Police in Louisiana, have confirmed that a relative of a kidnapped woman successfully stormed the abandoned building where his niece was being held, before fatally shooting the kidnapper and freeing his niece.
Witnesses of the incident said Bethany Arceneaux, was abducted by her former lover- Scott Thomas, and was in an abandoned building for many hours. But, despite the fact that the family had called the police and reported the incident, the police never took the matter seriously and took no action to rescue Bethany.
When Bethany disappeared, it did not take long for the family to find Thomas’s car behind a cane field — an individual they suspected might have known the whereabouts of Bethany.
The family then decided to look for Bethany themselves all across the area they suspected she was being held. These efforts eventually led to the discovery of the abandoned building.
Bethany’s cousin (name withheld for security reasons), had been the one to enter the located building to search for the missing young woman. Police had earlier on reported that they have searched the building, but found nobody inside.
When he entered the building, there he saw his niece lying in a pool of blood, and Thomas (the kidnapper) holding a knife whilst attempting to stab Bethany again. He then pulled his legally-owned handgun and fired several shots, killing Thomas instantly and saving Bethany from being stabbed to death.
Sheriff’s Capt.-Kip Judice, confirmed that he (Bethany’s cousin), broke the door down and saw the kidnapper stabbing the 29-year-old Bethany, and unable to wait for police any longer, for fear of losing her, had killed Thomas with his gun.
After this display of bravery, many local residents have wondered why it took a citizen to carry out the responsibilities of paid police officers. To avoid disgrace on the part of the police, detectives on the case said the shooting has been ruled as justifiable homicide.
The Lafayette Parish Sheriff Department (LPSD), said the hero acted within Louisiana state law, allowing for the use of deadly force to prevent great bodily harm or death, and he will not be charged with murder or any other offense.
The LPSD also added, that they do not want to release the name of the hero for security reasons, and that he displayed extreme bravery by tracking down and killing the kidnapper.
Bethany and Thomas’s love affair ended two years ago, with the former having a restraining order against the latter. It is still currently unclear why Thomas decided to kidnap her and had attempted to murder her in that brutal way. Bethany and Thomas have a two-year-old son, according to family sources.
The police said Bethany was injured from the initial stab wound that Thomas had inflicted before being shot by the hero; she received treatment from the Intensive Care Unit to prevent any complications.
“The man began harming her. He (the hero) did what he needed to do to stop that aggressive behavior from Mr Thomas,” Captain Kip Justice of the LPSD said.
The worry here is not about the shooting. It is about the behavior of the police. The police are supposed to be doing these kinds of dangerous raids, not citizens. It is their duty to do that. They have been trained and prepared for such operations, in order to protect the innocent civilians without these technical skills. The hero was forced to act because the police had failed to do so.
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Great job dude, really amazing.
He saved her life,that guy was going to stab her to death!police in that city need to be fired
There is obviously more to this story than is being reported here and there is definitely an anti-police slant to this story, justified or not.
My question is whether the estranged boyfriend began stabbing the woman after he heard the commotion of the cousin attempting to gain entry to the building. The report states that he had stabbed her only one time before he was shot and killed. A more covert approach to and entry into the building may have prevented her from being stabbed at all and the kidnapper from being killed.
There is almost no mention of interaction with the police until after the incident went down and then only as to whether the cousin would face charges for shooting the kidnapper.
There is definitely more to this story than what was reported. I guess the other material didn’t fit the slant that this narrative supports: that the police were derelict in their duties.
Shut up, the kidnapper is gone. Be thankful.
Well I’m sure the writer of this article is just being biased, but I’m grateful that the girl wasn’t killed. It would have been a tragic loss no matter what urged the guy to kidnap her and stab her in the first place.
This while article is way behind the times and poorly written. You can read about this incident from 2 years ago here:
…that should answer many of your questions. I’m not sure why it’s being so re-reported lately :/
Right on! Seriously awesome!
They should make a movie about this.
Mark ONE crime that was solved by someone with a gun, and now the BIG cry will come out how EVERYBODY needs guns. However, did he need a gun? Would Bear Spray have worked? Can you buy some in your local Sporting Goods Store? Can you even go get a can of Bear Spray when needed, rather than store it all the time, leaving it available to be mis-used or picked up by children?
If he would have used Bear Spray, then he could face his day in court and actually be PUNISHED for the crime. Yet not even knowing anything short of maybe hearing the gunshot, he is possibly never able to hurt anyone again, but no real punishment was handed out.
Fair to say that for this ONE incident 1000’s of incidents happen simply BECAUSE of the availability of guns, legal and illegal. Therefore I would not say that the following HOOPLAH of this making guns justifiable is warranted.
Day in court? Punished? In what world? Released on bail, goes after the woman again, finishes the job, arrested eventually, jailed overnight, released on bond, six months later goes to trial, innocent on a technicality, released. Girl’s cousin charged with felonious assault, gets 10 years in prison. Yea, I agree, bear spray…then shoot his worthless ass.
So if your in your home and someone breaks in to do you and your family bodily harm and the spray won’t stop them. The use of a fire arm would of but now your family is dead and you have to live with that when the use of a legally owned fire arm could of saved you. That’s ok you can wait for your day in court. Personally I’m going to stop the guy and not worry about the courts later.
You are seriously retarded
You sir are fucking stupid. this isnt about making guns justifiable. its about the fact that a civilian reacted to an incident that the police wouldnt, and handled it within the law. who gives a fuck about bear spray, who gives a fuck that the guy died, he kidnapped and had intentions to kill this woman and was dealt with accordingly.
Exactly said, James is an idiot!
You are out in left field, my friend. You carry your bear spray and worry about yourself. Don’t get the blood from your bleeding heart on anyone else. Lord forbid your lunacy is somehow contagious…
I suppose it would work with someone with a gun as well… in fact why aren’t they using bear spray in banks? Why do the security guards need guns????
Who theheck would attack someone with bear spray? What r u talking about?
Why don’t you sit and watch (YOUR child, YOUR wife) YOUR loved one be stabbed and pull out YOUR BEAR SPRAY OR would you be witnessing the stabbing of your loved one thinking “I’ve got to make sure he has his day in court, let me pull out my effin bear spray”!!!!! If the shoe is on the other foot you’d see it from a different light!?!?!?!?
Just shut up…. Lol
You’re so wrong it’s not even funny the fact that she had been stabbed in the chest probably means she was gasping for air if from nothing else from sheer shock. So you want the cousin to use a can of very strong spray that would effect all three people in the room including the victim of the stabbing. Nice… How about we give everyone Bear spray.. Lol you libtards crack me up. Fact.. Gun Crime rates soar in areas with strict ( unconstitutional ) gun laws and plummet by up to 49% in areas wear open carry is allowed. The man was trying to kill somebody. Live by the sword die by the sword. IDIOT SMH
Or in this case, die by the bullet 😉
Haha bear spray. You, sir, are a special kind of tard for even suggesting that. This poor excuse for a human deserved every bullet that hit him, not a ‘day in court.’ Also, I don’t want to pay the bill for this guy’s day in court, or for the subsequent years in prison. That’s no small cost, you know. Oh, and once he’s out of prison, do you think he’ll be a little pissed at this family? Do you think he’ll be able to find another knife? I think he’ll probably manage that. Will it be time to whip out the bear spray again? Sorry, I am still laughing about that. Anyway, that BIG cry for gun ownership is more than warranted, and this is not the ONE instance where a legally owned weapon saved an innocent life. Do your research, pal.
Did he need a gun… you my friend are a fucking idiot and what is wrong with this dying country. Maybe he should have brought Jesus in to help him and prayed the knife out of his hand? Idiots…
Or maybe read Dianetics by L. Ron Hubbard and hope that science willed the knife out of his hand.
“You know you’re a redneck when…you can take bear spray to a knife fight, and win…”
Obviously you have no idea how any “spray” works. One, you still have to get within 20 feet (or far closer) to actually hit your target. Two, your also drenching the poor woman who is being stabbed to death in the spray too. Three, the entire ROOM will quickly fill up with the particles. Fourth, you didn’t actually stop the guy, just put him in some pain and made him even more angry…but have done nothing to stop him from continuing to stab her. He might be momentarily incapacitated, but now you can’t just run in there to get her without also having similar issues. “Bear spray” releases a HUGE cloud. Your idea is a non-started.
This is the type of thing we don’t more of (I mean civilians having to Govorment supported jobs and getting possibly hurt) but when it happens its amazing. Full respect goes to the hero.
I agree with Mark, great job! Maybe you should be the captain of the sheriffs dept. Everyone can use people who care about other lives not just their own.
Cops only shoot unarmed folks. That’s been their history of late.
Sorry w/ how things have been lately police are hesitant on doing much of anything. With the way things work now if the police would have went in there & shot the guy they would be brought up on murder charges. Basically they are darned if they do & darned if they dont.
Absolutely appalling that the police did nothing. They obviously forget who pays their salary.
If the police had stumbled into the situation instead of the hero, the innocent girl would most likely be dead as well. Does it really suprise anyone that the police which are paid to protect and serve never actually do either of these things? Good cops have become such a rarity recently that it’s nearly impossible to believe they still exist.
Your name is so apropos. You definitely are a misanthrope. A misinformed and misguided misanthrope.
This story has made my day. I will live my life, with this story in my ❤. If only more people would stand up. I will for the rest of my life. Vigilante Spirit, burns in my heart.
Holy shit, that’s hands down bravery right there. SO many people depend on the the police to do their dirty work that when things don’t work out they give up. These people make me have hope for humanity. Great job. Great job.
This happened almost two years ago…
wow this was good one Dave shaw 😀 how did u find that link !!
“everyone will be put to shame because of a people useless to them, who bring neither help nor advantage, but only shame and disgrace.”
Isaiah 30:5
It’s hypocritical to make a hero out of someone for killing someone that was killing someone else. What’s the whole story? What happened between to the guy in the first place that resulted in him stabbing her? Why would he do that? People don’t do that for no reason. And why was she doing presumably whatever she did to provoke him to do that in the first place? And people don’t do that for no reason, why was someone else doing whatever they were doing to cause her to presumably provoke him etc etc etc. Just like you are praising the guy for killing the killer, the killer will have had an equal reason to be killing, and the victims are everyone, both sides and you and I, everyone loses everytime the hero villain story is perpetuated imo.. it’s not a nice subject, I think someone should point out we are all human, we all do things for reasons, I think it’s sick to hero one side of the story when both sides are in need of compassion? maybe.
You are such a dumb shit
I feel sorry for you.
Do you NOT live in America? People do fucked up things for no reason all the time, especially when it comes to breakups. She had a restraining order on him, so chances are the dude was heavily abusive. I show compassion for a relative to protect their blood, no matter what the situation. Dude stabbed her, doesn’t really matter why or when, but he stabbed her, I would have shot him dead too. I’m not gonna just sit there and watch the guy stab my relative to death while weighing out the options of waiting for the police or a logical explanation as to why he’s stabbing her to death to justify his actions. What kind of shit is that? “Oh, she was cheating on you? Go ahead, stab my cousin to death, bro, I’ll tell the cops to drop the charges.” He prevented a tragedy from happening, bottom line.
….this happened in November 2013. Go read some relevant stuff and quit trying to find reasons to bash police officers.
“a relative of a kidnapped woman successfully stormed the abandoned building where his niece was being held”
“Bethany’s cousin (name withheld for security reasons), had been the one to enter the located building to search for the missing young woman”
So was it the uncle of the victim or the cousin of the victim? Poor reporting here tarnishes the credibility of the article.
You know, I was just thinking that!
Well, there you have it, justice served! The police don’t hesitate to kill civilians but would not intervene to save this woman’ life? Where’s the morally ethical police civic duties in this equation? Between the medical field and law enforcement, all hope lost in humanity…….
Before you make rash judgments, Betty Lou, read the entire story. You are like so many Americans, who rush to judgment without knowing the whole story. If you had bothered to read the entire posting comments, you would have found the link to the original story, some two years earlier. In that, it was obvious that the police played an integral part in the search for the missing kidnapped woman. This story was used by this rag to perpetrate the myth that the police do not help black folks–they only kill them–without provocation. This is the mantra of Obama, Sharpton, Jackson and the left-wing media and all those in power who seek to divide this country along racial, income, sexual and gender lines.
You’re sitting there saying how bettylou is like so many Americans who rush to lay judgment before knowing the whole story, but here you are like most Americans who blame Obama, Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson and labeling some some form of conspirators trying to rile up people. Obviously none of them had anything to do with this biased article at all. You should practice what you preach.
Maybe with everything going on how the police kill blacks, they wont put themselves in that position anymore. Every time a cop shoots a black person, there is protests and rioting. Police will just stop patrolling black areas and not get involved anymore.
Let’s look at it logically, the cop would be saving a girl from being stabbed to death, not shooting an unarmed black person an unnecessary amount of times over a suspicious looking cell phone or a routine traffic stop. But after all, the author of this article seems to be biased against cops, it may well be that the cops were doing everything in their power to find the kidnapper
Wow people all I hear is how the victim and her family are wrong. What about the asshole who abducted and stabbed her I think you need to figure out why you blame innocent people for other peoples behavior… All I can say is I hope none of you have to go through this ever and if you do I hope you have family who love you enough to come get you if you are getting Assaulted.
I can’t believe that the police didn’t do anything for this young lady. I saw a comment saying that there’s probably anti – police stuff going on here but I don’t believe it. We’ve heard of the police not doing much for us. I mean look at the racial issues within the policemen and civilian. That is not alright. And if policemen can’t do their jobs and protect us find someone who can, cause when I look at the police I want to feel safe. Not afraid that if I ever need them, will they be there? Will they believe me? Best question of them all : can they be trusted?
Either they don’t come to your aid, or they come to ruin your life. Not all cops, just the ones that abuse their authority over civilians.
Really your surprised? Not been paying attention to the news in the US? This was in Louisiana, both the victim and the perp are black…the police probably just drove pass the area and didn’t even get out of their cars. Maybe if the family had thrown several dozen doughnuts into the warehouse and told the cops there where “doughnuts being held hostage” they might have shown up.
I’m pretty sure the Police did nothing because if it would had been the police who killed the strange boyfriend right now there would had been a riot and innocent people that owns small business and live off from then the rioters would had burn and broke into then to steal everything now a day the police is more scare to help the people because of what is going on all around all states so I don’t blame the police for not doing anything in this case and Thanks to God she is safe
Okay, I’m all with you about God and everything, but your reasoning for the supposed absence of the police is right because of a possible riot? I’m pretty sure blacks wouldn’t riot over a girl being saved by a cop shooting her armed assailant. Maybe if they shot the wrong person, in this case, the victim. Even then, highly unlikely. A guy that kidnapped and stab a girl is hardly anything similar to the riots due to events of unarmed blacks to warrant anyone rioting if the cops found and shot/killed a guy trying to kill the girl he kidnapped.
The police did not do their job bc they feared that a building would be burned down? Really??????????
Well they’re doing things their not supposed to and not doing things they are supposed to. You don’t blame the police? Alright lets just live in anarchy cause the police aren’t hired to do anything. Ignorant.
Orl, I’ve heard stories like this happening for years now so you can’t just say this bull crap that doesn’t make any sense as an excuse. Really, cops not doing their job because people might riot? Are you that dumb, really?? Makes no sense. I’m pretty sure this story isn’t even from this year, if not I heard on just like it a couple years back so you’re really far off base. If you take the job to be an officer you do your job of helping people and making people safe. You don’t act like a scared little pussy or you shouldn’t be a cop. That’s like a fire fighter too scared to go to a burning house. God, people are fucking stupid sometimes.
I agree with Meghan lucas, a lot of you guys should be ashamed of yourselves. I’m saying, you know damn well if you all were kidnapped and on the verge of getting turned into a human pin cushion, and your relative busts in and shoots the person stabbing you, you’re not gonna sit there and say, “why didn’t you wait for the cops!? Why did you just shoot him!? You should have used BEAR spray or see that it was MY fault he kidnapped and stabbed me!”
This guy did what he had to do because the cops were to busy eating donuts and beating people. I say he’s a hero and if you disagree i hope you get kidnappped and stabbed
Seems that the police are damned if they do and damned if they don’t. Maybe only white cops were available that day and they didn’t want to get arrested for shooting an “innocent” criminal. It’s a terrible thing to say. It’s a terrible thing to believe that society has dictated that we come to this — where the cops are afraid to do their jobs because of rabid mobs deciding who is innocent and who is guilty BEFORE any evidence is gathered.