Here’s Why Rapper Prince Ea Thinks This World Should End


Ignorance is rewarded, intelligence is in short supply, police are corrupt, the air is polluted, the ocean is contaminated, people are depressed and angry and we can’t live with each other…

Prince Ea’s new spoken piece is sure to offend a lot of people but perhaps it would also inspire a few. Listen to what the 25-year-old has to say – love him, hate him but you certainly can’t ignore him…


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  1. I’m impressed as well. At least for me, the best thing is that I feel much better kwowing that someone somewhere actually still has trust in virtues, ideals and teachings. That’s the thing that should warm your heart and raise you when you’re down. Not a prize-winning TV show with naked dancers or a selfish Facebook post…

  2. I’m impressed as well. This is the kind of thing that really makes me smile and literally burst my determination onward. When I look around and see what sadly the world and society have become, and I get stressed and pinned down by so much negativeness I sometimes risk to lose hope. But this, this demonstrates that the good teachings and the moral ethics still exists; and along to it, that people are not completley swollen in this ill roulette of money, lies, manipulation and submission (violent or non-volent it is).

  3. Really profound statements woven into rap. Humans are the key to change and without the desire and willingness to work toward a better world….every living thing upon this planet will cease to exist. We are…according to the majority of the world scientists in the eleven and one half hours of peril which requires immediate action. We have two choices; 1) Continue our path of ambivalence or.. 2) Put action behind the word change.

  4. A beautiful message, İ wish everyone would watch and listen. Our future needs knowledge and people to teach and explain how we must move forward. Thanks for this.


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