A hippie from Vermont stole Donald Trump’s thunder…
Remember when Donald Trump first launched his campaign to become President of the United States? As Neil Young song’s “Rockin’ in the Free World” blared, the billionaire reality TV mogul presented himself to a crowd (which was partially made up of paid supporters) and proudly rode down an elevator.
While he must have certainly been feeling on top of the world at that moment, iconic music legend Neil Young had something to say about Trump’s use of the song.
In a statement, Neil made it very clear that Trump “was not authorized to use ‘Rockin’ in the Free World’ in his presidential candidacy announcement.”
The declaration also mentioned that “Neil Young, a Canadian citizen, is a supporter of Bernie Sanders for President of the United States of America.”
Such is fitting, as the song “Rockin’ in the Free World’ is actually a critique of Republican George H. W. Bush’s Presidency and the social policies that lead to income inequality, as ConsequenceofSound points out.
Regardless of the fact that Trump’s camp paid both ASCAP and BMI for rights to the song, Young maintained that the Republican candidate nominee’s use of the song was inappropriate. In return, it was agreed that Trump’s party would cease from using it out of respect to the singer.
End of story? Not even close. Shortly after this debacle, Neil turned around and gave Bernie Sanders full permission to use “Rockin’ in the Free World.”
The Democratic candidate didn’t let the opportunity go to waste and walked out to the track at a rally in Denver.
With an audience of 4,500 people, Sanders had a full house to speak to. And, as far as we’re know, none of them were paid to be there.
Neil is an outspoken activist who has made his stance on corporate giants – such as Starbucks and Monsanto – very clear in the past. Once again, he’s maintaining his integrity and adhering to his beliefs by refusing to support Trump’s campaign – or his antics.
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This article (Neil Young Snubs Donald Trump By Dedicating His Song “Rockin’ In The Free World” To Bernie Sanders) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and TrueActivist.com
Neil Young is now an Ass Clown, Old Man, and Crazy for shooting his Baby Down the River!! Socialism and No Border, and padding pockets is what he likes, Crazy Old Man!!!! Go Trump!!!! ?
Well done Neil…You’re the man 🙂
Sounds like you have a personal axe to grind. It’s what Neil Young represented and represents to the public that now accounts.
..and breathe! Sounds like you got waaaaay too much sun on that back of that neck there missy
Trump is a bigoted, ego maniac who will be starring in the reality show “The Biggest Loser” after the elections.
Oh,shut off, feminazi – be the idiot who just goes along with her stupid husband and backs a fascist. No wonder your men think you are useless trash.
And get a job now, you lazy fat ass con.
up – lol
Classy, clearly.
Go fuck a pig!
Good on you, Neil Young!
It’s almost unreal. Trump is like a character from one of those “end-of-the-world” movies, he’s a Batman villain, somebody that Philip K Dick might have written about. He is, in so many ways, very bad for America. When “Dubya” was in charge, I remember visiting the US and listening to Americans apologising for their president; they were genuinely sorry. It’ll be a million times worse for them if Trump gets in. One of the worse things in the world is nationalism. You can’t build walls to keep the Mexicans out! What a nob cheese (as we say in the UK). No, he’s not good for the USA or the world. Good on Neil Young! Good on anybody who contributes to his downfall. Nothing worse than Big Corporations, nothing worse than somebody running a big corporation running for office.
Donald trump is an idiot an an asshat. Leave it to him to be him own image consultant and researcher, not thinking about the power of his words or anyone else’s, just enjoying the sound or the noise.
Respect to and for Neil Young. The rest of the world is looking at the USA with disbelief. Can the ordinary citizen of the USA really be swayed by this obvious obnoxious little man? Filthy rich, white, racist, and with an out dated view of the world. USA, you only have to look at the social and economic disaster that is currently performing as the UK, to have some idea of what you will be letting yourselves in for if you elect Trump. For you own sake, vote for somebody else. The likes of Trump are the way to World War Three, where nobody will win.
Neil is canadian ,hes from manitoba,canada .
Google it.
Moved there to play with buffalo springfield but he keeps his citizen of canada status .
He owns homes and returns every few months
For those of us who have been deeply disappointed and sickened by the heart tugging ‘sincerity’ of Barry Obama, Trump, firm in the belief that he has nothing to hide, hides nothing, and his honesty is refreshing. If the American people elect Trump, Trump is exactly what they deserve.
On the other hand no one on earth really deserves Clinton.
You’re obviously a person who finds lies refreshing then. So here’s a starter list of Trumps biggest to kick us off..
Neils my favorite singer/songwriter. Always has been. He’s much better in concert than the political arena. Bernie would destroy this country. Funny Neil has dual citizenship. Canadian,made his cash here….smh
You know deep down that’s nonsense, but we all know Trump would destroy the whole world
Another one for Bernie revolution https://soundcloud.com/steven-ingham-2/enough-is-enough
I’m disappointed in Neil Young. Obviously he doesn’t understand what Bernie is all about. Democratic socialism never worked in Denmark or Norway and it certainly won’t work in America. Why would he endorse a candidate that is part of the globalist elite? I don’t want more of the same, having big government controlling my freedoms, and neither do most of us. But if you want more taxes and free “stuff” that isn’t free at all …then vote for Bernie.
I see a lot of ignorance within these posts. I have a few honest questions. 1. How is Sanders part of the “global elite”? 2. How has democratic socialism “not worked”? Denmark has a $20+ minimum wage, deemed the happyist country, as well as the best country for business, with the other Scandinavian countries trailing after. They also have the best education, universal healthcare, and tuition-free college like every other country on earth. Well except the USA. You can ask any resident, and they’ll tell you how happy they are. And if you mean a possible 2% payroll tax increase to provide you unlimited quality healthcare, you would never have to pay deductibles, premiums, co-pays, or out-of-pocket costs for prescriptions, or ER bills, as well as keeping or choosing your own doctor, and a 0.2% payrolltax to provide you with 12 weeks of annual paid family and medical leave, then yeah… I guess it isn’t free. But you woud no longer have to pay for benefits through your employer or for private insurance, as well as what I mentioned earlier. The average family of 4 making 50k a year would pay about $500, which are currently paying about $4500 so thats cheaper.. $4000 cheaper… If your currently insured through Medicaid, fantastic, you’ll still pay nothing. Haha. I don’t believe his estate taxes or other plans affect you. You could be making 250k+ a year, but I don’t think a 1%er would be on anon… Haha.
Wow! Seriously where did you go to school? Democratic Socialism has worked brilliantly in all the Scandinavian countries (you do know where Scandinavia is right?) where it has been applied. In fact since Iceland switched to that system they have gone from being a complete economic basket case to the fastest growing economy in Europe and they jailed the thieving bankers after zeroing the countries debt to them. So it’s back to school for you my friend – that 8th grade needs repeating.
Love your reply! Yes, most of the people that are down on Sanders are really uneducated, even if they managed to get to the PhD level. All that schooling and the money spent on it would NOT have educated most of them.
you need to drop your attitude and hit the books you ignorant piece of filth. you have absoluteley no idea what the hell you’re talking about.
but if you call failed being some of the happiest people in the world, having some of the best places for new buisnesses, and universal healthcare paid for through taxes, free education, with the opportunity to be paid for taking an education so you don’t NEED a job on the side and can focus 100% on said studies, and some of the best wellfare systems in the world, keeping our number of homeless people to a minimal, and keeps people who loose their jobs from becomming homeless. yeah much fail so wow, maybe you should reconsider your stances on things, seeing as the us apparently has done ahorrible job of educating you on how the world works, i know all these things with just 10 years of basic danish education.
sincereley, the dane who’s had enough of american’s stupidity and ignorance, and won’t take being bashed on for the sake of trumps campaign anymore.
I like Danes. They took in the Jews during/after WWII. Brave. Humane. Have developed an economy so ecologically powerful. There are places you can go there in the outreaches of the country where the sea and sand hit you beautifully. How did that country ever raise someone who would begin a post with the following: “you need to drop your attitude and hit the books you ignorant piece of filth.” Astonishing. And you call Americans stupid and ignorant? Fight fair. A Danish educational system, free or not, should have taught you civility. I may be the last person who ever listens to you past that opening phrase. At least I hope I am.
I like how all this time the US gov’t has been giving away free shit to all these major corporations who then stick to us taxpayers by paying next to nothing in taxes and move the jobs overseas because its cheap labor and leave us holding the bag.
Neil’s mother, Razzy, was a U.S. citizen from down south. His dad was a Canadian citizen. So he’s dual by birth.