As Super Tuesday began, conservative business Donald Trump has been under fire for not disavowing David Duke, the former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). It was a classic “gotcha” question by the liberal media, as Trump has disavowed Duke and his racism in years past.
Now, a video has appeared on YouTube of Hillary Clinton speaking highly of a former Klan Member.
Former U.S. Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) was a card-carrying member and recruiter for the KKK. In the 1940s, he obtained the KKK rank of “Exalted cyclops” and spent decades promoting their vile, racist message. And he took part in what was – at the time- the longest filibuster ever against the Civil Rights Act.
As Byrd once announced:
“I shall never fight in the armed forces with a negro by my side … Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”
Watch this video (below) where Hillary Clinton remembers her friend and former Klansman, Senator Robert Byrd:
As Hillary opined, “Senator Byrd was a man of surpassing eloquence and nobility.” And, “It is almost impossible to imagine the United States Senate without Robert Byrd. He was not only its longest serving member. He was its heart, its soul, and it’s historian.”
Why does Hillary Clinton get a pass for her friendship with a former, high-ranking KKK member?
Source: anonews.co
Hillary sure likes to pull out the ACE cards for protection, still doesn’t exclude that she is a liar, and a criminal of the highest order. As truly Democratic Trump, holds the GOP hostage, and Cruz is stupid, full of shit, and a wingnut, and Hillary is a criminal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kypl1MYuKDY TRUMP BFF and CRIMINAL? REALLY! Get the word out, SHARE THIS! FEEL THE BERN! DOES USA WANT A KNOWN CRIMINAL IN THE MOST POWERFUL SEAT IN THE NATION/WORLD? FEEL THE BERN!!!
Why is the audio not sync with the video looks like a over dub in saying that I am in no way defending her i have no faith in any government especially American I believe all governments are corrupt and controlled and manipulated by persons that hide in the shadows
From a friend of mine that posted a few years back on another blog before Robert Byrd died… (I still want Sanders to win, but I will “vote blue no matter who” in the end).
” “I am a middle aged African American Muslim male. As a child I experienced the Watts Riots, the chaos after the assassination of MLK. I remember experiencing racism for the first time as a child born in the west and transplanted to New Orleans during the erosion of overt segregation in the south. I also remember of all people, George Wallace ,apologizing for his racist past. I remember that Chief Justice Brennan, also a former Klan member , was responsible for some of the most far reaching opinions in favor of social justice and civil rights. For all what we imagine separates whites and blacks in this country in particular, there are ties and bonds unseen that keep us together.Senator Robert Byrd has seen it all in his 90 years. As my grandma used to say..” What he has forgotten you could make a whole other world with”. The capacity for someone raised in the times and environment he was is truly remarkable and testament to his great character and courage. I have ENORMOUS respect for the senior senator from West Virginia . May God bless him and give him long life as well as give him peace here and hereafter.”
can someone plese direct me to my email servers
lol you do know that snopes is NOT a credible source, right??
hi-liar-y crimes!
Here’s the list as it currently stands.
18USC§201 Bribery
18USC§208 Acts Effecting A Personal Financial Interest (Includes Recommendations)
18USC§371 Conspiracy
18USC§1001 False Statements
18USC§1341 Frauds And Swindles (Mail Fraud)
18USC§1343 Fraud By Wire
18USC§1349 Attempt And Conspiracy (To Commit Fraud)
18USC§1505 Obstruction Of Justice
18USC§1519 Destruction (Alteration Or Falsification) Of Records In Federal Investigation
18USC§1621 Perjury (Including Documents Signed Under Penalties Of Perjury)
18USC§1905 Disclosure Of Confidential Information
18USC§1924 Unauthorized Removal And Retention Of Classified Documents Or Material
18USC§2071 Concealment (Removal Or Mutilation) Of Government Records
18USC§7201 Attempt To Evade Or Defeat A Tax (Use Of Clinton Foundation Funds For Personal Or Political Purposes)
18USC§7212 Attempts To Interfere With Administration Of Internal Revenue Laws (Call To IRS On Behalf Of UBS Not Turning Over Accounts To IRS)
WE don’t need MORE corruption in the Washington cartel!!
16 Apr 2016 – Soviet Immigrants Drop Some Knowledge on Bernie Supporters
In practice, it corrodes not only the economy but the human spirit itself, and the ambition and achievement that made modern capitalism possible and brought billions of people out of poverty. Talking about Socialism is a huge luxury, a luxury that was paid for by the successes of capitalism.”
https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ – THE only candidate that has AMERICA’s best interests in mind!! a vote for ANYONE other than Trump is a vote FOR Hi-liar-y!!
16 Apr 2016 – Soviet Immigrants Drop Some Knowledge on Bernie Supporters
In practice, it corrodes not only the economy but the human spirit itself, and the ambition and achievement that made modern capitalism possible and brought billions of people out of poverty. Talking about Socialism is a huge luxury, a luxury that was paid for by the successes of capitalism.”
See Dusty’s comment — Byrd acknowledged and apologized and moved on. That’s the senator that Clinton was praising. Like her or not, be honest and fair.