Anonymous, under the operation #OpIcarus, has yet again conducted a series of DDoS attacks, but rather than banks per se, the op has led to an attack against the Bilderberg Website, while the Bilderberg Group attended a meeting held in Germany.
OpIcarus has moved to larger fish in the digital ocean. The Bilderberg Group is a controversial annual conference held in secret, which consists of between 120 to 150 people, often referenced as the “Political Elite” of the finance, academia, and even the multimedia sectors.
This new cyber-attack by OpIcarus, may have been unusual, but marks a well awaited attack on a group most everyday citizens dislike. however, It also marks the Bilderberg’s German conferences, which started on the 9th and going through until the 12th June. While targeting conference website just moments before their large annual meeting, proves that Anonymous is clearly sending an unforgettable message to the so-called ‘elite’.
attending this conference consisted of former heads of the CIA and the MI6, bankers, prime ministers, and even heads of states.
Since OpIcarus began, Anonymous factions affiliated have been responsible for attacks that have disrupted several banking websites, including those of “France, UAE, Philippines, Tunisia, Trinidad and Tobago, Jordan, South Korea, Monaco and Montenegro, Kenya, Panama, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Guernsey, Netherlands and Maldives, Central bank in Cyprus and Greece,” Hack Read has reported.
On June 8th, while the Bilderberg Group had been facing large DDoS attacks, which ultimately lead to their servers forced offline for roughly 4 hours, #OpIcarus boasted about their attack on Facebook and Twitter.
During an all exclusive conversation with HackRead, the article publishing website is directly informed by those involved with OpIcarus that:
“The elite will pay for their crimes. We support all of the on-ground protests taking part around the world right now and want to invite all online and offline activists to join the global revolt against a tyrannic and corrupt system. The time to either be part of that system or reject that system is now. No more are we prepared to watch our “elite” run this planet into the ground at the expense of everybody else’s life. We are the 99% and we are angry. We choose to reject this system at any cost. Only after disaster can we be resurrected. It’s only after you’ve lost everything that you’re free to do anything. In the end, everything you own ends up owning you. The time has come for us to free ourselves from these chains and remind ourselves again that we were not born as prisoners. People all around the world are starting to fight back. So are we. Each of us has the power to end wars and create a better world. All we have to do is resist together. We are the echo of society. We are the voice of the voiceless. Respect Existence or Expect Us!”
Sources: HackRead, Bilderberg Meetings, Twitter.
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