The Alternative Media Syndicate has reported that police in Texas have shamefully admitted that they shot and killed an unarmed mother of two when responding to an emergency call back in February 2014.
It is said when the incident happened initially, the Bastrop County Sheriff’s Department (BCSD) in Texas said Yvett Smith, the victim, was armed and refused to obey police orders to surrender her gun.
But, Yvette’s son-Anthony Bell, told reporters that police have dramatically changed their initial statement and are now saying that the incident was an accident.
“I answered the door and there were two investigators there, and they said your mom’s been involved in an accident. I thought a car wreck and he said, no, she was shot by an officer and she died. I just lost it then,” Bell said.
The officer who shot her has been identified as Deputy Daniel Willis. Recently, officer Willis admitted that it is “unclear whether Yvette actually had a gun.”
It is said a woman had initially called 911, claiming that two men were fighting over a gun inside the home where Yvette was. However, witnesses at the scene said there was no gun and the fight was about one party owing the other money.
The homeowner, however, heard a dispatcher say there was a gun inside the house, even though that was not the case. Deputies were immediately informed that this was not true and that there was no gun inside of the house.
When the officers arrived, Yvette was said to be standing near the front doorway of the home. Shortly after, Deputy Willis opened fire and killed Yvette. After killing her brutally, the deputies said “the woman disregarded all commands.” But all witnesses said firmly that was a false statement by the police.
The autopsy report also exposed the police’s false statement. The report said Yvette was shot in the left lower abdomen and the left buttock, showing that she could not have been armed in that situation.
It was also reported that during the investigation, a lieutenant and a sergeant with the BCSD were demoted and suspended after they tampered with records following the shooting.
Investigators found that supervisors within the department had modified Willis’s field training records. The supervisors made the changes in an effort to make sure the records were completed accurately.
After the investigation, a grand jury indicted Willis for murder; he has also been fired from the Bastrop County Sheriff’s Office. The family then sued the BCSD for $5 million in damages for their loss.
The suit claimed Yvette’s death was caused by the negligent hiring of Willis. According to the lawsuit, before working for Bastrop County Sheriff’s Office, Willis was employed by Travis County. A Travis County 2012 evaluation of Willis, stated that Willis needed more development in handling explosive situations and in the utilization of common sense.
However, Bastrop County Judge-Paul Pape, ruled in April this year that the family will receive $1.2 million from the county in settlement for the loss. The settlement is said to be the county’s largest financial settlement ever.
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