NY Speaker Arrested on Corruption Charges


New York State Assembly Speaker, Sheldon Silver, 70, turned himself over to the Federal Bureau of Investigations last Thursday, Jan. 22 on charges of conspiracy, mail fraud, wire fraud and extortion. United States Attorney, Preet Bharara, alleges Silver used his elected position to bribe or accept “kickbacks,” and his private legal work to funnel away the proceeds.

Federal officials seized over $3 million of Silver’s assets, accusing him of paying a doctor for referring asbestos cases to law firm Weitz & Luxenberg after discovering Silver collected the $3 million on top of his base $120,000 per year salary. The firm’s founder and president, Perry Weitz, claims to be shocked by the charges leveled against Silver, but demanded he take a leave of absence, “until these allegations are resolved.”

Silver, for his part, denies any wrongdoing, and claims that a trial will see him vindicated. A Democrat who has served as speaker for 21 years, Silver has temporarily surrendered his elected position until the criminal charges are proven or disproved. His colleagues may not leave him much choice; Assembly Majority Leader, Joe Morelle, who is currently serving as interim speaker, asserts either Silver will resign or be forced out by his fellow assemblymen. The New York State Assembly will vote for a new speaker Feb. 10.

The charges have cast some of Silver’s legislative decisions in decidedly suspicious light.

In 2011, Silver helped negotiate new rent regulation legislation he claimed would benefit tenants. But part of the criminal bribery charges brought against Silver show lobbyists on behalf of developer firm, Glenwood Management, met with Silver to push for stipulations of their own buried in the law. What, specifically, those stipulations are has not yet been disclosed, but include tax exemptions or deregulation of previously rent-regulated properties. Tenant advocates were ultimately disappointed by the legislation, and Silver told them to stop pushing for stronger regulations.

“I think the days of pushing are over,” said Silver in a New York Times piece. Bharara promises this story is just beginning to unfold. “You should stay tuned,” he told Matt Taylor for Vice.







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  1. To avoid further harm to the American public by law enforcement, law enforcement officers must be disarmed while on duty. As currently, law enforcement officers are essentially an extension of the Federal government, and thus fulfill the role of standing army, allowing the American government the ability to oppress American citizens.

    To avoid further harm to the American public by Washington DC Public servants, government officials, members of congress, and members of the house of representatives, must be rendered incapable of accepting monetary gain either during their terms, or anytime after for the purpose of changing, creating, removing, or in any way affecting governmental policies, laws, structure, or effect.

    No person , group, or organization, shall hold any personal banking accounts, funds, or investments, while operating within the American government, or anytime after. Every public servant shall receive a yearly wage equal to the National poverty level set by the government + 10%.


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