GCHQ Hacked. North Korea Claimed


Hacktivist group Gator League, who are Anonymous-allied, has claimed to take down the GCHQ site, and has also claimed responsibility for the North Korean internet interruptions. The DDoS attack was launched against GCHQ on the Tuesday before Christmas, shutting the site down for an hour.


The GCHQ (Government Communications Head Quarters is an intelligence branch based in the UK to track down ‘enemies of the British’ by using a specialized team of hackers. The exposé of GCHQ was revealed in the Edward Snowden leaks[1], revealing that the branch was in a fight with Anonymous and another LulzSec hacktivist responsible for using DDoS attacks. [2]

The specialist unit constructed within GCHA, known as the Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group isn’t limited by international law and regulation procedures, and uses DDos against hackers in an effort to track real identities and intercept any communications seen as a threat to them.


[1] Kelion, L. (2014, 28 January) Snowden leaks: GCHQ ‘spied on Facebook & YouTube’ http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-25927844 (Retrieved 2014, 29 December)

[2] RT UK, (2014, 2 September) GCHQ backlash? Anonymous website shut down following privacy rights protest http://rt.com/uk/184580-gchq-anonymous-site-hacked/ (Retrieved 2014, 29 December)


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  1. So you have an allied group who hacked the N. Korea network, however, you were opposed to whomever hacked it? I’m confused, was anonymous aware they were behind it?

  2. Hey I know you guys probably won’t see this,but this other hacking group naming themselves sitekillerz is causing a lot of pain and havoc on other people. Most of them innocent people and youtubers. It would be awesome if you guys looked into it.

  3. Observations have been made and noted. Thank you citizen for your intelligence…Please do not fear, as that was the intent of thir actions. Fear will only cloud your perception of the truth. Your voice has been heard. ~Anon

  4. I’m confused about who did it.
    Its an anonymous linked group, but also opposed by anonymous? And I thought it was north korea?


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