the news concerning police nowadays has to do with brutal arrests and unnecessary fatalities. Therefore, it’s heartening when the positive deeds carried out by the law enforcement workers are shared, as well. At the end of the day, we are all human and need to act compassionately; these officers did just that.

The elderly man, who prefers to remain anonymous, said he appreciates everything they did to help him. The man is on a fixed income and relies on his social security benefits each month to get by.


Credit: WKRN News

Unfortunately, a former caretaker stole his debit card last weekend, therefore, he did not have any funds to buy food. Thankfully, the thief was found and faces charges for fraudulent use of a debit card.

Since the incident, the police officers have started a food pantry to help other citizens that might be in a similar situation. If you are in the area and would like to assist, they are accepting canned food donations at the Mt. Pleasant Police Department.

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  1. I believe that the majority of police officers fall in this category. The press likes sensationalism and exploits the exceptions. As a teens we played cat and mouse with our local police. Spent a couple of well deserved hours in a cell waiting for parents to bail us out, but we always had respect for the officers.

    • Well, I don’t think the problem of the people/media is, that single cops do bad stuff, but that it often goes unpunished and that there is a systematic effort to defend those culprits. I think that is really the worst influence on the relationship between the police and the people.

      Well again, perhaps that is wanted -.-

  2. Such an incredible act of kindness. Nobody should go hungry and those policemen did not have to do that. It’s not like they make a whole lot of money. Thank you.

  3. I wish we heard more “good” news stories like this instead of most news outlets only reporting on the tiny percentage of the few bad apples out there.
    Most cops sign up to do exactly what the job description says.. “to serve and protect”.
    I’ve had and still have many “cop” friends who are excellent people whether at work or at play. They are just like you and me.

  4. There is of course a Divide and Rule agenda in progress which benefits immensely from the separation of police and public. If this example of police humanity is gratefully reflected by the general public, all true criminals of both high or low social status might one day come to have a great deal more to worry about.


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