According to the FBI, hackers from across the ocean are trying to access the U.S. election systems this week. The FBI further stated that this information was leaked to them via Yahoo News on the August 29. Hackers are trying to target both election databases in the states Arizona and Illinois.
Information of more than a hundred thousand voters was compromised from the hacked databases in Illinois. Although this warning was issued on Facebook by one of the committee members from the state board, a month before Yahoo News published it. As a result of the online hack, it was shut down.
However, the board official stated that they had neither found proof nor alterations in the database. Also, there was no proof of any deleted information that was stolen from the Illinois Voters Registration System, to which they further added that the voter’s images, signatures and their voting history are safe.
When the FBI was questioned about the breach, they did not comment.
However, the FBI is also investigating another hack that stole information from the Democratic National Committee which, according to a few experts, is trailing back to Russia.
It has been noted in mainstream media that hacks similar to the Democratic National Committee data breach – and the ones involving government – is concerning experts that foreign powers are trying to get involved in this year’s presidential elections.
But it is not yet clear if the hacking that took place in Arizona and Illinois can be traced back to Russia, or any other country, for that matter.
As per the FBI, there is an obscure ‘actor’ at play who attacked both the state elections systems, using commonly available tools known as DirBuster, Acunetix and SQLMap. According to the FBI, they have traced these attacks to almost six different nations that point to servers hosted in Netherlands, Russia and Bulgaria.
As this two-state breach has raised national security concerns, the FBI has requested to be informed if similar activities are observed on any voters registration database.
Source: Yahoo News
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I think the FBI is lying about the Election Hack so that Obama Puppet & fellow criminal Homeland Security Head Honcho Jeh Johnson can declare the 2016 Election as Critical Infrastructure so DOH can step in and take control of the entire Election Process.
In response to Donald Trump’s statement that he feared Election would be rigged in favor of Hillary as the Primary was,Obama had a charade Press Conference where Obama said Trump’s allegations were ridiculous and that the Federal government does not oversee the Election Process. Then Jeh Johnson made his Critical Infrastructure statement.
Donald Trump said a Nationwide network of volunteers would help monitor the Election. This prompted Obama to say that the United Nations would be monitoring the Election and that no American group would be allowed to do so. Obama will steal this Election by hook, by crook, by Executive Order.
Obama Executive Order 666-33-024: Cancellation of 2017 Election Act.
“I Hereby Order Myself, Barack Hussein Obama, To Cast The Votes For All Americans. This Will Reduce Costs And Cut Down On Election Fraud”.