Finally, the American people have spoken. The 45th President of the United States is Donald John Trump. On Jan. 20, 2017, Trump will take the presidential oath and become the new leader of the country for the next four years.
Prior to his election to the oval office, Trump openly made several disparaging statements, ranging from religious to social issues. For example, Muslims should be banned from entering the United States; and building a wall on the Mexican border to keep illegal migrants from entering the United States – because, according to Trump, they are rapists and drug dealers.
These horrible statements have earned Trump names such as a demagogue, a bigot and a racist. The media seized on these statements to project their favorite candidate, Hillary Clinton, as the person more qualified to become the next leader of the country.
But let’s face some questions and facts. Was Clinton the right candidate for the Democratic Party? Did she genuinely obtain the mandate of delegates of the party to contest in the election? We can get a quick answer to those questions if we refer to the hacked emails published by WikiLeaks, the ones about the activities of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) towards Clinton’s then contender for the nomination, Bernie Sanders.
“Sanders’ messages were resonating in the ears of the American public.”
The damning emails, of course, revealed how senior DNC officials conspired, to ensure that Clinton secured the nomination of the party. Some key executives of the DNC resigned after those emails were published, including the then chairperson of the body, Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
The leak also sparked extreme fury among Sanders’ supporters. In fact, some supporters openly said they will not vote for Clinton because she cheated the contest to become the nominee of the party. Before Senator Sanders finally left the Democratic Party, he said the publication by WikiLeaks showed a corrupt DNC that cannot be trusted anymore. The Vermont senator then called for a total overhaul of the DNC.
As Clinton took over the nomination of the party, her campaign team, led by John Podesta, convinced her that the election was a done deal. After having undue access to the mainstream media, the Hillary 2016 campaign team became media propaganda messengers against Trump, and an unimpressive campaign rallies without any message for the people.
The Independent encapsulates this by saying “At rallies for the 74-year-old [Bernie Sanders] across the country, there was a sense of euphoria and excitement that simply did not exist at those for Ms Clinton. Ms Clinton’s supporters said they had made a calculation to vote for her as they believed she would be the best candidate to lead the country, but there was no sense of the passion witnessed at her rivals’ events, or those of Barack Obama eight years earlier.”
Although many of the pollsters got it wrong by projecting Clinton will win the election, during the Democratic Party primaries, many polls suggested Sanders stood a far better chance at winning against Trump, than his rival Clinton. With Sanders’ call for free college tuition, the removal of student debt, a national health service and the removal of big money from politics, series of polls showed these messages were resonating in the ears of the American public.
Below are some examples of those polls:
A poll by NBC News-Wall Street Journal, on May 15, said Clinton would beat Trump by three points, but if Sanders gets the nomination, he would win by 15 points against Trump.
On May 3, the CBS News-New York Times gave Clinton a six-point advantage over Trump, but said Sanders would win by 13 points against Trump.
Fox News, on the other hand, reported that Trump would win by three points against Clinton, but if Trump faced Sanders, he would lose by four points.
When Sanders himself appeared at the Meet the Press on May 29 as part of his campaign to secure the nomination of the Democratic Party, he made it clear that he is the rightful person who can defeat Trump in the election, and not Clinton.
“Right now in every major poll, national poll and statewide poll done in the last month, six weeks, we are defeating Trump often by big numbers, and always at a larger margin than Secretary Clinton is,” Sanders said.
The American people have spoken. Clinton has no choice than to accept the outcome, which she has already done by calling Trump to congratulate him. She cannot blame anybody. She had a party that made sure she secured the nomination. She had the media behind her. She also had all the corporations and the business cabals behind her.
Yet, the American people were in front of her. They showed her the power of the people. Clinton should, by now, blame herself – because she assumed a position that was never rightfully hers.
There is an African proverb that says “If you fail to put something at its rightful place, it falls down.” Surely, Clinton was positioned in the wrong place, and she fell, big time.
This article (Fact: If Bernie Sanders had been the Candidate, Donald Trump Would’ve Lost Hands Down) is a free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ.com
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I came here looking for answers. Bernie was my man for the WH but the DNC fucked him over. That was their undoing on hindsight. IMO HRC was rather a tepid candidate but you do not think so. Watched your less than thrilled videos on HRC, i.e. she is the root of all evil; it’s almost misogynistic. But I digress. I’m curious about your group’s assessment of Trump. There is zero number of videos from you guys about Trump whether for or against. Why? Do you not believe he is a threat to anyone? If not, why not? Is he emotionally and mentally fit for the highest office of the land? What makes you think for or against it? Is Anonymous just going with the bro between the candidates regardless of policies or lack thereof?
I came here looking for answers. So far there are none.