By Baxter Dmitry at yournewswire.com
Masses of uncounted provisional Bernie Sanders ballots found in Santa Clara County alone.
June 2016: In view of the information from polling place workers about Sanders winning by more than a 2 to 1 margin and in view of the removal of 2/3 or more of his votes from the official results, Your News Wire declares Bernie Sanders the landslide winner of the 2016 California Primary Election.
An historic lawsuit has been filed after the widespread cover-up of Sanders’ landslide victory at the primary election some months ago.
The lawsuit will require the counting of all the provisional ballots, millions of which have been left uncounted, which Sanders says gives him a huge win in the state.
Make no mistake, Bernie Sanders supporters lost their ballots, their democratic rights, by the millions on Tuesday. Now proof is starting to emerge.
The California primary wasn’t an election, it was a coup featuring shady and downright illegal tactics usually associated with dictatorships in undemocratic states – media collusion, voter suppression, fraud, and a system fundamentally rigged in favor of the establishment choice.
Mainstream media fix
Another red flag for undemocratic practice was the odd treatment of the press. While Correct the Record and reporters/hackers from other organizations and media groups promoting Clinton were treated like royalty, members of the press who had gone on record supporting Sanders were often treated with contempt by certain members of the team running logistics at the rallies.
Correct the Record (the PAC paying a million dollars to hackers who put child pornography on Sanders facebook pages and then got them closed down) was given the best filming location in San Pedro after that same prime filming location had been denied to news teams favorable to Sanders.
On election night, several reporters favorable to Sanders commented on how rudely they were being treated. Reginald Hubbard and Jesse Cornett who reportedly threatened some of the mild-mannered, more loyal press with loss of equipment, removal or confiscation of their press credentials (which they had brought with them) and removal of the actual reporters from the event in response to polite questions about the sound arrangements.
Most of the pro-Sanders reporters were placed on a riser near distorted speakers and denied access to the event’s sound boxes they had been promised and which were provided for other media.
One reporter, a very sweet woman, who had been traveling on a bus following the candidate, seemed to disappear from the event after she reported that she had been rudely treated by these same staff people prior to the speech.
The fix was in before the primary. An instructional video for poll workers told them to give provisional ballots to NPP voters, official conduct that would have been illegal in California. AP joined in the effort to try to fix the election by calling the nomination for Clinton the night before the election when AP knew or should have known that Clinton did not have enough pledged delegates and would not have enough on June 7th to be the nominee. This appears to have been part of the overall attempt to suppress the vote. As Sanders has repeatedly pointed out:
“If there is a large turnout we will win. If there is a very large turnout we will win huge. If there is a low turnout, we will lose.”
In spite of AP’s false call, the actual turnout was very large and, but for the suppression, the evidence supports the theory that Sanders would have won by a very wide margin.
Published on October 11th… at 8 o’clock on October 10th?
That would indicate you are not in the right Time Zone……
The fix was in before the primary, and Clinton was bold enough to hire the Wasserman bitch responsible. So guess what! I and millions of others that are fed up with the ESTABLISHMENT are voting for the only candidate without “handlers”
I my blue-collar self am more learned than Trump. If elected I would have killed, the legislators determined to have enacted legislation against the public interest for personal gain. (Think GMOs, Pharma, Fracking, Flint) These issues scream for blood, but I’m not electable so the scum are safe.
A Trump presidency would signal unprecedented cooperation between democrats and republicans, as both attempt to curry favor with the new Chief.
Agreed and this article is just another example of the behavior of the corrupt shill-leech (I refuse to call them elite!) WE are the elites! For we have lived under their oppression and now stand against it!
#TrumpPence2016 God Bless You & God Bless America! #Bernie needs to #unendorse the #crazy # stealing #lying #murder! #NeverForget #Benghazi #LivesatStake in the #womb and outside in this #CrazyWorld! #MAGA ????❤️????
That’s too bad. The States is definitely screwed anyways. Good luck to you Americans.
Thx although i’m not from U.S.A. Good luck to them too.
I have just written to the POTUS with the following:-
Dear Mr President, Barack Obama,
I write to you as a citizen of Australia, to provide an international outside view of the current election cycle in the US.
I believe the common view is that it is all a complete farce. Sorry to be so blunt, but it has become that blatant and obvious.
Neither of the major party candidates are credible. This cycle needs to be abandoned. The entire election and voting process needs to be dumped and re-established. Both parties need to take a long hard look at themselves, what are they there for and select candidates that will fulfil the needs of the people of the US.
So I write this to you, urging you to provide the presidential decree that would be required to start this process. At this point I also believe that both parties would support you as they both know they’re in an extremely difficult position to continue. Continuing will greatly degrade any faith in democracy both domestically and abroad. It undermines the values to which the US espouses, destroying credibility of which there is almost none. Yes it is that bad.
You only have to ask, I’m sure there would be many within the Australian Electoral Commission that would gladly assist in re-establishing the US’s voting system, if you wish to model it along our lines. You could do much worse than to do this.
I hope you appreciate this view from afar and recognise the significance of it. And act upon it.
Yours sincerely.
Perhaps a campaign to demand this occur is due. Surely someone in the US can make this happen?
Thank you for this. I hope its heard.
It will be ignored,there is a lot more T stake then we realized ,the whole government is corrupted. The new Wikileaks posts show that eve t to be on both sides knows what’s been going on.
You just asked the democratic president to completely dump the democratic process. Never gonna happen.
Sorry, but you have written your letter to one of the main people who are PART of the problem. He won’t do a thing as long as he thinks his “man” has a chance of winning. The whole party is nothing but a bunch of cheating, corrupt, lying, very possibly even MURDERING crooks, who ALL need to be eliminate.
who else but crooked clintons.
Why is this taking so long? And where is the MSM?
Trumps been saying this all along!!!
If this fraud is actually a find, what laws have been violated and what can be done to remedy the the problem and outcome of the vote? OR, is this just another well it’s to late to do anything so we’ll put it on F / B and forget it.
Uuuuum, every time this suit has been brought up in court its been thrown out or rejected by the judges. There are ZERO court documents of any kind that show a successful suit proving the very-likely stolen state (although Sanders is a establishment and unsuccessful as a politician as Clinton).
Furthermore, this image proves nothing. Nothing historic about filing suit for voter fraud.
The source for this article is from a satire page that regularly posts fake news, and that article is from June 12th. No missing Sanders ballots have turned up, because none exist. I recommend moving on to something more credible.
Fact check, people, fact check!
Do we have any updates on this?