Fox News, and other mainstream networks, love to bring “experts” onto their shows- men or women who have some sort of credential or title or experience that makes their clueless echoing of Fox’s own opinions appear more credible.
Well, a frequent Fox News guest and “terrorism expert” has been arrested for fraudulently claiming an extensive career with the CIA.
Wayne Simmons was a regular guest at the “News” channel, and had been featured dozens of times with the title “former CIA operative/ analyst/ officer”.
On his own website, he claims that he had “joined the U.S. Navy in 1973 where he was recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency to became part of an Outside Paramilitary Special Operations Group. He spearheaded Deep Cover Intel Ops against some of the world’s most dangerous Drug Cartels and arms smugglers from Central and South America and the Middle East.”
And then he cured AIDS and cancer, which is why he’s now a ” Terrorism Analyst for the Fox News Channel since 2002.”
After a whole bunch of other claims, he gets to the crux of the problem,”Wayne is the sole inventor and PATENT holder of the Fraud Prevention Software, HADRiAN“.
Too… much… irony… cannot… contain… whoa that was close.
Simmons had appeared on Fox News once in 2007 where he discussed former FBI agent and CIA spy Nada Nadim Prouty who was found guilty of committing fraud and selling state secrets.
“Somewhere along the line,” he told Fox’s Douglas Kennedy,“someone, whoever was responsible for the background check at the FBI really, really fell down.”
“This has exposed the raw nerve, if you will, of a flaw in the background check, and without a background check, without knowing who we’re hiring, and who we are employing to protect our nation, we are in big, big trouble,” Simmons added.
My brain just blew up.
A Federal grand jury has charged Simmons with lying on his Standard Form 86, 127 pages of fed security clearances.
Simmons had been applying for a job with the US State Department, writing that he was employed as an “Outside Paramilitary Special Operations Officer” for the CIA from 1973 to 2000.
On the other hand, court documents show that he had lied about that experience. In fact he had lied about it many times, first in order to land a job with a contracting company, where he had been trained in a US army base in preparation for deployment beside actual US military troops.
He never did finish his training, nor did he deploy anywhere.
Using both his “CIA experience” and his fake “contracting experience” he landed another position as a Senior Intelligence Adviser. He was deployed overseas to advise senior US military personnel… which probably partly explains why the US military has been fumbling everywhere it went. The other part of the explanation would probably be the fact that the only advice the US military really needed to hear was “bomb those brown people til they dead”.
Simmons had ALSO lied about having”not previously been charged with or convicted of a felony offense, that his prior arrests and criminal convictions were directly related to his supposed intelligence work for the CIA, and that he held a top secret security clearance from 1973 to 2000″.
Simmons is concurrently being charged with two counts of wire fraud in a real estate scheme- here too he had used his fake CIA credentials to convince the victim, only identified as EL, of his “credibility”.
“There was in fact no real estate investment, and the defendant used the invested funds for personal purposes,”according to court documents. Simmons prolonged the fraud by providing the promised monthly payments of 3 percent and “Sent EL text messages intended to lull EL with false explanations as to the status of her invested funds.”
Simmons was charged with one count of false statements, two counts of major fraud against the US and three counts of wire fraud. That’s a LOT of fraud, even for Fox News. He could be jailed for up to 35 years if convicted.
Fox News declined to comment, though its spokeswoman had noted that Simmons “was never a contributor, only a guest ‒ and he was never paid by the network,” basically admitting that the opinions of Fox’s guests really DON’T matter at all… besides to scam all of its clueless viewers that is.
Sources: RT, Wayne Simmons
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