Greek PM, Europe Take To The Streets As Referendum Looms


Ahead of Sunday’s historic referendum vote that gives Greeks the right to choose whether to accept or reject the proposed EU bailout conditions, tens of thousands flooded the Syntagma Square outside the Parliament in Athens as well as the streets of France, Italy, Spain, and Germany to urge Greeks to vote NO in Sunday’s bailout referendum.

Alexis Tsipras, Prime Minister of Greece, talked to the crowd at #OXI rally in Athens and urged voters to ignore European scaremongering and blackmail and vote NO on July 5.


YES supporters also gathered in Athens during a pro-Euro rally next to the Panathenean stadium attended by three former Prime Minsters.

A NO vote by the Greeks would reject new austerity measures that are demanded by Greece’s creditors, while a YES would accept the institutions’ conditions for a new Greek bailout package.

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  1. Greece, please say no and stand against the worlds rigged economy. We support you. I will send money if it helps during the transition. But Greece led the world once in Democracy. Now let them lead the people I. Standing up to elite bullies. They make us hate one another to keep us down. If you vote no the Revelution begins and will sweep the planet. The elites are creaking out. Sharpen the guillotines!


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