According to a recently published report from The Intercept, both the Central Intelligence Agency and British insight have, for quite a long time, been striving to skirt around the layers of encryption that Apple has implemented on their iPhones. These disclosures were sourced from Edward Snowden.
“If US products are okay to target, that is news to me. Tearing apart the products of US manufacturers and potentially putting back doors in software distributed by unknowing developers, all seems to be going a bit beyond ‘targeting bad guys.’ It may be a means to an end, but it’s a hell of a means.“ -Matthew Green, a cryptography expert at Johns Hopkins University’s Information Security Institute.
Image Source: Google Image – Display of Apple’s X Code 4, using split screen mode showing the coding and the finished software.
The report further details how the Central Intelligence Agency and its British counterpart regularly assemble at a yearly meeting, where they examine new methodologies and processes for ‘screwing around’ with the sustained security on the iPhone. One such technique fixated on a changed adaptation of Apple’s XCode development, programming which was hypothetically ready to introduce in direct accesses onto modified gadgets, incapacitate security instruments and send encoded information back to a US ‘listening post.’ Another proposed method included a caricature form of an OS X overhaul.
While there is no evidence with reference to how effective the CIA’s endeavors to hack the iPhone have been, this report alongside others make it completely clear that Apple equipment remains a high priority focus for American and British intelligence organizations.
You may recall a couple of weeks back, when we investigated how the National Security Agency and the British GCHQ had the capacity take the encryption keys for a great many cell phone SIM cards, including the iPhone. Take this as further warning that they are gunning for access to your cellular phone data.
SOURCE: The Intercept
Fuck the CIA. My iPhone has extra fucking protection on it and no way in hell are they gonna hack into it for their damn personal gain.
anything can be h4ck3d
Even my brain?
yes… with an axe
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