The adult film industry was once considered a very profitable, glamorous and exciting industry for both male and female performers; in the last decade many of its horrific and unchaste secrets have been leaked and has ultimately unmasked the industry’s deceiving persona.
Sexual depictions and images have existed since prehistoric times, yet the ethical concerns and social implications concerning porn’s wide availability and general existence has been a controversial topic since the modern conception of pornography was first established during the Victorian era.

Various groups, including feminists and religious communities have sought to have pornography suppressed under obscenity laws with varying levels of success across the globe. Over the last decade many retired performers from the industry have shared their opinions, and even revealed some of the industry’s most shocking secrets; among the most common of these are the allegedly abusive, threatening and over-demanding producers/directors, the fact that there are minimal-to-no sexual health checks, and the fact that agencies often support additional “escort” work.

Some of the women entering the industry are troubled or have distressing pasts, and are just desperate to earn some quick cash. Shelley Lubben, a former porn actress, wrote an article about the truth behind porn. She describes her own shocking experiences and that of the other women around her, “many actresses admit they’ve experienced sexual abuse, physical abuse, verbal abuse and neglect by parents“. These women are more commonly taken advantage of during their fragile state, and as a result are more likely to be sent down a darker path of substance abuse and self-loathing.
The most accessed forms of pornography today are streamed and downloaded over the internet, directly to the users’ devices. Piracy of these ‘films’ has thus become increasingly popular, making a dramatic impact on the industry’s profitability and therefore the earnings of its ‘stars’ as well. This, combined with the larger talent pool and the fewer roles available, means that many women are forced to source a second form of income. An increasing number of desperate women resort to illegal escorting and prostitution. In the past “Escorts were considered dirty, bottom of the barrel. Nobody was open to admitting they did it,” however, now it is so common that most of the actresses expect that their collegues are partaking in such activities.

The extreme competition and limited number of roles has enabled off-screen casting, allowing directors and producers to exploit and manipulate women into performing things that they are entirely uncomfortable with “I had a horrific experience in France with a producer….. He would fly into rages at the drop of a hat and try to manipulate you into doing things that were way beyond your boundaries.” porn star Kaz B told Buzzfeed in a interview.
Within almost every interview, with either a retired performer or an actress currently “enjoying” the porn star lifestyle, the disturbing health violations common within the industry become increasingly highlighted. Although sexual health certificates which need to be renewed regularly, in some areas every 14 – 21 days, are required from each performer, many productions or professionals in the industry neglect or even fully dismiss these health and safety precautions. “A producer who has a very bad reputation expected me to shoot a scene with a girl who had gonorrhea,” Kaz B said in her interview with Buzzfeed.
Efforts to improve the health, safety and working conditions for performers in the industry have been attempted. A recent example is ‘Measure B’, otherwise known as the County of Los Angeles Safer Sex In the Adult Film Industry Act, which was aimed at criminalizing any porn filmed without a condom within LA. However, it was killed by State Assembly in August 2014.
It is fair to say that a handful of these women within the industry are pampered, earn loads of money and are overall living an opulant lifestyle commonly associated with the adult film industry.
However, it should be more widely known that thousands of women who subject themselves to this line of work are not so lucky.
Salon: When porn stars become escorts: Lucrative new trend could also be risky
Salon: Porn industry, rejoice: California kills controversial “condom bill”
CBN: The Truth Behind the Fantasy of Porn
Buzzfeed: UK Porn Stars Reveal The Highs And Lows Of Working In The Adult Industry
LifeSiteNews: Shrinking profits leading women from pornography to prostitution: experts
Yes I was in the porn industry back in 2000 all this stuff is true. I got out of it because of the way they treat a lot of women. Could not put up with it no more. I was ok to them but saw many other times where people we not. Still have friends in the industry and it has gotten worse since then.
I have a gut feeling that most of those FEMALE ‘actors’ are victims from human trafficking.
Did you or any of the people ever give a damn about the effects you were having on the viewers out there? Causing sexual compulsions to watch this and fall into an addiction? Probably not. But you and your ilk did a lot of fucking damage all in the name of cashing your damn paycheck. Shaming yourself is one thing…… being part of an industry that enables people to become compulsive masturbators and eventually have problems with connecting with a real human being are serious issues that should not be forgotten.
correct very correct I am also suffering …. but all you old actresses please come forward and share your view this will awaken others and will reduce your miseries too
Wow, yours is classical misogynistic thinking. Who blames the porn for their own addiction? Not only that, but you’re going to call on “all you old actresses” first? Blame the women, always blame the women, why don’t you? Same to you, Mr Bumpo. I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you are not referring only to female porn stars (and Randy up there could be a guy). But you’re still blaming your problems on them and simplifying them to money-hungry and shameful assholes, when in fact they all have different circumstances and desires.
Ok, so I was harsh with my words and maybe I’ve only angered you. Maybe I just want to validate myself. But hear me out anyway. Let’s compare this to the situation of an alcoholic. Blaming the actors and actresses (or the porn itself) is like blaming the breweries, wineries and the distillery for existing. In fact, you would be blaming their workers and not even the industries themselves. Now if the alcohol industries were actively promoting heavier use of alcohol or otherwise altering the chemical content of their products to induce addiction, then it is only right to be angry at such practices and demand change. For these reasons, many of us do hold tobacco companies responsible. But even then, we’re not going to blame your everyday worker at those tobacco company. Sure, maybe they themselves had ethical questions they had to face before entering the industry, but we should recognise that the problem is much larger and structural. Now, the same applies for porn. There are some serious problems in the porn industry regarding how sex is portrayed, how women are portrayed, how workers are treated and maybe how porn is being packaged, distributed and marketed. We can and should direct our concerns and protests to those things. But again we need to recognise this is not something that actors and actresses have a lot of sway in. The fact that they are coming out to speak about the realities of the porn industry is their way of help fixing the problem. Instead of more hate, shouldn’t we be appreciative?
And in case you don’t know, people working in the porn industry have said a lot more out there than in this article, which by itself paints a very narrow picture.
Hi, I’m currently a sex worker (I make content, some times cam along with a few other things, all online.) I can say for a fact I care about my viewers. I have been in the business a while and have pretty good friendships with many going on 6+ years. Most of my guys have issues with women (talking to them and such) and I help them get a little more confident; also give girl advice from time to time.
In my line of sex work I can choose who I talk to but I can’t help who buys my goods. Addiction is a bitch, I know I’ve been there, but I didn’t blame it one the bar tender (like other guy put well), I looked into myself to find out why I did this and how to change it. I am also helping one of my regulars with his own addiction right now (he’s in therapy too).
I believe technology is helping porn in a big way. I saw below about how the amateur stuff is ruining porn but I think it’s the opposite. Unlike porn of the 80s-00 the internet has been able to not only educate young girls before they start out about the good, the bad and the ugly, but has allowed them to not have to rely on big business porn industry (or really the one’s that want to be so use people to get there); to be able to make money for herself and with only people she wants. I only make porn (b/g or g/g) with people I have some k8nd of relationship with and trust.
Yeah a lot of bad porn will be made, but a lot of good will be made too. The best part the girls you really like, all that money will go straight to them. I also wonder if we did just start supporting the girls we like if the guys with big addictions wouldn’t get weeded out. Yeah you will have girls who dgaf and use you; but if your addicted I’m sure you will eventually be on the sex worker black list (it does exist because once again internet and education expecially on guys you might meet on it.).
Also to end for those that say “just get another job”. Sex work isn’t a long term plan usually, many of us are using this money for college and kids. Single moms can be stay at home moms while making enough to support them just by turning her cam on a few hours a night. Me personally won’t do this forever, it’s helping me start my own legit business and non profit. I do enjoy what I do and the people I meet, there are crazy people out there ( I have lot’s of pedo and pervy stories) but not every guy is an addict or a dick; like how not every woman is out to get you.
From your friendly Internet sex worker
What I am join porn film
You must just be a wanker! Blame your weakness on that which you abuse. Ive watched porn from an early age and I don’t have problems with women. It inspires some of my girlfriends and helps keep a relationship different and interesting. I feel for many of the women stars though. In my search for new exciting movies that fit my perversions and my Gf’s kinky tastes, I do stumble across some quite shocking stuff that in my view should really be investigated. I don’t believe all is consensual
out there…
Honestly, they choose that lifestyle. They’re enjoying the money – don’t put quotation marks around it as if they weren’t. They make thousands of dollars for having sex. To say that their is little regulation is true, but they make it true. The keep going back to do more and more. If they just stopped doing it, then the film companies will have to comply, but there will always be girls who would do it anyway. Same with the job market, even in my career I believe I should be paid more for a program, but India has people spewing them out for little to nothing. Same can be applied to porn, there will be girls that will partake in the act for littler money and no regulation. If the girls all have troubled paths, porn is not suppose to be the place where the find solutions. I don’t feel sorry for them if they were sexually abused then went into porn. You can easily choose to seek help if you want, but those thousands of dollars seem more appetizing to them instead.
Your last statement is weak. Of course the cream of the crop rises and gets pampered. Same with any industry. You think fast food workers at McDonalds are treated the same as corporate? Naw, they don’t have 401k’s. You move up from smaller less recognizable companies if you’re good, if not, well you stay on the bottom. No one is forcing you to be there. If it’s hard time, I understand, but I also know many more females that do not resort to that kind of work.
Your sources are purely liberal. I’m a believer in the free market and free regulation, no not Republicans Corporatism, but true free regulation of the invisible hand.
I’m sorry to hear about them having a hard time in their industry, but it’s tough all over, they can get out if they want.
While i do agree with you to a certain extent, you seem to completely ignore external factors which might account to why those women end up in this industry…I’d say walk a mile in their shoes first and then comment…
“If the girls all have troubled paths, porn is not suppose to be the place where the find solutions.”
For some it might seem like the only option…if you’re alone, have been neglected or abandoned, abused, etc…then the need for money (created by our dear old society, mass media, etc…) + the promise for a “better life” where they can sustain themselves may lead to wrong decisions…the manipulative techniques used by agents, the freaking non stop sex everywhere in the media, peer pressure to act and be a certain way, or wanting to have access to what other ppl have…life is a lucky draw my friend…
“You think fast food workers at McDonalds are treated the same as corporate?” i’m sure they aren’t but again – the fact that a person has to go to work for McDonald’s as a fast food worker…not always necessarily his/her choice…education, social class, individual characteristics fall into play…
“You move up from smaller less recognizable companies if you’re good” True that…but let’s all be honest…life is a lucky draw as state previously…the intelligence, will power, creativity are inherent capabilities that you are born with or not…sure you can work on them, improve them, but some people have more and some have less…the fact that I for example was born in a middle class family, had access to a proper education, live in a country where I had access to free education all my life… that’s a lottery my friend…i could have easily been born with all my capabilities in freaking war torn Palestine and resort to come to USA and work as a Mcdo fast food worker just to escape…does that make me less intelligent or valuable than the CEO??
Again i’m not saying your points are wrong…it might be true for some – they just want the money & could just leave…but i’m just saying that there is more to all of this than simply :
“I’m sorry to hear about them having a hard time in their industry, but it’s tough all over, they can get out if they want.” -> my point is you can’t always get out, you don’t always have a choice…the amount of things in society that have an impact on us since they day we are born…it’s far more complex than what you said…
Just my 2 cent
Exactly. Dont judge, give them the benefit of the doubt. You never know what they’re going through unless ur in their position.
I know you and everyone would disagree, but this is where faith comes in… if you know this is the gravest of sins and that God will provide for you no matter what… you would never resort to things.. call me delusional or whatever you want, but this is reality friends.. may God guide us all
Funny, how some of the poorest people are “waiting for god to provide”
“god will guide/provide” is a proper sham/scam…
@yaf If “God will provide for you no matter what” then why are there still children being raped, starved, abused, murdered, shot, blown up, dying of appalling disease, all over the world right now? Were their cries for help not heard? Were they asking the wrong god? Did your god hear their prayers for help, and answer “No”?
If you want us to believe that your god can help, then you also have to accept that your god also seems to chose not to help quite a lot. Fuck that god.
Damn. What you wrote here was super intelligence. It’s the truth to 100% +. Thanks for sharing. It really opened up my mind.
Must be nice to be you. Many people (quite naturally) enjoy looking at a beautiful human form, or depictions of sex, but the problem with objectifying people is that they are then objects, not people. Regardless of their motivations, they deserve protection and respect as human beings.
So you think it’s easy to “Just get help,” if you have a (even an extremely) troubled past? Sounds like you haven’t given this a moment’s actual thought, have no idea what you are talking about and what’s more, just don’t give a damn. Who are you to judge somebody caught at the sharp end of a toxic machine like the industry in question?
I want you i want with you sexy movie really
I want you really
Really anna plzzz
I know. Why work as a waitress when you can perform sexual acts on camera and pollute the minds of the men watching this? Getting them hooked on a product that enables compulsive masturbation and forms unrealistic expectations of sex and what an ordinary woman should do or look like. These former porn stars always whine about themselves but never take accountability for the distorted views of sex and relationships they create. They are on better than the drug dealers who get kids hooked on something dangerous. I know because I used to have a problem with this, and following the NoFAP movement is enabling me to move beyond this. I hope NoFAP speaks to the point that these people are out of work and the industry collapses under its own excesses.
Elglobavato, you are the typical retarded “conservative”, who doesn’t even know what the word means. Having a serious argument with you is pointless because nothing will go through the thick skull of yours.
Maybe just maybe they should find another type of work? They are not forced into porn the ladies that do it think they can make a an easy buck.
Leave your maybe’s at the door, try some logical assessment of reality if you want to make a point worth anything.
“during their fragile state” You mean when they are menstruating? Not very clear writing. You mean “young”, or something else? Tell your prof at your Jr. College you should have been held back.
The only way the porn industry can leverage against abuse by producers and directors is to unionize. Not the best solution but the only one that can protect porn actors from industry moguls and their hacks.
Hun if you actually go up a few lines you’d see exactly what the author meant. Literally 3 lines above it says: “Some of the women entering the industry are troubled or have distressing pasts, and are just desperate to earn some quick cash.” So if we use the power of our minds and out 2 and 2 together, we can assume it’s right when they get away from their distressing past.
If you need people to spell everything out for you, stay in the “Children’s Literature” section at your library.
“They make thousands of dollars for having sex.”
Didn’t you read the article? The industry is in decline since the internet. The vast sums of money made don’t usually go directly to the adult film actors. Many are paid a pittance, mere hundreds of dollars over a period of time, not the thousands you claim.
You lack empathy.
Alright, for all you “if they don’t like it, then they can do something else” people, sure that sounds great in theory and all, but we all know that isn’t going to happen in practice. And if a girl who’s already had a hard life is willing to put her dignity aside and let thousands of people see her being taken advantage of in a movie just for some quick cash, she must already be pretty damn desperate. I doubt most of these girls are doing it because they just want some extra spending money, they’re probably pretty hard on their luck. So if all they want is some higher regulations so that they don’t have to worry about getting diseases, or getting pushed into doing things they’re not comfortable with or whatever, while making movies that just about every straight male in America watches, then I am very supportive of this. They’re just asking for some basic human decency here and you assholes that don’t know anything about the industry and clearly don’t care about the health and safety of someone you clearly see as a “lesser-than” should take your bullshit elsewhere. What if this was your daughter? Most of these girls start straight out of high school. You could always say “well, my daughter would never do that”, but stop bullshitting yourself.
At the end of the day, every single person deserves human rights and the whole point of this article is to expose the fact that they dont get treated correctly! No matter what you do for a living, your co workers and employers should never take advantage of you, or treat you poorly. Every other job you can think of has work regulations that they HAVE to follow and do, so why should some creepy 55 year old production manager who probably gets off on watching his movies be filmed be allowed to abuse and neglect his staff? And as for the health checks… thats just fucked. If you were in the army you would have to get a drug test, why not an sti/std test for porn stars? Makes perfect sense and is really pure ‘common’ sense…
I see no Resources or Proof of anything Claimed in this Article. Performers are Tested Every 13 Days or Weekly. Condom Porn is Out in states where that is the Law. Your Quotes are from Who…. Your Jumping all over the Place as Well.
You Guys are trying to Censor Us, and Stop Us from Speaking
I wont be Quiet when I see Lies.
I was Always Treated with Respect (Only One Producer I know has Disrespected Any Models).
If you really need proof to beileive that sex oriented business within a culture violent as ours abuses people, you need to learn your history before you are doomed to repeat it. I’m sure there is holesom pornographers out there but since I was 13 I have been closed with violent,and racist porn. 1 persons wholesome actions donot negate the documented abuse of the majority. The fact you even know one director that has been disrespectful shows the blatant denial of violent sexualization has broadly over our communities.
hey guys i know this is a little bit off topic but I’ve been a porn addict for years and porn just caused me a lot of fucking problems like premature ejaculation that’s under the belt and extreme social anxiety and an intolerable brain fog just can’t concentrate on anything. I know porn caused me this because i used to be a very social guy with a lot of friends and had very good grades at school now I am at college with shitty grades and i’m socially isolated. I’ve been trying to quit for more than a year but It’s too strong I feel like I am enslaved to porn. Here’s the proof: yourbrainonporn.com and here’s the forum that I have joined recently: yourbrainrebalanced.com Thanks for your time
While i do agree with you to a certain extent, you seem to completely ignore external factors which might account to why those women end up in this industry…I’d say walk a mile in their shoes first and then comment…
“If the girls all have troubled paths, porn is not suppose to be the place where the find solutions.”
For some it might seem like the only option…if you’re alone, have been neglected or abandoned, abused, etc…then the need for money (created by our dear old society, mass media, etc…) + the promise for a “better life” where they can sustain themselves may lead to wrong decisions…the manipulative techniques used by agents, the freaking non stop sex everywhere in the media, peer pressure to act and be a certain way, or wanting to have access to what other ppl have…life is a lucky draw my friend…
“You think fast food workers at McDonalds are treated the same as corporate?” i’m sure they aren’t but again – the fact that a person has to go to work for McDonald’s as a fast food worker…not always necessarily his/her choice…education, social class, individual characteristics fall into play…
“You move up from smaller less recognizable companies if you’re good” True that…but let’s all be honest…life is a lucky draw as state previously…the intelligence, will power, creativity are inherent capabilities that you are born with or not…sure you can work on them, improve them, but some people have more and some have less…the fact that I for example was born in a middle class family, had access to a proper education, live in a country where I had access to free education all my life… that’s a lottery my friend…i could have easily been born with all my capabilities in freaking war torn Palestine and resort to come to USA and work as a Mcdo fast food worker just to escape…does that make me less intelligent or valuable than the CEO??
Again i’m not saying your points are wrong…it might be true for some – they just want the money & could just leave…but i’m just saying that there is more to all of this than simply :
“I’m sorry to hear about them having a hard time in their industry, but it’s tough all over, they can get out if they want.” -> my point is you can’t always get out, you don’t always have a choice…the amount of things in society that have an impact on us since they day we are born…it’s far more complex than what you said…
Just my 2 cent
Society needs to offer a way out for those people who can’t find a way themselves. I live in hope. I hope for change.
Hope is truly there those who desire it! Believe and you shall obtain of what you desire most!
So some of you are saying that girls have a choice and can walk away. If they all did that, human trafficking would go up by 200% and the next porn film you find yourself masturbating to might shock you, as you discover it has next doors 15 year old daughter in the film, who was abducted from the street as she walked home last year. As one of the commenters on here has bravely pointed out, watching porn has ruined his life, well done for that and you have done the right thing by seeking help. If you are Watching porn is just plain dumb and you are inciting all of the bad and horrible things that are written in the above article.
I already have a video of my neighbors daughter that I jerk off to constantly. I don’t need human trafficking for that, just a little home invasion and some strategically placed webcams.
Hypothetical opinion well masked as an inevitable outcome. The specific percentage that exists in your hypothetical future really makes a good point…
love how feminist cant see any harm to men or women in the kind of men in porn thats just fine but if a guy wants a skinny girl thats a horrible thing
U all damn right but u all sitting here like humans normally do and just snitch and bitch have any of u watched Kick-Ass like spiderman and batman but more realistic not bullshit i got bit by a spider crap its more like u wanna help the world so train in MMA or Jijitsu and boxing buy some weapons and become a vigilanti u know why? Cause yr police wont do jack shit their too busy killing all the black people cause their assholes so shut up and get off your lazy assholes and do something about it ive done a thing once its personal but i almost got sent to jail i didnt murder them i just mildly beat them and got them arrested . So ya it starts with u. Make a business where these girls can come and make money working for u even better not illegal
They just need to get out of it. That simple. I dealt with shit when I was younger, wound up involved in drugs and dealing and theft. You know how I stopped? I stopped. Not that difficult. If you have to work at McDonald’s to get out of it, do it. If the porn industry is too hard go serve tables at a bar. Tips are great for hot women, and if you’re in porn you’re probably attractive.
No more bitching and excuses.
Wow your random personal experience is so applicable to the other 7 billion people on this earth. If there is a widespread issue of abuse brought to my attention I’m just gonna say “they just need to get out of it” I can’t wait to tell all the child slaves, sex slaves, people living under opressive governments how simple their situation is.
God doesn’t exist. Sex is no sin, as there is no such thing as sin.
Good luck with that approach. You’re going to need it.
What is the difference on doing pron and escort service(selling sex) ????
It is the same more or less, one you fake most of it but still have a chock inside, the other you can also fake or live into the sex, and also here you have a chock inside you.
What is the big difference??? Its is the same, sex. Why is the author trying to make it like two different worlds? It is the same, and selling sex service dont have to be on the street, at least not in my country.
Just fewer pornstars can live good off it as before, also 20 years ago the less big porn stars did sex service for extra income. It is their choice to work in the sex industry, I dont seriously see a problem here. Other than unsafe sex, and even that they can denie to do.
There is no problem that wasent there before and that we can do anything against. Again unsafe sex is bad, but if they agree it is their choice no matter what.
People are forgetting that selling sex is the oldest job in the world – it came before anything. Started in the stone age prob where women sold sex for food or shelter. Basically also what golddiggers do, give sex for wealth/money.
I am join
This isn’t about specific peoples choices and they’re right to make them, when people make comments along the lines of “they chose to do it” the point is being completely overlooked. This is about well documented trends of abuse and violence that can’t be deneid. Turn on pornhub and type hatefuck, and tell me honestly you want your kids to grow up in a culture that not only supports but fantasizes about these acts. The images you see in Porn is just data on a screen, we need to realize we live in a culture that is OK with watch an 18 year old girl GE fucked by 5 50 year olds… Facialabuse.com do I have to say more. When your daughters on this site will you still be able to tell yourself that’s there no point in trying to change things
Have any of you bloggers ever watched “vintage porn” from the 1970’s & ’80’s?
The quality of this erotic art, was far superior, than the violent trash served on the adult film market now!
At least some of the classic porn stars from the “good ole days” (like Christie Canyon) paid their way through college and got degrees etc. Christie Canyon got her Masters in business, and paid for by being an adult actress.
I bet you can’t do that today in the adult film industry!
All of this “amateur porn” crap is killing off the old-school glamour!
It’s everywhere now!
No wonder “Burlesque” is coming back in fashion.
Many X-Rated Adult stores are going out of business (like the video rental stores).
It’s not “progress”. It’s called “dis-rupter” technology.(like UBER-with the taxis)
The Internet is killing off the adult film industry-PERIOD!
The ‘Golden Days’ of the adult film industry, is well and truly over.
The new films are basically “sicko” violence and “snuff” films (look up Alex Jones or David Icke sites- if you still don’t believe me)
There was one horrible “snuff” film from the “golden days of porn” and it was called “Animal Farm”- a woman actor actually died, when a rat went inside her vagina and ate her body parts out alive- No B.S.! 100% true.
And I could go on and on with anecdotes about the bad things that went on during the “classics” era (like Shauna Grant’s suicide and John Holmes being mixed with rip-off thugs and coke dealing, even rumors of Madonna herself taking part in “snuff” films and “sicko” Republican Congressmen (esp the late Gerald Ford)being involved in under-aged sex and pedophilia during the 1970s)
You can look up David Icke’s articles (a former BBC sports reporter) about Jimmy Saville and “sicko” Tory British PM , Sir Ted Heath.
Well-known pedophiles and “kinky-sicko” porn addicts.
All true, I’m afraid.
At least some adult stars like Annie Sprinkles, Ron Jeremy, Herschel Savage, Amber Lynn, Jamie Gillis, John Leslie etc have done well for themselves in this industry in the past- but even in the “good old days” there were tragic events & stories. As for the adult industry today? The Internet has killed it off!
I for one like vintage porn, even older vintage porn, sex history in general really. I’m also a benefit from online Internet porn since I make content and although I kinda responded to this above I reread this and had more to add.
You bring up the good ol days of porn, but I wonder (if like how the music of our teens will always be the best in our opinion) if this is the case for your golden days. I have been a burlesque dancer and sex worker, many of my burlesque friends are in other sex work too. Many of the big burlesque stars have done sex work or still do it as well. The glamor is still there just look and pay.
I stated above in the other comment about how technology is helping girls for the better, granted there are still the bad happening today; but thanks to technology there is more information out there like how to start out doing it yourself, safety to be taken, who you should and shouldn’t work with. Also as stated above you can work on your own doing what and who ever you wants.
The sex shops that do movie rentals are going out just the same as blockbuster did. Porn is the first thing to go with technology, first burlesque and brothels, then theaters, then movies, the Vhs, then dvd, then internet madness. Most people download/stream their porn now. Big porn companys are losing money cause girls are learning they don’t need them when if you have good equipment you can cut out the middle man. Also custom porn is big. For the right price you can now have the porn star do whatever you want. She gets most or all that money and you get to keep a video of her saying your name or that weird fetish of vintage stocking you have (not you specifically).
Oh and for suicide and addiction, many current sex workers, not just porn stars but full service and other forms, with technology can reach out to each other like never before. We are not only sharing important information like how to get started in the biz but emotional support too. I follow a few sex workers that are starting programs for forced sex workers and others in need.
Many sex workers have mental illness, this is not a 9-5 that can be hard when you can’t get out of bed for long periods of time. I’m one of those, and have talked to many like me. I’m sure there is still a lot of suicide/addiction in this, and it’s not the life for everyone. Some people enjoy it, some don’t, but it always helps when you’ve had a shitty day to be able to talk about it to someone that understands. Even if its just email.
It’s One Of The Gross Buisness Outhere.Most Of These Actresses Are Drug Prostitutes.I Think They Choose To Field And Not Force.And Like Thier Job.Its Actually Sex on Film.All The Stars Are Dying With Diseases And Suicide.And No One Can’t Stop It.Sex Was Meant Reproduced Ourself.Degrading Is Something Diffrent.The Effects Are Building Up .From Jerking Off,Causing Side Effects.Dont Trust The Ladies,They Want To Be Rebels.All Fornicaters,Adultery,Lust Will Be Judged On Last Days.Porn=Satan
please help me
I want join me porn movie
I wanna join porn industry any dirty picture
I want to be join porn industry please contact me.
if you wanna work in porn thats a choice i guess if you dont wanna look at porn then dont, unlike a junkie im guessing theirs not many people in prison for armed robbery cause their addicted to watching porn? Ok those with dreadfull so called ‘childhoods’ can either return to that behavior themselves or they dont , Women who wanna make $$$s by doing it, its not my call to say its wrong or its right, you make choices you live with the consquences regardless what you do in life, Opinions are like you know what everyone has one.
I am from India how can I join the porn industry
Metoooo & feminazi bullshit\
And by the way there is no ANonynoms implication in this site!!!!
All feminism misery!!!!