“Premeditated Massacre”: Report Shows That Doctors Without Borders Hospital Was Purposely Targeted




Surprise, surprise, new revelations show that the US may have purposely targeted the Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz, killing 22 patients and medical personnel.

The hospital was under investigation by US Spec Ops analysts several days prior to the attack on October the 3rd. These men had claimed that the hospital was a base of operations for a Pakistani agent who was apparently coordinating Taliban activities according to AP, which had received this info from a former intelligence official who was familiar with the matter.

This revelation shows “that the hospital was intentionally targeted,” Meinie Nicolai of Doctors Without Borders told the AP by email. “This would amount to a premeditated massacre,” she added.

The AP source claimed that the intelligence which had been gathered showed that the Doctors Without Borders hospital was even being used as a Taliban command and control center and a storehouse for heavy weapons.  How they had reached this conclusion is as yet unknown- though the thinking probably went: “large groups of brown people in one place? Bomb it!

Doctors Without Borders staff had “reported a calm night and that there were no armed combatants, nor active fighting in or from the compound prior to the airstrikes,” Nicolai told AP.

Earlier US claims had been made that the airstrike was targeting Taliban forces nearby who were fighting US forces. If Doctors Without Borders said it was a calm night, US troops were probably just engaged in a heated  battle with the ghosts of all the civilians they’d killed.

Pentagon officials declined to comment on the AP report.

Verdict: guilty.

Sources: RT, AP, The Nation

This Article (“Premeditated Massacre”: Report Shows That Doctors Without Borders Hospital Was Purposely Targeted) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author(CoNN) and AnonHQ.com.


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  1. without another whistleblower we can be sure to be lied to again by both the military and those who should overlook them.

    sure as fu*k, it was either on purpose or nobody will go to the can for it – or only the whistleblowers…

    just like in case of abo graib and many others…

  2. The US is on a slow decline, which happens to all empire in the end. The way it treats it’s own citizens only lends more credence to this. Only someone who believes in the American Dream nightmare would want to leave their own country to live there. Police DEA, corrupt politicians, the list goes on and on. The endless war they have embarked on since 9/11 only makes the rich richer, while stealing much needed funds from the 99%. We who are lucky enough to not be born slaves keep watching with incredulity at the capsizing of an evil empire…

    • Ummmm….I’m American and loving it!!!
      I’m living my American dream and am happy as hell.

      Sooooo, I’m not exactly sure what you’re talking about….maybe you are just jealous, because my country is fucking awesome!! All us americans know that (remember, we live here, so there isn’t anything any outsider can tell us about our country that we don’t know), but I can sure educate you about america…my country rocks!! As long as the Democrats arw in office, America will remain awesome!! Obama takes really good care of us, we all have free health care, he provides food to many families that need it…and money as well, and guess what???… you don’t have to be American to receive it!! Obama provides all these wonderful things to immigrants as well. How can you say we’re evil??….we are so giving with hearts of gold!!

      • I too am an American and I do love living here. However, I am a hard working American getting payed just a few cents over minimum wage and don’t receive free health care and I don’t qualify for food stamps. Yet druggies and immigrants get these things and who pays for these but us Americans. I sometimes have a hard time putting food on my table and I can’t get assistance when I need it. I work at a convenient store that excepts food stamps and I see people driving around in brand new vehicles with food stamps if they can afford a 2015 car why do they get food stamps.

  3. Oh and, CoNN… I’m sure that’s exactly how it went down…”they’re all brown, let’s bomb them”. Really???
    Your a fucking moran. Why does anonymous still allow you to post stories. That’s exactly what they are ‘stories’. Everything you post is bullshit and nothing of substance to back your fictitious claims.


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