A Michigan teacher at Bay City Western High School is lucky to be alive today, after being struck with a bullet that was fired through a wall from the school resource officer’s gun. The school went into lock down last Friday, as no one seemed to know at first where the shot came from. According to the Bay County Sheriff’s Office, the matter is still under investigation.
They don’t know why the school resource officer, Deputy Adam Brown, had his gun out in a school, or why it was fired for that matter, nearly killing a teacher. The Sheriff’s Office did clarify that it was the deputy’s secondary weapon and one not issued by the department, that was involved in the incident. According to Michigan State Police Special 1st Lt. David Kaiser, “The teacher was struck in the neck, but she was not injured. The round did not break the skin.”
Apparently, the bullet slowed as it passed through the wall and lost sufficient velocity to have struck the teacher, then it simply dropped to the floor.

The school sent information to the parents, but have been somewhat gagged by the Sheriff’s Office. According to one parent, Stephanie Montoya, “They would love to give out more information, but at this time, they have been advised by the Sheriff’s department to not disclose any more information because they don’t want to hamper the investigation.” Sheriff John Miller denies this of course, and stated to the press that he never told the school to withhold information.
According to a local news outlet, Brown is liked and supported at the school. Numerous teachers, parents and students have come forward, voicing their desire for him to return to the school. “I guarantee you it was 100 percent an accident, there is no reason he would have purposely put people in harm’s way, at all,” said Chloe Riordan, a 2015 graduate of Bay City Western.
Despite the support for Brown, he did put people in harm’s way. He did violate numerous police policies and statutes on reckless discharge of a firearm. He may be a nice guy, but to have committed such an egregious lapse in judgment, one that could have led to someone’s death, he doesn’t deserve to return to the school or hold a badge. Police are held to a higher standard, remember?
Brown has been placed on paid administrative leave – otherwise known as a paid vacation – until the investigators can come up with a sufficient justification for the shooting. After they conclude their investigation, the Sheriff’s Office will turn the results over to the district attorney, who can then consider appropriate charges. The Sheriff commented that the range of discipline for this offense includes termination and everything down to a verbal warning. Either way, it is unlikely that severe discipline or charges will be brought. Given that Brown has the support of the community; the Sheriff and the DA have ample room to sweep this incident under the rug.
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