Pegida, Salafists And Right-Wingers Clash In Germany’s Wuppertal


The German city of Wuppertal was completely shut down Saturday as supporters of the anti-Islamic Pegida movement, radical Islamist Salafists, and anti-fascist Antifa movements marched simultaneously on the streets, clashing with each other and throwing firecrackers at the authorities as police wearing riot gear and armed with batons tried to push them back.

Islamists And Pegida Supporters Demonstrate In Wuppertal Lutz Bachmann

Salafi group leader Sven Lau (top), an open supporter of ISIS, and Pegida’s founder Lutz Bachmann (above) were present at the march.

Islamists And Pegida Supporters Demonstrate In Wuppertal Demonstrate In Wuppertal Demonstrate In Wuppertal Islamists And Pegida Supporters Demonstrate In Wuppertal Islamists And Pegida Supporters Demonstrate In WuppertalMore than 1,000 police officers were deployed in Wuppertal to contain the Salafist march and two counter-demonstrations that reportedly drew about 3,000 people.Islamists And Pegida Supporters Demonstrate In Wuppertalsupporter of HoGeSaIslamists And Pegida Supporters Demonstrate In Wuppertal Islamists And Pegida Supporters Demonstrate In Wuppertal Islamists And Pegida Supporters Demonstrate In Wuppertal Islamists And Pegida Supporters Demonstrate In Wuppertal

Wuppertal’s Mayor, Peter Jung, had earlier asked people to protest against the extremists, adding that “great democrats need to demonstrate what they believe in”. “It was just the price of our liberal democracy, that such marches in the long run cannot be averted,” he stated.


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  1. The governments in Europe are pushing the Islamisation of OUR western countries. It is more than enough. Everybody is welcome to live with us in OUR countries, not only accept but RESPECT OUR CULTURE … Salafists and other hardcore islam groups doesnt respect our western lifestyle and culture, they want to extinct us, so we say


    • Oh yes, because we westerns are so fucking polite to everyone and every country we’re in? Get real man.

      Don’t get me wrong, I also REALLY don’t like hardcore Islamic groups. But why are so much western folks thinking these hardcore Islamic groups came out of nowhere? Do you really think they are all just fucking idiots who hate us with NO reason at all? Look at the middle-east, their brothers get fucked in the a** for decades now, oh yes, by OUR very nice western society.

      Oh and btw, look up your history about the way WE (western Europe) “imported” a work force form Islamic countries to do OUR dirty jobs without educating them AT ALL about our great culture… So I say:

      SHUT THE FUCK UP if you don’t know what you’re talking about


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