A Florida police officer in an unmarked Monte Carlo was caught on camera attempting to pull over a motorcycle rider with a deadly maneuver. After trying to pin the bike against the shoulder barrier, the officer is seen trying to avoid the encounter, which was being filmed, and fled.
The YouTube user, who has since closed his account, claimed that the officer was Sgt. Spencer Ross, who had a history of clashing with motorcycles and violating Florida Highway Patrol policies, and most of his arrests and citations of bikers were falsified.
Florida Highway Patrol guidelines instruct officers not to pursue suspects unless they “reasonably believe” the suspect has committed a felony offense, is driving recklessly, or is driving under the influence. “Each decision must be based upon the conditions and circumstances existing at the time and by the training and guidelines set forth by the agency. ALL OTHER PURSUITS ARE PROHIBITED,” the guidelines note. Perhaps that could be another reason why the trooper abruptly stopped chasing the biker and allowed him to escape.
According to Florida Highway Patrol, the biker was being stopped for speeding and running a toll. Police are attempting to locate the rider, who faces several traffic charges including fleeing from the officer who attempted to ram him into a wall.
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It looks like the cop tried to but than after stopped
So why isn’t this pig in jail for attempted murder?
Why didn’t he go ahead and squish the biker who thinks he is above the law? Hmmm…best question yet..for all you cop haters…go to hell
The biker was never going to stop. The cop was trying to force him to stop. If he was going “crush” him he would of crushed him
you guys are full of shit half the time.
Anonymous, your news is getting more and more fueled by bullshit. This cop was attempting to do a maneuver that essentially cuts off the biker and forces him to a stop, hence why the cop was slowing down as he tried to cut the biker off. He wasn’t trying to squish the biker, the biker simply did not pull over (before the video) so the cop had to resort to more drastic maneuvers such as trying to cut him off and force him to a stop. I’d be nice if you guys would stop trying to fan the flames of “injustice” without cherry-picking clips and putting narration around them to demonize police officers. Also, as far as the law tidbit you posted with the article, it’s a major crime to not pull over for a police officer for an infraction of traffic law. You can’t simply speed, get spotted by a cop, and then speed away from the cop like there is no law. That would be ridiculous.
If the cop did that maneuver and cut the biker off then the biker would be seriously hurt. They’re is other ways to make a biker to pull over instead of cutting them off.
Really? what would you suggest? Asking him nicely didn’t seem to work rofl. This picture was probably taken at 3 mph for crying out loud or plucked from a video so nobody can actually see the rest of it. F*in Al Sharpton enthusiasts
You do realize that the video is posted right under the picture… right?
@Chase, You are obviously attempting to falsely hard evidence against the cop. The evidence clearly shows the motorcyclist braking after the unmarked Police car turned on his lights. But the Police car evidently deliberately brakes even harder preventing the cyclist stoping hehind the police car. The Police car evidently brakes hard to remain driving along side the cyclist and attempts to crust the cyclist against the wall. The filming vehicle evidently sounded it’s horn allerting the Police car and the police car does not persue the cyclist but attemps to loose the filming vehicle. I do not support the new proposed law change making it illegal for the public to film the criminal offending of officers of the law and to prevent the evidence being used in the court of law against the offending police officers. When a officer of the law offends then he should be deal with double the punishment.
so the cop was pulling the guy over and trying to pull in front of the bike to stop him/her, the biker refused to stop putting themselves in that position, looks to me that when the cop realized the biker wasn’t going to stop he pulled away..this is just another example of seeing what you want to want to see and undermining what this sites real purpose is
The question is: How could the officer know, the biker is black?
If the cop was so in right, why he doesn’t continue to pursue biker? He stop, and start driving very suspicious and careful.
first off a motorcycle can get to greater speeds faster then any car in the world and also many i mean many police departments in the united states will call off a chase when a motorcycle takes off in a high rate of speed because it is not worth the risk, motorcycle can fit into small places while a police car can not. all it comes down too safety for the public. it is was safer to call it the chase off.
Annoymous is becoming a FUCKEN JOKE with this shitty bullshit news, as a biker myself, the cop was 100% right for what he was trying to do, stop the motorcycle rider since he was breaking the law and refusing to stop, the cop was just doing his job. the cop did not want to harm the man he just wanted him to stop.
I’m for the cop on this one. The guy on the motorcycle is an idiot that’s going to get himself and possibly others killed. You don’t, not stop for a cop. The officer could have really hurt the motorcyclist had he wanted to, and to prevent anyone else from getting hurt he stopped the traffic stop. His dash camera got his license more than likely so he’ll beep getting pick up at his house or work.
Please change the title of this article. The cop did NOT try to crush the biker. I have trusted Anonymous to fight the good fight in the past….however, in this case, not so much.