Justice Department to Investigate Ferguson Police Force


Written by: Cadence


The U.S. government has officially launched an investigation into the police’s treatment of Ferguson protesters. The Department of Justice plans to work with the neighbouring St Louis County Force to reform the city’s police department.

U.S. attorney general Eric Holder has said a “deep mistrust…has taken hold between law enforcement officials and members of that community”. He has acknowledged racial discrimination as a key issue, saying “I think we as a society need to have the guts to say we are going to identify this as a problem…and we’re going to make it better”.

The civil rights division of the Department of Justice will be carrying out the initiatives, focusing on the “use of force, including deadly force” by cops in the area. It is also conducting a civil rights inquiry into Michael Brown’s death.

It’s been over a month the since unarmed 18-year-old was shot by officers on August 9. His death sparked a series of demonstrations and unrest in Ferguson, which resulted in a heavy-handed militarised response. Tactical units fired rubber bullets and used tear gas on protesters.

It has been reported 13% of Ferguson police officers have been alleged to use excessive force. The national average is thought to be around 0.5%. While two thirds of the city’s population is black, 94% of the Ferguson police force is white. These issues will need to be addressed, although there are currently no plans to look into force’s hiring practices.

The civil rights division was given power to investigate such matters in 1994, as a response to the police brutality suffered by Rodney King. His beating in 1991 triggered the Los Angeles riots.






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  1. this is awsome, i like what the department of justice guy Eric holder had to say its kool their taken it chill, there seem to actually be some chill guys in the gov its just the prying eyes and assholes apart if anyother job that youll meet at and obviously the Federal Reserve cunts piss me off. but other than than that i think martial wont be as fucked up as i think just the Civil Unrest battlefield of the U.S. thing part of M.A. is the part where i keep my fucken rifle close lul. laso cheney should be tought a lesson from this guy. no actual concentration camps guy… just a concience and conscious concentration to not completely collapse the economy is all im sayin


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