A judge in New Jersey has sentenced an African-American man, who was shot in the face by a white police officer, to 16 years in prison in a ruling that has shocked many local residents.
The man, Kwadir Felton, was said to have been shot in the face by Jersey City Police Sgt. Thomas McVicar, back in January of 2010. The bullet is said to have wounded him badly to the extent that he lost his sight.
According to the Liberation News, on the fateful day of the shooting, officer McVicar was off duty and he saw Felton, who was age 18 at the time, walking down the street. Without any provocation, McVicar shot him through the slightly opened window of his truck. It is even said the officer shouted a racist slur against Felton before pulling the trigger.
After the shooting, it is said that Felton was never given a proper medical care and spent days in custody before he was released. His mother, Dawn Felton, was quoted as saying, “They violated all of his civil rights, and whenever you take somebody out of the hospital without doctor approval that is an attempted murder. He had a chance to see out of his left eye, but as they moved him so fast he wasn’t getting the proper treatment that he needed.”
As a result of his injuries, Felton is said to have struggled initially with severe depression apart from losing his eyes. According to lawyers, Felton will be eligible for parole after serving six years.
Activists said the trial was not conducted properly and that officer McVicar had fabricated false stories in order to implicate Felton.
McVicar said during the trial that he shot Felton because Felton was armed, but Felton consistently denied that claim. It is said the police brought a gun as evidence but that gun that did not have Felton’s prints or blood on it.
The judge therefore found him guilty of, “conspiracy to distribute and/or conspiracy to possess controlled substances with intent to distribute PCP, heroin, and marijuana; possession of a firearm during the course of committing a drug offense; unlawful possession of a handgun without a permit; possessing a firearm with the purpose to use it unlawfully against a person or property of another; and aggravated assault by pointing a firearm.”
The defense lawyer for Felton, Brooke Barnett, said the verdict of the court is shocking and that justice was not served.
“This was definitely not expected. Sometimes, the jury doesn’t get it right, and I think in this case, it’s a very sad example of that. I thought minimum they would find him guilty of conspiracy, but I sure as hell didn’t expect them to find him guilty of having a gun on him that night,” she said.
Activists have sent a petition, signed by 110,151 people, for his case to be reviewed by authorities in charge of administration of justice in the city.
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damn usa
Sorry US citizens, but fuck your fucking rott country. It’s not just that USA is invading and bombing people abroad, but the level of racism against all the minorities in there, is fucking all the Human Rights of your own compatriots!!!.
African Americans aren’t really a minority in America. Nor are they under privileged. It’s the lack of education, that cause violent racist outbursts. The degree of education required to become a person who is suppose to uphold the peace, is shockingly low. And that’s how they like it. The more stupid their foot soldiers are, the easier they follow questionable orders, but the more prone they are to racist beliefs.
I know I’m also saying a lot out of context, but in general, most of our world issues (Racism, Famine, Obesity, Class Gaps…) can be solved (or alleviated), with proper education.
What would you classify as a minority then? Sure as hell aint white or hispanic my friend ? america is the way it is because your government likes to keep you all busy arguing and pointing fingers at eachother while they fiddle around in your pockets and kill your family and friends. Hope thr citizens of america wake up and start using their gins for what they were meant for “to fight your corrupt government that cares more about blood money than peoples lives
He said “I wake up and I’m surrounded by police” if hes blind how did he see the police in the hospital? Lol.
Mike you are pathetic – he didn’t say he saw them.
the officer only shot one eye so he can still see with his other eye
Did you even read the story, you idiot? He’s blind in ONE eye. What a funny thing to laugh about. Why don’t you go play in traffic?
Hey Mike..oink oink..you pig
her mother was quoted saying he had a chance to see with his left eye
Learn to read and understand what you have read before you comment, LOL !!
pretty damn stupid post, congratz, worst if seen in a while
@Mike, bitch, ONE eye is left untouched. Kill yourself!
stupid, he lost his left eye only
you fuck head he said he still had vision at that point, listen you autistic cunt
it is stated that he had sight on his left eye before he was removed from hospital against doctors advice. Nothing could be proven and in other civilized countries the court pledges not guilty till his guilt has been proven so i guess the system was wrong in this one.
your article would hold much more credibility if you wrote from both sides, and your website if you didnt try to turn every shooting into a racist cop story. He was convicted of dealing and he was armed, he got shot and you surprised?
completely agree, I can’t find a single article about this case that doesn’t show a clear bias in favour of the defendant.
Fuck USA!
If it has no proovable blood or prints on it that throws that charge out the window. Are American law makers that thick?
Mike, r u really so stupid? Couldnt he just feel or hear them? Believe me if u are blind, u can still know that few people is standing around you.
What’s going on,why do cops feel that they either have to kill or mame black people. And judges only want to hear one side.the cops
State and Cops wants him in jail hoping to prevent him from gaining support for a Lawsuit against the Cops. Watch them now begin to hassle anyone who tries to help him with an appeal.