The mother of a teenager, Monique Castro, has told a court in Los Angeles (LA) that her son, who suffers from Asperger’s syndrome, was tased, kneed in the head and ordered to kneel by deputies at the LA County Sheriff’s Department.
According to health experts, Asperger’s syndrome is a developmental disorder similar to autism. Among other things, children with Asperger’s have difficulty communicating and interacting socially and may have eccentric behaviors.
She said the crime that her son committed was playing in a tree. She accused the LA Sheriff’s deputies of holding her son at gunpoint and beating him up for committing no crime that merits such abuse.
Monique said her son, whose name is withheld, was 15 when three LA County sheriff’s deputies brutally abused him without even considering his age and health. The incident was said to have happened in April of last year.
The officers in the alleged abuse case have been identified as Victor Iniquiez, Jamil Johnson and Sgt. Byron Ward. Monique is now suing the officers and the LA County Sheriff’s Department at the Federal Court.
Narrating the incident to the court, Monique said her son had merely, “climbed up a tree to play,” when the three officers, “arrived with their firearms drawn and ordered him to come down from the tree.”
She said her son fully complied with the officers’ orders, but when he descended from the tree the officers beat him up; throwing him to the ground, kneeing him in the head and tasering him many times. She said the officers did not formally arrest him nor charge him, leaving her with the question, “what crime had her son committed to be abused that way?”
As for the current condition of her son, she told the court that the boy is in urgent need of medical care and still suffers from, “emotional distress and anxiety,” due to the harsh treatment and abuse by the officers.
She is seeking punitive damages on behalf of her son for excessive force, negligence, assault and battery and pain and suffering.
My son has autism. and I can only imagine what it must be like for him to pass by a police officer now…that boy is going to think for a long time that everyone dressed like that is going to do the same thing to him.
definetly deserved for this reck, climbing a tree? bloody hecker, he could of killed someone
Everyone think that cops are bad that is why they run! They have no control and just do it automatic! I have autism too but im light but i can behave crazy when i see cops since they did me wrong every time they saw me…. Cop’s are a better her they did not have guns before last year when EU sad that every cop must have guns,,,, But i think a cop never wood shoot anyone here in the chest ore head maby a leg…..! Sow happy but cops have nothing to do whit guns ore tasers if the other on don’t have a weapon at all! And when cops train whit tasers,they must do it like they do it on the street! Not just shoot the cop let him fall and over… But take him down and get him restraind when the continue to tase him and sirene go and at least 3- 5 doing the take down all saying give me youre hand give me your hand relax relax when there are taserd all the time then they see the real thing