Family Sues Police For Throwing Grenade Into Their Bedroom, Causing First-Degree Burns To Their Child


A family from the city of Oxnard in the State of California, has sued the city’s police department for causing bodily harm to their two-year-old child in the family’s home.

The Court House News reports that Jose and Paulina Salinas are also suing the police department, seeking damages for assault, battery, trespass and emotional distress.

According to the account of the story, narrated by the Filming Cops, the Salinas family was sound asleep at around 4am in April, 2014.

Then, all of a sudden, they were awoken by the sound of heavy boots scraping the ground and the disturbing sound of windows breaking. The father, Jose Salinas, then opened his curtains to see what was going on. When he opened the curtains, a heavily armed police officer pointed a gun directly at him through the window.


The situation thereafter started to deteriorate. The officers began smashing in the windows of the house and throwing smoke grenades into some of the rooms. They burst through the front door and ran into the house with their guns pointed at Jose and his family, ordering them to “put your hands on your head!”

While Jose and his wife were handcuffed and held at gun point by two officers, the others continued to run in and out of their bedrooms strangely.

The family’s ten-year-old daughter and six-year-old son were also held in the corner of one of the bedrooms. As the innocent family was held at gun point, the family’s two-year-old son was still sleeping in the other bedroom. The police threw a smoke grenade into that room, causing the toddler to suffer first-degree burns and cuts from shards of glass.

The family was reportedly detained by the police for four hours. When it was all over and the child was attended to by an emergency service, the family learned that the police had been doing no-knock raids in their neighborhood to look for gang members. According to the police, these gang members were causing chaos in the city.

Local media outlets report that the family was completely innocent and that none of them matched the description of the persons the police were searching for.

The family alleged in the lawsuit, that they repeatedly told the officers that their child was sleeping in the room before they entered.

Police use a battering ram to force entry into the front door.

The lawsuit said “The incident left each member of the Salinas family physically and emotionally shaken, traumatized and in constant fear for their safety. They now feel that their home is a dangerous place to live and are scared to death and rattled by any noise they hear at night.

Since the incident, the family has claimed that their youngest son has been completely traumatized by the incident.  The family also claim that the child has since become afraid of the dark and afraid of people in general.

The other children are also said to be suffering from recurring nightmares, and are terrified of sleeping alone.

The family’s attorney, Ron Bamieh, said the family “now feel that their home is a dangerous place to live and are scared to death and rattled by any noise they hear at night.

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  1. Not to mention the actual cost to replace all those windows and whatever else the police destroyed in their invasion. I’m guessing the police kept running in and out because they were looking for these “gang members” that were never there. Sounds to me like the police is the real gang problem there.

  2. Are judges even looking for cause anymore or just sign every warrent they can? They’re supposed to be like three stages to reading a house and you rated a family home with no evidence of anything every single one of those officers and their bosses should go to jail

  3. While it did happen and is a sad state of affairs, the story is nearly a year old. Sadly after reading the article, it appears that the police failed to stay up to date on their information as the family moved in just four months ago so while they may have had evidence before them of something in their reason for the warrant, it is clear someone failed to keep up to date or just decided that it was too much work to ensure it was still accurate….like driving by the place to see if the occupants still matched who was suppose to be in it from the previous information, if any.


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