Filming police brutality? Of course there’s an app for that
Posted by NowThis on Friday, May 1, 2015
The ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) just released a new App to record police encounters. The App is called ‘Mobile Justice’. And it automatically sends a copy of your video to the ACLU, in case anything happens to your phone.
It’s legal in all 50 states to record police in public. And it will also alert you when someone is recording an incident nearby. That really helps to increase the visibility of police brutality and redices the blue wall of silence that officers so often hide behind.
Credits: NowThisNews
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We need this app for every state, or open to all states under one app. It’s hard for me to pick out a state in a crunch as a truck driver (semi).
So where’s the button to download the app? I checked on Apple as well and nothing… so what’s the word? thanks for the post btw..!
Is there an app for Florida where I currently reside?
Is there an app for Florida?
Didnt mississippi pass a law saying it was not legal to film cops?
According to the US Supreme Court it is now legal to video any police by any citizen in any state in the Republic ans long as it is in public.
Or instead of watching your fellow man/woman be beaten you can put your phone down and lend aid.
Thou shalt not be a victim.
Thou shalt not be a perpetrator
Above all, thou shalt not be a bystander.
I would aim the camera in that direction the best I could and then quickly lend aid. Even if the camera doesn’t get it all or if it falls over etc., at least there will be an audio of the account.