While millions of people across the world have changed their Facebook profile pictures to show solidarity with the people of France and the people of Paris, Charlotte Farhan, an international visual artist, the editor-in-chief of ASLI Magazine, and managing director and co-founder of Art Saves Lives International non-profit, will not be overlaying her profile picture with the colors of the French flag following the terror attacks that left 129 dead and hundreds others critically injured. And, she has a valid reason.
In a Facebook post, she said:
I won’t be changing my profile to the French flag even though I am French and from Paris. The reason for this is that if I did this for only Paris this would be wrong. If I did this for every attack on the world, I would have to change my profile everyday several times a day. My heart is with the world, no borders, no hierarchy, I hold every human’s life with value who is attacked by extremist beliefs whether they are based on religion, prejudice or profit! Don’t be part of the “us and them” mentality which the war mongers want you to do!
Her statement soon went viral on social media…
My status is going viral, this brings me hope <3 Love to you all we are all one <3 #weareone #peace https://t.co/GwgkqoZpGS
— Charlotte Farhan Art (@CharlotteFarhan) November 14, 2015
Thank you @CharlotteFarhan #WeAreOne #WorldPeacePlease https://t.co/KflfEtQ2mp — Tim Campbell (@TC_MBE) November 15, 2015
I didn’t know about @CharlotteFarhan until she wrote something inspiring, wise, mind opening, greatest on Facebook! You a real heroine! ?
— indiphile bushula (@kingindie97) November 15, 2015
Her message of solidarity with the world didn’t go down well with some users. She had to write two posts to clear her stance:
If you took what I said via the status of mine which went viral yesterday, as a criticism, then you missed my point completely. I was speaking for myself about my views and my actions regarding my life. I am sad that certain “friends” have been so shady and said such hurtful things about how I live my life. Please show people respect and speak for yourself not others!! I have no issue with those using the flag as their profile picture, I just explained why I as a FRENCH person did not. #weareone #peace
One other thought I have on my viral status, my only criticism was of Facebook and our world leaders; by giving only one option of changing your profile to only one countries flag which is suffering when there are so many others which are also suffering around the world is wrong! World leaders sharing condolences with only one country is wrong! This was my point!! #weareone #charlottefarhan #charlotte_fanhan
and a third to warn hatemongers…
Prejudice attitudes will not be tolerated on my facebook! If you think people are less than you because of their skin colour, religion, culture, gender, disability, sexual orientation, socio-economic status or you have any other form of hate towards people who are different to you, then kindly disengage with me. Love to all heart emoticon #weareone #charlottefarhan
What’s your take? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.
This Article (This French Artist Refuses To Change Her Facebook Photo For Paris Attacks. And She Has A Point.) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ.com.
We must unite humanity. Keeping any country, town, city, or human as a single cause, or issue is exactly what is destroying us.
umm thats the new world thingy order thingy
yes you are rite am with you thats your self i like you #am from Africa
like i have been saying to a lot of haters as of late “it’s better to be a hero by letting in refugees and take a chance of a few bad people getting in than becoming a villain by keeping the refugees out which will fuel more hate,fear and animosity between people.” letting refugees in shows that u are not gonna bend to the will of the terrorists and it also show the terrorists that no matter what happens good will always band together and triumph over the bad and history proves it time and time again.
We need more people like her. Its really wrong for world leaders to condolence one country while the others are suffering. Countries are wiped out and yet there is no hashtag that says pray for Syria, pray for Lebanon pray for whichever country is sufferings. There are people starving all over the world by millions but yet no one talks about it help them as much as they need.
The world needs to open its eyes and see the threat are not Muslims or any other religion it’s the terrorist and sometimes ourselves when we attack people that have nothing to do with it.
I never changed my profile pic I really didn’t give a fuck when we were having war in our country thousands of people got killed by bombs did the world change anything for that… Fuck this… World ain’t fair anymore so I dnt give a fuck.
She’s a lazy, narcisstic, girl; that’s why she won’t change her ridiculous profile pic. Ladies–the looks go quick. Work on the inside? And for heavens sake–don’t made social media your life. While I’m here, enough with fishing for likes pictures. The only thing cool about FB is Not being on it.
And I feel horrid for the French families that lost loved ones–I feel bad I wasted words on this dingbat. (Yea–wiki it)
And I feel bad I wasted time to read your comment.
She’s lazy for writing an entire thought-out post instead of clicking ‘ok’ to change her profile picture? And seriously, their looks go fast so work on the inside? Practice what you preach you ugly fuckin ass clown
Mashallah kizim !
The Paris attack was a PSYOP (Psychological Operation). No one died, no one got hurt.
It is propaganda used by world governments to justify having a war.
Do your research people, turn off your TV and seek the truth.