War. War never changes. Ok, actually it’s a continuous game of one-upmanship that inevitably leads to either an eternal supreme dictatorship or complete world destruction. And just like in the war against evil countries, the war against evil terrorists and the war against evil drugs… the war against evil protesters requires constant evolution. Never mind the fact that protesters are about as well-armed as in yonder pitch-fork wielding days (I, for one, don’t even own a pitchfork)… WE NEED MOAR TECH TO CRUSH THEM.
Apparently at some point, somebody decided that burning people alive with a microwave was a great idea. Probably knew this nice lady, it takes a sick and twisted mind to contemplate doing that to people. Bring in the Death Ray… I mean Active Denial System (ADS)
So far, this technology is being used by the military to suppress dissent overseas and has been mounted onto some AC 130 gunships and trucks. With a range of half a mile, this thing basically attempts to cook your skin (I’m sure it’s completely safe… I mean, I’m sure the military tested it for long-term health implications, and cooking people’s eyeballs is probably the best way forward at this point…)
From land, sea and sky… this is a death ray that could very well be burning YOU in the near future…
The Pentagon gave the device two thumbs up and left this raving review:
“The ADS will support a full spectrum of operations ranging from non-lethal methods of crowd and mob dispersal, checkpoint security, perimeter security, area denial, port protection, infrastructure protection and clarification of intent (identifying combatants from non-combatants).”
It seems the military is having trouble getting the weapon deployed though… seems these things can be seen as torture devices. Who woulda’ thought?
Supposing a protester fell unconscious from the pain, or perhaps simply tripped and fell, it is quite probable that the device would keep right on burning him slowly until he died from second or third-degree burns. According to Dr Jurgen Altmann from the German Foundation of Peace Research, the ADS can cause death if even 20% of a person’s skin was cooked to second or third degree perfection. This is because tissue decay of that level releases enough toxins to kill, and there’s also the fun prospect of infections.
But who cares, Raytheon’s got profits to make and Death Rays for days… It’s ramped up its marketing of portable hand-held versions to domestic law enforcement. Though its range is reduced, it still does what it was designed to: burn humans alive.
Known as the “Assault Intervention Device” (AID?! HAHAHAHA) the weapon will be about the size of a heavy rifle and has already been tested in the Los Angeles County Jail.
Then there’s the Silent Guardian, a vehicle-mounted weapon that is already available for sale. Raytheon: “Silent Guardian provides extraordinary tactical ability to control outbreaks of violence, minimize collateral damage and ultimately saves lives.”
This Article (Pain Ray: Science Fiction Just Got Weaponized) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author(CoNN) and AnonHQ.com.
A Wellsian Heat Ray. What’s Next?
LOL, that is a really huge target, that can be taken out in a few seconds.
I bet the best way to combat that would be to find a way to make it overheat.