On Boxing Day, i.e. December 26, ISIS released an audio message, calling the world’s 1.5 billion Muslims to rise up against Western infidels and join their fight. In the 24-minute audio clip, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the self-proclaimed Islamic State leader said:
“Crusaders and Jews don’t dare to come on the ground because they were defeated in Iraq and Afghanistan. Be confident that God will grant victory to those who worship him, and hear the good news that our state is doing well. The more intense the war against it, the purer it becomes and the tougher it gets.”
Arab Spring activist Iyad El-Baghdadi, from the United Arab Emirates now based in Norway (and definitely not affiliated with ISIS), translated the recording and posted a series of tweets conveying ISIS’ message urging Muslims to rise together and defend the Islamic state.
ISIS’s leader’s message is basically “everything is OK despite everyone ganging up on us”.
— Iyad El-Baghdadi (@iyad_elbaghdadi) December 26, 2015
ISIS leader: Western countries do not dare send their troops against us, that’s why they send apostates to fight us.
— Iyad El-Baghdadi (@iyad_elbaghdadi) December 26, 2015
ISIS leader: We have not forgotten Palestine and you’ll see our moves in Palestine very soon.
— Iyad El-Baghdadi (@iyad_elbaghdadi) December 26, 2015
ISIS leader: The war on the Islamic State is a war on Islam and Muslims.
— Iyad El-Baghdadi (@iyad_elbaghdadi) December 26, 2015
ISIS leader: This isn’t just a new crusade, the entire world has joined forces against us. But don’t worry, our state persists and expands.
— Iyad El-Baghdadi (@iyad_elbaghdadi) December 26, 2015
ISIS leaders: We urgently call upon every Muslim to join the fight, especially those in the land of the two shrines (Saudi Arabia), rise.
— Iyad El-Baghdadi (@iyad_elbaghdadi) December 26, 2015
The call to the faithful, however, fell on deaf ears for most Muslims; ISIS got heavily trolled on Twitter.
@iyad_elbaghdadi sorry mate but I’m busy radicalizing my jam tonight! Lol pic.twitter.com/Qocsd41vW3
— Zareen@21CC (@21CCitizen) December 28, 2015
Sorry mate, I don’t want to risk dying before the next Star Wars comes out. https://t.co/vvnbXmsMfK
— Mohsin Arain (@MohsinArain91) December 27, 2015
@iyad_elbaghdadi Sorry Amir al-Mushrikeen, I’m busy being a real Muslim, giving to charity etc. Also, your dental plan sucks. #GoatTeethISIS
— Jay Zadeh (@JayLikesIt) December 27, 2015
@iyad_elbaghdadi damn dude…. I was on my way but then I saw the fuel prices. Send me money for fuel and I’m on my way.
— Emir Hamidović (@xamidovic) December 27, 2015
Are you telling me I should join you rather than witness Leicester City win the league?? Noooo wayyyy! https://t.co/CqtIZBesM9
— Anjum Rauf Meer (@anjum_meer) December 26, 2015
@yalmaamoun @iyad_elbaghdadi I’ve heard they’re offering an extra 15 virgins as part of a special Black Friday deal in 2016* * =Details TBC
— Robbie Bett (@TeeSpirit) December 28, 2015
I urgently call upon every Muslim to join in ridiculing Baghdadi and his group of idiots. https://t.co/CqtIZBw4aJ
— Anjum Rauf Meer (@anjum_meer) December 26, 2015
@iyad_elbaghdadi You should have told me before. I just renewed my pornhub subscription. Anyways, hope you are enjoying Russian fireworks.
— Zaid Azmi (@ZaidAzmi) December 28, 2015
@iyad_elbaghdadi just read the Quran, it says no bro. Sorry mate.
— Mehmet Alp Çelebi (@MehmetCelebi) December 28, 2015
@iyad_elbaghdadi santa just got me fifa 16 so maybe in 2 decades or so
— walid el sammak (@walid926) December 28, 2015
@iyad_elbaghdadi my mom is saying no. Could you come and ask her for the permission?
— ismailsafrin (@ismailsafrin) December 29, 2015
Sorry bruh it’s leg day tomorrow and I’ll be sore. https://t.co/lRl8hRMYB4
— Idris (@IdrisMhiri) December 26, 2015
Can’t. Brunch with family, then horror film marathon. https://t.co/GqI5LOw9VS
— Mehreen Kasana (@mehreenkasana) December 28, 2015
Sorry bro but currently 3 episodes in Fargo SE3 & the boys have football camp all of next week. Tue after next good? https://t.co/MqdIcN1Rjv
— Daaniyal (@le_Sabre) December 26, 2015
@iyad_elbaghdadi The Boxing Day Sales are on, don’t you remember!
— john cooke (@logicandmagic) December 26, 2015
@iyad_elbaghdadi Nah, I prefer to sleep in and binge watch shows on Netflix.
— Mohammad Usman Aijaz (@muaijaz) December 28, 2015
@iyad_elbaghdadi Sorry man, but i have to celebrate the new year with friends ? ? and busy with organising a party ?. Maybe later ? :p
— Maiwand (@najibsamehgmail) December 28, 2015
Sorry #ISIS. This Muslim is just waking up. Needs coffee. Also, it’s Christmas weekend family time. Run along now. https://t.co/gUODLPdDy6
— Salman Anees Soz (@SalmanSoz) December 26, 2015
@iyad_elbaghdadi My dad said I have to be home by 8pm. Will we be done by then?
— Safiyya-Maryam Ahmed (@guidanceofgod) December 27, 2015
@iyad_elbaghdadi I have a pregnant wife and I don’t want my child growing up in the kind of world you want to build. #youaintnomuslimbruv
— Omar Ibrahim (@omarinbox1888) December 27, 2015
@iyad_elbaghdadi sorry, I’m washing my hair
— falafelandchips (@falafelandchips) December 26, 2015
I’ve got Star Wars on Sunday. Maybe later. https://t.co/UQ71PkUi4j
— Saadat Ali Zia (@my69cents) December 26, 2015
@iyad_elbaghdadi I wanna wait until April and find out what happened to Jon Snow
— Hind Al-Sulaiti (@hsulaiti) December 27, 2015
@iyad_elbaghdadi sorry. Saw the tweet late. Next week, maybe?
— Umar Aftab Butt (@documaraftab) December 26, 2015
El-Baghdadi joined in the fun, too; however, media outlets began to confuse El-Baghdadi with Bakr al-Baghdadi the ISIS leader.
ISIS’s leader urgently calls upon every Muslim to join his fight. But it’s late here. And tomorrow’s Sunday. Come on man, cut me some slack.
— Iyad El-Baghdadi (@iyad_elbaghdadi) December 26, 2015
Maybe I should sue every media outlet that mistakes me for ISIS. Looks like a growth business. @indiacom
— Iyad El-Baghdadi (@iyad_elbaghdadi) December 29, 2015
But then someone tweeted this infographic for El-Baghdadi, so no one should ever confuse him with al-Baghdadi again.
Thanks @thefnorder for creating this helpful illustration. pic.twitter.com/aQ9bSzPyLf
— Iyad El-Baghdadi (@iyad_elbaghdadi) December 29, 2015
On December 28, Iraqi forces declared the city of Ramadi liberated from the Islamic State group and raised the national flag over its government complex after clinching the landmark victory. Ramadi, a predominantly Sunni Arab city about 110 kilometers from Baghdad, fell to ISIS in May.
This Article (Jihad Can Wait! Muslims Twitter Users Have Fun Renouncing ISIS’ Call To Join Terrorism) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ.com.
Is their God not powerful enough to do it himself?
God is powerful enough. His book (Quran) states that Killing an innocent is same as killing the whole mankind.
That’s not true, Kamran.
“We ordained for the Children of Israel (the jews??) that if anyone slew a person – unless it be in retaliation for murder or for spreading mischief in the land (oh yeah thats right, unless spreading mischief….) – it would be as if he slew all mankind: and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all humanity.
Give us a break will ya??
lol you ve got good copy paste skills, Now try reading the book for once may be.
Yeah, defending the worst aspects of this violent religion.. Great work. I think ill go read a book on a pedofile religious figure. Give me some perspective…
Read the Quran? Have done for many many years. Filled with contradictions, filled with hate, pedophilia, wife beating etc.
Why don’t you read the book and really try to understand what it says? Forget what the atheists say and forget what anyone says…read the Quran for yourself and decide for yourself if Islam is a religion for peace or a religion of hate.
From my reading I can conclude that Allah is a gangster…dont get me wrong god isn’t a gangster. The idea of god in Islam (or Christianity or Judaism)is a gangster.
Muhammad REALLY was a pedophile please understand that marrying a 13 year old girl in ANY circumstances is fucking WRONG…whatever you’re thinking right now, stop its wrong full stop.
Someone in denial xD, full stop.
He’s probably washing his hair.
Obviously not, for some idiot needing to call on regular people for help! But then again, I’ve never seen Allah or God intervene in anything.
You are not true Muslims or martyrs, you are murderers! You corrupt the souls of the young and defile and insult the Virgin and the innocent! And one day there will be nothing left of you but a bad memory!
And nobody cares.
Im sure there must be a prison in israel with some bad jewish people they should find the worst guy7 in there and shove him up your ass that would be poetic justice
i dont know what god they serve but i rather face hell then go and kill someone and live with blood on my hands
Kinda makes Hitler look ok!!
WOW! How can anyone in his right mind and any REAL belief and even with basic understanding of religion can mistake this to be god words?
They say it`s in Quran and that they are following it to the letter, but what kind of low minded people it takes not to doubt it (or it`s “preacher”) when it asks you to KILL, RAPE, STEAL and do it in the name of God? Then what kind of God is it? Do you really believe that God that created all this (no matter what he is called in the end all mono-god religions are talking about same “guy”, just interpret it differently) wants You pricks to turn all the world into same thing? And then what? There will always be those that will oppose it or will practice it differently that you. So you will kill them? And when there are no ppl left to kill, You will see that it`s only you there…And then you`ll fell God`s wrath…I do believe that there are “live and let live” Muslims that are ashamed or even offended by this interpenetration of their holy book…The thing is (as always is),their voice is low (in the media at least), while every word from this idiot is broadcast all over the world and discussed to details…Instead that whole world understands that should all work together to expend our knowledge of our surroundings (space) and determent who are we as humans, we rather fight and kill each other over interpretation of something written by ppl who`s IQ was of the today`s cat (no offense to cats) and where something we take for granted today (flying in aircraft, or even car) would seem to them as angels or God`s message to us. WAKE UP ppl! We are all just humans, all the differences we are fighting about today are our own makings and imagination. The fact is that that our shells (bodies) are working the same and what is different is our thoughts (and souls for those who are into it). Religion can be beautiful thing if understood as basic ground for morality (10 commandments), but unfortunately it`s used by Your and mine preachers as tool for domination of masses. Week masses. Not sure how this is related to what is written, I just needed to pore this somewhere…
The world isn’t about Islam or any other religion the one who is brainwashed like it or not is you and and allot of other people. 300 multinatioanals are controlling the world today it’s all about money and welfare for their country. They want you to think this is about Islam but the truth is the U.S created ISIS they lied to the world claiming they cant defeat ISIS while Russia wich recently joined did more in 2 months then the U.S in years. Now I ask you why is that? oh you remembered the cold war between Russia and the U.S ? Yes, it’s all about this rotten system and world war 1 and 2 seems to be forgotten or what? where was ISIS back then? Please don’t make me laugh compared to world war 1 and 2 this ISIS bs is nothing. millions of people died not even a slight sight of muslims only the world leaders making the world fight while they fly with their families in a safe place. What about our children you ask, the goverment doesnt give a damn about muslim, christian or atheïst people. Dont believe the media rather go read books from former cia agents wich can’t sleep properly after what they were forced to do because of their goverment.
After laughing really hard at some of them I didn’t expect people to bitch about Islam and Muslims over here too. Meh who gives a shit I had a good laugh and ISIS, if you’re reading this, I have to take my cat to the groomers and my parents aren’t allowing me.
Il premio delle 40 vergini in cielo non mi interessa proprio…. già è un inferno con una su questa terra, immagino cosa possa essere con 40……
The prize of 40 virgins in heaven does not interest me …. already is hell on earth with one, imagine what could be with 40 ……
Lol…that proper made me laugh!!
all the tweets give me a lot of smile in my face…..hehehehehehehe
What I learnt from this is that loads of Muslims around the world follow this idiot.