When a homeless mother offered her time to cook meals for a cancer patient, the last thing she expected was to receive more generosity in return. Francesca Murray, a single mother, responded to Brice Royer, and his call for kindness in his “Gift Economy” from Vancouver. The Gift Economy was started as a way to ‘Pay It Forward’ by swapping goods and services with each other. Royer, who has been battling stomach cancer, has dedicated his life to the Gift Economy, and has even offered to pay a stranger’s rent for a year so they could get back on their feet.
The concept is based around sharing an economy: if you need something then it’s okay to ask for it. The momentum comes from the gratitude of those who receive help and then ‘Pay It Forward.’
Another success story from Royer’s humble Facebook page, is Francesca Murray and her four-year-old daughter. After working as a business analyst for ICVC insurance, Murray found herself homeless after leaving a troubled relationship. However, Murray soon became inspired by Royer’s positive attitude and willingness to serve others, and offered to help Royer by cooking meals for him. Murray was facing homelessness in February, once their one-year shelter allowance expired.
When Royer learned of his helper’s fate, he decided to add onto his Gift Economy project and start the ‘Pay It Forward’ housing program.
How you can Pay It Forward?
Royer’s plan to start building tiny solar-powered houses begins with Francesca Murray and her daughter Charlotte.
“We envision the tiny home being owned and run by a local non-profit,” Royer told Good News Network during an interview.“Families could stay by donating part of their monthly government stipend, which would then be used to build more homes.”
It is hoped that the housing project will help transition people out of homelessness, prison, and even assist with refugees.
There are only a handful of days left to raise the final $12,000 of the $25,000 goal. This will see the first home built in February, in time for the day Francesca and Charlotte have to leave their emergency shelter.
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