It seems George W Bush might not have been entirely truthful when it came to the Iraq war.
But who cares, let’s just give him another museum for that; the one he got for causing a million Iraqi deaths was getting lonely.
Declassified emails have revealed just how often the Bush government and its henchmen have lied in the period before the war. US courts had mandated that they be released.
These emails were “inherited” by none other than Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state under Obama and stored on her private email server. Well done Hillary; even though it was a complete accident that anyone ever found out, at least your paranoid need to hoard secrets has done SOME good.
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell was the author of one of these, written on March 28, 2002, a week before Bush’s famous summit with Blair at his Crawford ranch in Texas on the 5th to 7th April 2002. The meeting between old chums was known as the Crawford Summit. Although conspiracy theorists have stated that the intention of the meeting was to discuss the invasion of Iraq, this email proved it beyond doubt.
Secretary Powell: Blair continues to stand by you and the U.S. as we move forward on the war on terrorism and on Iraq. He will present to you the strategic, tactical and public affairs lines that he believes will strengthen global support for our common cause…He is convinced on two points….success against Saddam will lead to more regional success

In a statement made at the Crawford “summit” itself, Blair had said that “This is a matter for considering all the options. We’re not proposing military action at this point in time” and that he was seeking a diplomatic solution… Bullsh**. “The position was not a covert position, it was an open position. This isn’t about a lie or a conspiracy or a deceit or a deception. It’s a decision. What I was saying… was “We are going to be with you in confronting and dealing with this threat.” ” Note to self: whenever politicians call something “conspiracy”, it’s a sign that they are desperately trying to cover up the truth.
In his memoirs, Blair again said it was ‘a myth’ he had signed a promise ‘in blood’ to go to war, insisting: ‘I made no such commitment’.
He lied about Iraq with every step that he took- every breath he made- every word he wrote… and the two of them were planning conflict and conquest using Iraq as a base, or “regional success” as Powell puts it.
The People had actually believed that Blair was simply following Bush’s orders like a lapdog, and had no idea what he was getting the UK into, while this clearly shows that Blair had been there right next to Bush helping him with the master plan all along… If anything, it was Bush who was the clueless fool who depended on Blair to come up with a lie big enough to fool the People.
Another memo written by the US embassy in London showed that Blair, or some of his cronies, was spying for Bush and helped provide information that Bush would use to mold British public opinion into supporting his needless war. Politicians manipulating us into murdering innocent people?? Say it isn’t so!
PM Tony Blair has made publicly clear his commitment to a more proactive Iraq policy. Reflecting the polled sentiments of voters, however, a sizable number of his labor party MP’s remains at present opposed to military action against Iraq. A majority indicate they would change their minds if they had proof of Iraqi involvement in September 11 or another terrorist atrocity. Some would favor shifting from a policy of containment of Iraq if they had recent (and publicly usable) proof that Iraq is WMD/missiles or that Iraq’s WMD status has changed for the worse.
And as expected, soon after the summit the actors on the mainstream media started to play their roles. They started playing up the threat of terrorism, insinuating that Saddam was aiding Al Qaeda and that he had nuclear WMDs… They changed the opinions of the People and their MPs completely- just by lying continuously.
This revelation was by no means surprising to those of us who had already put two and two together, though perhaps it will be sufficient proof for the rest of us to start questioning the mainstream media and our politicians when they start marching our children to needless war.
You may read the declassified emails below:
Sources: The Free Thought Project, Daily News Bin, CNN
This Article (Hillary’s Emails Prove That Bush And Blair Lied About Iraq, Made”Promise In Blood” To Force The Iraq War On The People) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author(CoNN) and AnonHQ.com.
Unfortunately Saddam Hussein was a bigger black magician than Bush. He was actually the reincarnation of a top Satanist teaching the Nazis Black Magic.When he murdered 100,000 Kurds no one said a thing about it. Every hai is meausured and no one gets away with any thing as we are living in a Moral Universe.
The US certainly didn’t say anything. Why? They were the ones providing him the means to perform the killings… a bit hard to criticize your ally when he uses the weapons you are holding the receipts for.
Would Iraqis be better off with sadam than Isis? I don’t know the relative scale of them, but if assad is a bit like sadam maybe syria is better off with assad ratger than whatever else would fill the void? Isis might not last too long however
There is eventually a pay back time for every human who does Evil.
Nope… He will die in peace, happy and with a succesfull future for his loved ones.
I wish there was pay back.
But ultimately they DONT write history ….. we do !
Though we REALLY want to, nobody will forget Jimmy Savile …. same goes for these … object … Bush, Cheney Rumsfeld, Blair, Brown, Rothschilds, Morgans, Rockefellers … they live to twist the moment for their own gain yet it is the masses they deceived who remain
Good on you Anonymous for exposing this. Who know what shenanigans our govenrment is up to now?
Um….excuse me. Came to see the kkk stuff. Don’t you suppose Hillary is smart enough, bright enough, to have put the bush emails there to do in her running mate enemy in the elections, by stalling the inquiry into them this long? Derrr. Oh, look what accidentally turned up?
The email is dated 2002. Am I missing something here?
well considering the war in iraq began in 2003 i dont see a problem with the date. are you perhaps thinking of the 2001 9/11 terrorist attacks?
What will NEVER sit right with me is that the US did ABSOLUTELY nothing when thousands and thousands of women and children were being killed, raped, and beaten in Rwanda! Our Government turned a blind eye! It was so henious even I, a 57 year old women would have joined the Military effort over there! That’s when I understood our War efforts are NEVER about intervening when the cause is human rights worthy, it’s always about something the US wants to acquire whether it be oil, poppy fields for heroin production or power grabs to stroke the inner ego!
What are the hopes of exposing Darth Cheney as the orchestrator and instigator of 9/11?
Very curious!
Hey Lizette, want to talk about genocide ?
Just ask a Tibetan that escaped from Tibet.
There is no oil in Tibet, so they got zero help from the west.
I guess the west hasn’t thought about water being a necessity, if they did they would have acted.
Communist China now controls 3/4 of all of the world’s fresh water, and counting.
The Communist Chinese have taken over Tibet, mowing down unarmed civilians with tanks.
Even if the US is corrupt, Communist China is much worse.
Reread the following in 10 years and compare how accurate it was.
Communist China is making bases in the South China Sea to protect it’s oil shipping route and establish what China calls Air Defense Identification Zones.
Establishing this zone has been carefully timed and is part of a strategy to project China’s power beyond its coastal waters, and to secure waters from Japan’s home islands through Taiwan and to the Strait of Malacca, encompassing the East and South China seas for Communist China’s exclusive use.
Communist China has built a railroad up thru Tibet, and Nepal is the next expansion, then it’s down thru Pakistan to the sea.
This will give Communist China a land route for oil transport if needed.
Communist China has 1,000,000 unmarried men who will remain so, as there are not enough Chinese women to marry them, due to their 1 child policy.
Communist China recently tested their new hypersonic glide vehicles capable of carrying nuclear weapons.
Communist China sees war with the US as unavoidable.
Communist China is now working to control the world’s currency by setting up a world bank, run by them of course.
Communist China wants to rule the world, and has been working on their plan steadily for many years.
Again, reread this post in 10 years and see, regretfully, how correct I am.
Just warning you all, we are in for really bad times ahead.
As for Bush and Blair, who cares.
What is done is done.
Bush said Iraq would be so grateful to the US, and would repay us with the sale of oil.
They sold their oil to Communist China, who paid more for it.
What a surprise.
LOOK where you should be concerned.
Take on Communist China !