Sweden’s Prime Minister, Stefan Lofven, was quick to denounce the surprising and violent attack against the Muslim community that saw five people injured after a fire bomb was thrown through the window of a mosque. Seventy people were in the Uppsala mosque at the time of the attack.
In Sweden, a usually peaceful country, the astonishment of the unprovoked act has sent shock waves throughout the community. But rather than react in like fashion, Swedes are rushing to the streets with a display of support for their Muslim friends by rallying with their display of “love-bombs.”[1]
Hundreds of Swedes have gathered under the banner, “Don’t touch my mosque,” to rally in support for those Muslims now in fear of attending religious services. In response, Uppsalans have been pasting cut out hearts scrawled with messages of love to the doors of the Uppsala mosque, where the Molotov cocktail failed to catch fire.
The spate of attacks against the anti-Muslim community in Sweden have risen during the immigration debates.[2]
[1] (2015, January 3). ‘Love bombing’ at Uppsala mosque. Retrieved from http://www.arab-news.biz/islam/2015/01/03/love-bombing-at-uppsala-mosque/
[2] Buchanan, R.T. (2015, January 3). Swedish residents ‘love-bomb’ Uppsala mosque in outpouring of support after attacks. [The Independent]. Retrieved from http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/europe/Swedish-residents-love-bomb-Uppsala-mosque-in-outpouring-of-support-after-attacks/articleshow/45742681.cms
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