One 24-year-old mother, Sammie Sunter, received a not so welcoming note one day at the front of her residence that stated, “These flats are for black sisters and brothers… …fuck off!” The attackers, who apparently believe the neighborhood ought to be the exclusive preserve of one racial group, smudged her exterior door with paint and what was determined to be human feces.. all of this only five days after she moved in.
Image Source: Google Image – Sammie Sunter, 24, with her sons Oscar, 5, (L) and Harvey, 2, (R) inside their apartment, which was targeted by threatening notes and racist graffiti.
Sammie has two sons, named Harvey Anderson, the youngest at 2-years-old, and Oscar Rock, 5. The house was assigned to her by the housing association. She was working hard setting up her son’s bedroom but when she came back, she was greeted by the filth on her main door. The property has been a part of an attack plot many times in the past. She stated that she feels the housing association should have warned her instead of putting her and her kid’s lives in danger.
Image Source: Google Image – The door had been covered in black anti-vandal paint and smeared in faeces when Ms Sunter arrived at their new home with her two boys
“These people make Willenhall look like some ghetto,” says Ms. Sunter.
She further stated that she had never experienced anything like this, even though she has lived for almost half of her life in Willenhall.
“The whole point of this is that it is not right. I am not going to sit there and take it. I had to have a police officer escort me away from my property, and I knew I was being watched. You hold your head up high, but it is disgusting. They say it is their area, but it is not – there is a little old white man living in the flat below. I had to explain racism to my five-year-old. It is just not acceptable. He wanted to know why they hated us. I told him that whoever was responsible was going to get punished, but who knows if that will happen,” says Ms. Sunter.
Image Source: Google Image – A threatening note states “These flat are for black sisters and brothers. Willenhall is black so f*** off”
The police state that this is an attack, not something like a neighborhood joke but something rather serious as it can develop into something far worse.
Sergeant Stewart Lewis, from Coventry Police, said that they were informed after racist graffiti was daubed on a property in Mary Slessor Street overnight. An offensive letter was also put through the letterbox.
Image Source: Metro – ‘Black power. Don’t stay to long or else…’: Police are treating the incident ‘very seriously’ and has conducted door-to-door investigations
“We are taking this report very seriously and are currently following up several lines of enquiry. Anyone with information that could help our investigation is asked to contact us at 101 or call Crimestoppers at 0800 555 111,” says Sergeant Lewis.
The police, and other departments working with the police, have been doing door-to-door inquiries and forensics is gathering details about the note. Police are hoping to get some testimony from anyone, as the place is always busy.
This is our area so fuck off, racist notes for a friendly neighbour. #UK pic.twitter.com/YOnAdcqIMW
— Anon.Dos (@anondos_) June 20, 2015
The Director of Housing & Neighborhood Services, Carmel McCarthy, also stated that they completely despise the racist actions committed against a peaceful and a good neighbor. They further made it clear that they are working closely with the police to find the perpetrator(s) and press charges against them.
Events like these makes a person think – are we moving in circles? Are we back where we started?
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this was ages ago and last I heard the police had arrested a white man fot it… http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/white-man-arrested-after-racist-5221950
why let facts get in the way of a good racist tirade though?
You behave like this and wonder why police officers target you?
Oh i forgot, Black people are always the victims because slavery existed decades ago and excuses you from all the horrible shit you’re doing.
Backward fucks.
1 Single undefended scared white mother is worth carpet bombing that whole neighborhood imho, How dare you fucking monkeys force yourselves into her life like that.
I bet NONE of those nigs own a house in that neighborhood, and probably pay their rent with drug money the way they’re acting about her presence.
slavery exists to this day. There are over a million black people in prison doing slave labor. (in America) They are five times more likely to go to prison for the same crime as a white person. Please wake up and stop being a victim of the wedge strategy, where the elite separate us on the bottom by racial differences. White, Black, Asian, Native American, Latino, we all have the same interests in mind. Healthy communities, families, and good lives. the Economic elite have taken everything and divide us to so we won’t unite against them,
If you are in prison yoy have no rights so slave labor is acceptable. Dont do the crime if you cant do the time you racist fuck
Africans weren’t the only slaves Jews, Irish, Celts, Egyptians, Greeks, and countless others through history who weren’t African. They can’t hold it over people to have a reason to riot because chances are they’re ancestors were slaves too Caucasian, Africa, Asian, Indian, Native American, Aboriginal, and any other race I forgot to mention.(Sorry naming ones I can remember) So we shouldn’t give rights based on what our ancestors were but because we are all human. In order to advance as a people we need to treat each other as not just equals but brothers and sisters.
You are a horrible form of a human being!
Anyone who lives nearby going to offer this lady protection?
Should we be surprised when some “unarmed” blacks get shot for “Just going over there to talk to her peacefully”
I’m taking the piss out of how most of the time you fucking ask for it.
Yeah. Threaten a solo-mother with 2 children.
So smart.
I know who the police are going to shoot and it won’t be her.
don’t be ignorant white people have maintained a system of pseudo slavery to this day. Read a book
This story is a distraction, designed to leave the reader with a false sense of reality where black people are aggressors in this white owned world. I’m white but I’m also educated and have realized that racism isn’t about prejudice but a system that puts one race at a disadvantage in every single way, and grants white people huge privileges. Examples of this are found in what is being called the environmental justice movement. Also when looking at FBI operations such as COINTELPRO one can see that there has been a continued genocide to this day against people of color.
Really? Wow…yeah how dare they be racist against whites! Racism is disgusting, right? O_o
Pot meet kettle you ignorant motherfuc*ERS. You think your better then whatever little punk wrote that shit? Smh…any excuse to use racial slurs behind the safety of your computer monitor though, right?
The difference is – if your making it about more then just the specific individuals involved (which its obvious you are) – that this incident is out of the ordinary. Almost never happens. Where as people like you are never hard to find. Ignorance and hatefulness is previlant in the white community and always has been. Let’s not throw boulders in glass houses.
RIght. and people wounder why white men can be racist… what should we as anonymous doo? maybe scramble up a shitload of us from the area and protest?
You two are disgusting! My single parent, My white mum faced similar after moving into a white neighbourhood with 2 brown children. The police done NOTHING AT ALL – EVER! My Mum dealt with the matter accordingly ON HER OWN!! How dare you comment such drivel about anything, when you clearly know nothing! You are vile! You think what you just said makes you any better than anyone else spitting hate?! Talking about you bet none of the ‘nigs’ own their houses.. nor did she so wipe your mouth and wind your neck in! You have a lot to learn. I suggest you sit down with a good book about anything other than the drivel that clearly fills your souless minds..!
I am deeply ashamed as a black male that someone, or more frighteningly enough, a black community would go out of their way to terrorize a single mother of two simply because she is white.. The hypocrisy and ignorance coming from this is deafening…
i am a black male homeowner, disabled, in very poor health, surrounded by apartments. the apartment dwellers are nigglets and wiggers; stereotypical, non working, drug dealer, gang banger types with many anchor babies. the crap that goes on around here is mind numbing. just moments ago, police were here for another trespasser. on a daily basis i am bombarded with trash, trespassers and intimidation just for calling the police. and we actually have a great police department! it’s not a black or white thing, people. it’s a messed up mentality thing that starts at home… all too often we’ve read about blacks being unwelcomed in white neighborhoods. people just need to grow up and stop the stupidity. hopeful she finds a safe place to live. we all deserve that.