Liberty. Equality. Fraternity. Vive la revolution. It is what we are seeing before us. The early rumblings of a discontent within the society in which we live. “Revolution is not a one time event.”
The recent protests over Eric Garner’s death, as a result of a choke hold gone wrong, questions not the concern of race or police brutality, but where the justice system has dramatically failed us all. What encompasses the chanting of phrases such as ‘no peace, no justice,’ by all walks of life a fortnight ago, displays a growing consensus that there is a miscarriage in the justice system that is said to represent us all equally. Those very citizens who it was once established for in the midst of revolutions and social upheavals; through the written constitution; now suffer at the hands of those who refuse to acknowledge the problem. Our very freedoms are at risk of further deterioration.
The end result is this: that the public deserve more answers than they are given. The justice system fails to provide the safety that it should for its citizens, and as a response, the government attempts to poorly conceal the evidence of their shortcomings. But we all know this…people are starting to wake to the problems we now face.
The demonstrations that are moving in waves across the United States and other parts of the world are the result of not one single incident, but the frustrations of many over the years where the injustice serves only those who perpetuate the system. It has failed to provide the public the truth that they know they deserve.
The people are angry. The people are starting to wake up. Now we want answers.
Solution: each squad car must have 2 cops yes? Ok so every car,should have 1 white cop and a non white cop. Therefore no one can use the race excuse. If a black mugger kills a black cop and the white partner retaliates by shooting the mugger. He can never be accused of a race killing. Ps why is it not a race issue if a black guy kills a white guy??? Intrigued western Australia civilians wanted this asked.
Your solution isn’t much of one (not trying to be a dick), this paradigm is utilized in lots of places (like lethal weapon 🙂 ), but just cause you forced a dude to work with a dude of another color it doesn’t mean they get along it doesn’t mean whitey (or the other guy) doesn’t resent the system that paired him with this problem. As for the second question, idk from what I’ve read white dudes getting killed is usually easy to debunk race as a motivation, however the black panthers and various other counters to white power movements are (when they were more violent and active) usually investigated as racially motivated hate crimes, it just doesn’t happen so much anymore the black folk that are likely to be killing people are usually struggling against their own and subsequently kill each other off more often than not (according to some studies {that need salt}) However it’s the economic model of this country to keep the poor and disenfranchised in this country struggling against each other for scraps from the same table, while those who’s voices are heard gamble against each other’s capital using lower to middle class families as the roulette table. In all fairness though, there are probably more white killings that’re racially motivated than we actually perceive as such, however like cops in most situations we get the benefit of the doubt (usually), not always, but if I’m walking with a group of my friends in the city and we’re all smoking a blunt, I make sure they pass that shit to me when there’s fuzz around, just because I don’t get hassled and when I do I can usually talk to them without shit getting crazy, most of my friends that’re a little darker usually get the pat down and barked at before being questioned or even told why they’re being stopped (unconstitutionally). I hope I managed to keep as much of my personal bias out of my answer to your questions, but the human condition doesn’t make that easy.
Blaming Capitalism is exactly the opposite of waking up. It is playing right into the hands of the Banking Cartels, Oligarchs, and Military Industrial Complex. There is NO CAPITALISM in America. What we have is the definition of Fascism, look it up. Capitalism is completely different, it is a TRUE FREE MARKET, a self-regulating hyper-competitive system based entirely on customer satisfaction. Regulations effect only small business and have destroyed nearly all competition. They have created an Oligarchy (Monopoly) that is enforced with regulations. They love regulation and the idea of destroying all that is remotely left of Capitalism. Government is the number one most destructive and deadly force on Earth. When America had true Free Market Capitalism, we THRIVED and became the world’s burgeoning super-power. America became THE AMERICAN DREAM and THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITY. Just 30 years after the creation of the first Business Regulations and Financial Intervention (Federal Reserve) we hit “The Great Depression”, America’s first financial meltdown. Since then we have seen the creation of billionaires for the first time in history, and the birth of mega-corporate monopolies. Regulations created the Ghetto that is essentially an institutionalized extermination camp for minorities. Regulations are responsible for White Flight and Taxing the Factories out of all of our Cities. Since “The Great Depression” we have seen a period of insane over-the-top HYPER-REGULATION of commerce in America that has destroyed the small business and makes it impossible to compete and makes it so Corporations are boycott-proof and too big to fail. We need to name the parasite appropriately and STOP BEING CO-OPTED by Communist/Socialist propaganda. Government is the number one destructive and murderous force in existence throughout all history, they should not be allowed anywhere near our business, money, health, and property. We need to minimize this threat immediately and reduce it to the most basic bare essential functions. We have created a MONSTER and it is most certainly not Capitalism. Capitalism died at the end of the 1800s.