The National Archives and Records Administration has released a detailed study that offers new insight into United States’ Cold War planning (like how to execute World War III and annihilate mankind) in 1959 including the systematic and overwhelming destruction of urban-industrial targets, purposefully targeting civilian populations in all cities, including Beijing, Moscow, Leningrad, East Berlin, and Warsaw, by dropping atomic bombs eight times the yield of the bomb that destroyed Japan’s Hiroshima.
While we are glad that WWIII didn’t happen then, today’s simmering tensions and the return of great power politics bring with it the risk of powerful states going to war unleashing previously unseen forms of warfare and using nuclear weaponry to inflict unthinkable irreversible damage on the enemy state.
Don’t believe us? Well, Russia is developing a drone submarine, dubbed Kanyon, capable of “damaging the important components of the adversary’s economy in a coastal area and inflicting unacceptable damage to a country’s territory by creating areas of wide radioactive contamination that would be unsuitable for military, economic, or other activity for long periods of time” – in layman’s terms, Putin is developing an underwater drone that can deliver a nuclear warhead and wreck havoc on American shores.
Since it would only take a small spark to start a conflict between US and Russia, which can snowball into a full-blown war, let’s see how many countries have nuclear armaments, how powerful are modern nuclear weapons, and how worrying should we be about a nuclear war…
Nine countries together possess nearly 16,000 nuclear weapons. The United States and Russia maintain about 1,800 of their nuclear weapons on high-alert status – ready to be launched within minutes of a warning. While China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, and the United States are officially recognized as possessing nuclear weapons by the nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT), India, Israel, and Pakistan are known to possess nuclear weapons – though the three never joined the NPT. North Korea had been a party to the NPT but withdrew in 2003. It is estimated that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has 6-8 plutonium based warheads as of 2015.
[Nuclear] Weapons Of Mass Destruction
America detonated the first ever nuclear weapon in a New Mexico desert on July 16, 1945. The Trinity test yielded about 20,000 tons of TNT, enough to cover an estimated area of about five square miles in radioactivity. 70 years since, nearly 2,000 nuclear tests have been performed, and about 125,000 nuclear bombs have been built.
The two nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during WWII yielded about 36,000 tons of TNT and killed at least 129,000 people. Looking at the amount of energy discharged and the subsequent catastrophe, they (Little Boy dropped on Hiroshima and Fat Man dropped on Nagasaki) could easily be termed extraordinarily powerful explosions.
But 16 years later, on October 30, 1961, Russia detonated Tsar Bomba with the force of 3,800 Hiroshima explosions; tested with a yield of 50 million tons of TNT, it was and still remains the most powerful nuclear weapon ever detonated. The ensuing detonation threw up a mushroom cloud 64 kilometers high and would’ve subjected anyone 100 kilometers away to third degree burns. It was originally supposed to deliver a yield of 100 million tons, which would destroy an area the size of Connecticut.
After the Soviet Union conducted its first nuclear test explosion in 1949, the United Kingdom (1952), France (1960), and China (1964) followed. Between 1945 and 1990, more than 70,000 total warheads were developed, in over 65 different varieties, ranging in yield from around .01 kilotons to the 25 megaton B41 bomb.
At the height of the Cold War, thousands of US and Soviet ballistic missiles on high alert were capable of delivering up to 10 independently targeted warheads at a time, each one 20 times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb. At the peak of its arsenal in 1988, Russia possessed around 45,000 nuclear weapons in its stockpile, roughly 13,000 more than the United States arsenal, the second largest in the world, which peaked in 1966. By the end of the Cold War, the US was estimated to hold about 3.8 billion tons worth of nuclear weapon yield.
B83, the most powerful thermonuclear weapon currently in the US’ arsenal, yields 1.2 million tons (75 times the yield of Little Boy), equal to about 200 square miles of devastation. America has 650 B83s.
In October, the US Air Force successfully tested a B61-12 nuclear gravity bomb for the third time. While the B61-12 has a maximum yield of only 50 kilotons (remember B83 has 1,200 kilotons) and is a relatively low powered weapon compared to its previous versions, it is being considered as the most dangerous nuclear weapon in America’s arsenal for its accuracy and usability. Since it can produce less nuclear fallout than earlier nuclear weapons and strike within 30 meters of its target, America can use a nuclear bomb for the first time since the 1940s – without thinking twice.
RDS-6 (Joe-4), Russia’s first thermonuclear bomb, has a yield of approximately 400 kilotons of TNT. The RDS-220 hydrogen bomb (Tsar Bomba) is the biggest and most powerful thermo nuclear bomb ever made; you have already read what devastation it is capable of unleashing.
Russia’s nuclear triad includes Strategic Rocket Forces (land based): 489 missiles capable of carrying up to 1,788 warheads; Strategic Fleet (sea based): 12 submarines capable of carrying up to 609 warheads; and Strategic Aviation Units: 79 bombers capable of carrying up to 884 Cruise missiles.
How Real Is The Threat?
The threat of WWIII is real with the current political landscape, war in Syria as well as other international conflicts, and Turkey drowning Russia’s warplane. With WWIII, the threat of a nuclear war looms large. Ironically, the main argument for nuclear weapons is to prevent attacks from nuclear weapons. Nonetheless, the US, UK, Russia, France, and China have agreed to stop making nuclear weapons and destroy current stockpile overtime. These five along with India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea have promised not to resort to nuclear bombs unless attacked by one.
Whatever the case may be, it doesn’t really matter how big or small a nuclear weapon is. Every single one is capable of unmitigated devastation.
The picture below depicts what would happen if you dropped the world’s largest nuke, the Tsar Bomba, in its theoretical 100 Megaton configuration, on New York. Click here if you want to foresee the estimated impact of lesser powerful nuclear weapons…
This Article (How Dangerous Are Modern Nuclear Weapons?) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ.com.
Even if either the US or Russia developed anti-missile systems so they were invulnerable to the opponent’s missiles, the weaker part could simply bomb itself and still wipe out humanity.
There is no win-scenario which includes a nuclear exchange between the USA and Russia.
Soon we could be seeing bond movies about a New Cold War
I hope so… hollywood pretty much ran out of good ideas a while ago… same with the music industry but that’s another note.
climate change = damaged harvests and flooding = food price spike, cities under water, famine, war, millions of refugees, a small nuclear war which acts like a supervolcano creating years without summer a world collapse, global famine, large scale nuclear war as desperate collapsing nations lash out…
You know what. DO IT! JUST PRESS A BUTTON AND NUKE US ALL! I am sick of this crap from all so called leaders that have us living as scared sheep.Since children we have all lived with this so called threat of nuclear war. I DARE the so called world leaders to screw yourselves over and destroy everything, but you know what…..you won’t, cause your all in bed with each other and will profit more on long drawn out fabricated ground wars.
and Anonymous, I thought you guys would be a bit smarter than to post scare tactics crap like this, or are you just a part of someone’s tools.
Go vote for Hilary you swine.
So where is Iraq?
Lmao. You’re funny.
Well governments are not giving us a chance , either they are killing people or big corporations do . Greed is so apart of government and big corporations that the laws are written against the people. America was for the people by the people now its for the government by the government and screw the people.
Let’s just hope the MAD agreement will prevent humanity from destroying our homes. If not… rebellion and distrust of any government is likely to ensue by the survivors of such a nuclear holocaust.
I hope from the bottom of my heart , if all government globally , to completely get rid of nuclear weapons. 🙁
As an actual anon, it’s depressing to see such, US propaganda on a supposedly anonymous page, don’t trust this feed.
-=[idk about you guys but all this talk about nukes got me super hungry …. I can go for a sangwitch]=-
The nuclear threat has been around for many decades now, I don’t think much of the doomsday clock, that is , until we have the two candidates we have now, Hillary for the MICC and drumpf , even worse BSC (bat shit crazy)….. but in all liklihood, we are just in for more of the same, the slow castration of the middle class…..the slow destruction of the planet, the slow lose of your freedoms, options, knowledge, will..
While nuclear and atomic weapons are certainly scary and worthy of being called terrifying, the sad truth is that they can not and will never be able to completely destroy humanity. Sure they could cause massive devastation to large areas of our fair planet, and would irreparably destroy modern civilization, they however can not cause 100% eradication of the human race. and even if they achieved 99.9% total destruction in the assault and aftermath that still leaves 7 million people on the globe. 7 times the population of antiquity. Likely the southern hemisphere of the planet including South America, Africa, and remote regions and rural areas would have better chances to escape the initial blast and resulting fallout. So all in all I am looking forward to the apocalypse. Fallout wasteland survival mode in real life.
Why would one want to hurt a magnitude of humanity? Its shows hate and how dangerous we are enemies to each other
Russia city