Harvard Scientists Say There Could Be An ‘Early Earth’ Inside Our Earth


Scientists from Harvard University believe that there’s evidence of remnants of an ‘early world’ concealed under the top layers of our current planet!

A formerly unexplained isotopic ratio from inside the Earth might be a signal of stuff long before the Earth crashed with another planet-like mass, that may have ultimately resulted in the creation of our moon. These might be remnants from early Earth that existed 4.5 billion years ago!

In fact, nobody completely understands how the moon was formed. There are at least 4 major scientific theories which are currently circulating; the primary theory is that the heat produced by the crash melted the planet, causing debris to fly off and eventually formed the moon.

Now, however, the team at Harvard, directed by Associate Professor Sujoy Mukhopadhyay, believe that they’ve found evidence to support that only a portion of the Earth melted, and that a pre-crash region still exists within the Earth’s mantle. To put it differently, part of the primeval world before the formation of the moon still exists, unaffected within our planet.

According to Professor Mukhopadhyay: “We believe that the impact energy wasn’t equally spread through the early Earth. This implies that a important portion of the impacted hemisphere would likely have been fully vaporized, but the reverse hemisphere would have been partially protected, and wouldn’t have gotten whole thawing.”

This led the scientists to think that we’re dealing with two entirely, distinct things: that of a new world and that of early world.

Professor Mukhopadhyay noted: “This means that the last giant impact didn’t fully blend the mantle and there wasn’t a entire mantle-magma ocean.”

Because 129-Xenon is generated by the radioactive decay of 129-Iodine, the isotopes put the creation age of the primeval segment of mantle to within the first 100 million years of Earth’s history.

So we aren’t simply talking about a few historical elements of Earth here.

“The geochemistry suggests that there are differences between the noble gas isotope ratios in various areas of the Earth, and these should be clarified. The notion that a really tumultuous wreck of the Earth with a different planet-sized body didn’t fully melt down and homogenize the Earth, challenges some of our views on planet formation as well as the energetics of giant impacts. In the event the theory is proven right, then we may be seeing echoes of the primeval Earth, from a time before the crash,” said Professor Mukhopadhyay.


“HARVARD SCIENTISTS SAY THERE MAY BE AN ANCIENT EARTH INSIDE OUR EARTH, -.” |. N.p., 21 Mar. 2015. Web. 22 Mar. 2015. http://www.anonymousmags.com/harvard-scientists-ancient-earth-earth/


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  1. It also means work needs to be done on the formula used for radio carbon data because that is based off of a generic idea of the earth’s composition.


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