By now it is no surprise to find out that our “Big Brother,” the government, is actually spying on us. With the aids of our personal computers and electronics, such as your cell phone, the government can read your information as if it was a journal you kept under your mattress.
But which government agency is actually spying on your phone? In order to figure out this information, first thing you need to do is go to your settings and find your “Status” or “About Device.” Ensure sure your Wi-Fi is turned off for this process. Once you are there, you want to find your phone’s IP address.
Once you have obtained your cell phone IP Address, now you can open a browser (either in your phone or on a laptop/desktop) and navigate your way to Who.is
Once on this website, you can perform a search of your phone’s IP address in the search bar at the top. Type in your IP address in the Who.Is Search bar, and you’ll see a new screen show up. From there, you can see everything about your phones network and phone carrier.
As you can read from the image posted above, our IP address of our phone is being monitored by the DoD (Department of Defense) Network Information Center.
As several of you attempt to track your cell phone’s IP address, to learn about which government agency is tracking your phone number, don’t be surprised if many of you are utilizing the same governing agency. There are a few other government bodies that are performing the same actions.
How can I protect myself from hackers or even the government spying on me?
You can protect yourself by means of “masking” your IP address and encrypting your whole datatransfer by simply using a VPN Software or App on your device. This helps dramatically to decrease the “snooping” of your governing agency.
Anonymous recommends IPVanish VPN – Get it HERE
Related articles:
How To Stay Anonymous With A VPN & 11 Reasons Why You Should Be Using It
I have an iPhone on a Verizon 4G network. How do I find my Cellular IP without jailbreaking the phone?
If you can’t find your phone’s IP address… disable WiFi, go to this address:
whatismyip.org in your browser. That’s another way to get your IP address, it will display in the browser.
If all our phones are being watched, is our government shutting us down to find out who is following us. I think so. Technology is so advanced our government is probably always one step ahead of us. If all our phones are being watched, is the government shutting us down so we don’t find out who is watching us. There are also trolls evrywhere and they will say that ANONYMOUS is bull. To keep the general public away from anonymous site. They want us submissive and stupid.
My ip address is unavailable, how can if figure it out
Turn on wi-fi and IP adress will be visible
Who wrote this crap? You used an actual DOD IP address and did a whois and claim that this reveals who is tracking you, this reveals who the address is registered to.
This is beyond embarassing
spot on mate, what a load of crap
Yeah lol… I guess apnic is tracking me..
and you must be nsa
you must be cia
Not as embarrassing as Annonymous having a Facebook account!
Please…. thrill me with your acumen about why Anonymous should not have a FB account, when there are countless “Hacker Groups” allowed to share their illegal malware access, black hat bullshit, and destruction.
Do you even know what Anonymous does?
Lol.. Please tell
well I tried it and got RIPE Network Coordination Centre (RIPE) as organization … might have put that just as an example?
I have a problem,when I turn off my WiFi it says for IP address “not available”
i got OrgName: Internet Assigned Numbers Authority. and i dont even live in the U.S, what is that suppose to mean?
I got god damn same thing… and i live in East Europe … so really… what is that mean ?
The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is responsible for the global coordination of the DNS Root, IP addressing, and other Internet protocol resources.
A WHOIS only provides the registration/allocation information for an address. ICANN, and more specifically IANA, deals with address allocation. I suggest you google these acronyms!
When I go to “About device”, it says “Unavaible” at the IP Adress. Why is that? :'(
because you can’t get an IP address without any kind of connection to the internet so you’ll have to disable your wi-fi but keep your data traffic on. But this article is still badly written and you can’t be sure if you are traced by following this method.
this is bullshit !! DOD ?!?! come on …
unless you try it you won’t know.
This is an entertainment page/website – as are most things circulating freely on the net. You can’t even find a decent electrician on the internet without actually knowing someone. It is good for one’s morale to feel empowered, but have no illusions.
What that Whois tells us is YOU are the DEPT OF DEFENSE – not who is spying!!!
is Anonymous actually a DOD operation?
My thought exactly.
This is COMPLETE bullshit!
The IP address is given to you by your cellphone provider. So what you see here is the owner of the IP address range that your IP is part of – nothing more!
Please don’t believe this shit!
Interesting piece. I think that the feds are actively monitoring the communications of its citizens for various reasons. It’s naieve to think differently….
Exactly. Big brother is watching and your a fool if you think not. We are in a terrorist world now so why wouldn’t they be spying. I would.
Guys, if you want easly figure out your ip address, just browse to http://ipinfo.io
Furthermore, it’s time to remove my anonymous subscription. Sorry guys, but this is an absolutly noob work. This whois lookup you explained is only valid if an Agency redirects all network traffic as a proxy (man in the middle). However, this is not clever and easy to track. Mostly they will directly spy on your providers cell phone network and there is no way to check this.
man this is no spying…
all it is is your sim card provider .
I have T-Mobile so the company who’s Spying on me is T-Mobile in your words……
Man first get your details straight before posting because people like you make other people dumb.
I got visited by the dod network information center on my personal blog, and this was shown in Google Analytics, what does that have to do with a sim card provider?
Agreed, this is misleading enough to be a lie. You cannot see who is tracking you by using this method.
In plain terms, bullshit
Smh. This is quite the troll!
I find it very interesting that everyone attacks this article. Using the IP assigned in my phone settings, every whois website is saying in belongs to UK defense ministry. Please tell me why, living in Canada, and having a Canada provider, that the UK ministry of defense would be spying on me.
Biggest bs ever lol.
This is a crap
I too show a DoD ip address… with sprint
if you can’t find your phone IP Address Use your Mind how to find
Let me just say that I think the article is correct and the fact it says dod shows who is monitoring.
I have been concerned that my phone was hijacked by nefarious entities. When I did this it showed an ip on the honeypot list, then after looking again it had changed back to my carrier, so I wouldn’t jump to the conclusion that because it says dod it means that is who anon is.
So after that I rebooted and again it showed the nefarious ip from honeypot list, very strange but I knew it due to circumstances
mine is Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) , what it is?
RIPE Network Coordination Centre (RIPE) and this is for my laptop, help anyone!?
Why would my iP address have
Why would my iP address have a whole bunch of letters and numbers.Thought it was just numbers .
It says dod because you are the department of Defense. Lmao@ the government posting pages to get attention.
Lame post; do more research and thinking. This is nothing more than your cellular provider using a large network range behind NAT, done to keep from breaking customer owned private networks that are using the ‘typical’ non-addressable network ranges of,, or To show you are NAT’d, do a lookup of your WAN IP (via IPChicken.com or other).
Why do you panic to the spying? what do you do to be hidden from your Govs?
Thx you Anonymous.
This is total bunk. The 33.x.x.x IP range isn’t even part of the internet BGP table, meaning it is not routable on the public internet. The IP adress you are looking at is not your public IP address. You are behind a NAT (network address translator), put in place by your network operator. You are essentially on a LAN; you are looking at you LAN address. The reason mobile network operators don’t use the usual 10.x.x.x or 192.168.x.x LAN ranges is because your phone can connect to your dataplan connection and for example your home wifi at the same time. And being connected to two different networks who are using the same IP range confuses the fuck out of your phone’s IP stack. That’s why telecom operators use ranges allocated to a variety of random organizations (in this case the DoD) who are known not to be in use.
Please, research your stuff before you post bunk like this. There’s so much wrong with the world that deserves attention of the general public. This just creates noise.
Crap post of centuries. Wtf by checking woh.is.
Wolf, if your vpn provider is allowing you to pay anonymously, it will probably also do not log your connection when you are using it. Also even if the VPN provider knows from where you’re connecting during the time you are using his service, you can use it from a connection with a temporary IP address/from an hotspot. I personally chosen NordVPN, cause they accept bitcoin and don’t require your personal information.