In a stunning case that has confounded critics, particularly after the recent bombing of a Doctors Without Borders Hospital that has garnered it the auspicious title of “war criminal”, the US military has shown video evidence of militants hiding their weapons and vehicles at a civilian mosque. In an unprecedented move, it has ordered its drone pilots NOT to strike the mosque.
Fox News was outraged that the US military was showing weakness by allowing terrorists to get away. Bill O’ Riley reportedly threw a hissy fit after suffering from a bout of severe gastric re-flux…
OH WAIT- it’s OK Bill, that was Russia being nice. NOT the US.
Here’s the reason why I think the Russian military is doing a FAR better job than the US military in Syria: regardless of the social-media “proven” allegations made by the Western mainstream media, the Russian military is at least willing to show lip-service to this thing called “war crimes”.
As is well-known by now, the US had only recently bombed an Afghan hospital that was being run by Doctors Without Borders. In response to DWB’s accusation that the US had committed a war-crime, and that an independent investigation be done, the US has ordered the very biased pentagon to investigate its own wrong-doing.
The US media decided to call the matter an accident, and to let bygones be bygones.
I had written before that this was not the only time the US has killed civilians, and certainly not the only incident in which it had been accused of committing war crimes by an international organisation- it is safe to say that recounting ALL such incidents would be bring us too far from the scope of this article.
ALL harmless accidents, of course.
What matters to me is that the Russian military, for whatever reason, has been very careful to avoid the commission of war crimes in Syria.
Case in point, the Russian military knew that militants were purposefully hiding weapons and vehicles, and even their own men, within mosques in order to avoid Russian jet strikes- and they chose their hiding spot well; not because Russia could not find them, but because Russia actually did not want to hit them in a civilian building.
The footage above was issued by the Russian Ministry of Defense. It shows a large cargo/container truck being monitored by a Russian drone as it leaves a heavily forested area. The footage then cuts to a car seen speeding through forested terrain and down a dirt path. Finally, both suspicious vehicles are seen at the same mosque together with another cargo truck.
The Russian Ministry of Defense commented on the video: “As this example clearly shows, ‘moderate rebels’ would not hide behind civilians as human shields or, moreover, concentrate armored vehicles under the arches of religious institutions. All of these actions can only be the calling card of terrorists.”
“We check the data a hundred times. Our decisions are well balanced, deliberate and calculated. We carry out airstrikes only if we are 100 percent sure that we are hitting the right target.”
The point being made was that two large trucks and car had come from strange locales, and had met up at a mosque for a clearly illegal purpose- whether that purpose was to hide weapons or resupply militants is as yet unproven, but that seems like the probable scenario.
And what did the Russians do, knowing that these were probably militants hiding out in the mosque, using civilians as human shields? They could have bombed it, they at least had SOME reason to do so, unlike the unfortunate DWB hospital. Had it been the US military, I’m pretty sure they WOULD have bombed it- who cares about the human shields?
The best way to disarm a shield is to fill it with bullets.
But the Russian military didn’t, and yaknow, they have the right to crow all they want about that. Civilian casualties MUST be avoided at all costs, even if it cost you a tactical victory- and for now at least, the Russians have done just that.
Whom are you fighting for, after-all, if not for us civilians?
Sources: RT
This Article (Russia Avoids Civilian Structures With Terrorists, As US Strikes Civilian Structures Without Terrorists.) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author(CoNN) and AnonHQ.com.
Lol. I didn’t know I was reading the comics today.
So you mean to tell me RUSSIA meant to kill 36 civilians including 5 children during their bombing raids in syria?? That wasn’t an accident? Putin hit ALL his targrts? So those poor children were targets???
Wow. Disgusting.
Just goes to show that putin really couldn’t care less about the citizens of syria. All he cares about is what the government wants. What about what the people want?? They don’t want assad. But of course, I wouldn’t expect anything less from putin, seeing how putin could care less about his own people, why should he care about the Syrian citizens.
Just proves more that this is all politics to putin. Nothing more. His dirty little politics.
Shame on russia. Shame on putin.
Syrians want the Americans out since they’ve never been invited to bomb their country.
They exactly know how Libya and Iraq looked like after the U.S. ‘democratization’ agenda. But pea-sized brains like yours will never understand this.
Syrians want the Americans to get out of their country since they’ve never been invited. They know exactly how Libya & Iraq looked like after the U.S. ‘democratization’ agenda.
But pea-sized brains like yours will never understand this.
Russia is putting into shame the USA, and that’s fucking awesome!. It’s very good to see a nation with balls that’s not licking USA’s penis, like UK, France, Germany, Israel, Australia, Canada and etc does!.
hmmm ….. if russia is successfully hunting Isis … I think its good, America shud stop meddling in the affairs of the middle east … its what causes groups like Isis to be born … and if russia is killing them so called terrorists for assad .. I think theyre doing better that de stablizing the entire fucking region which is what the US of A has been doing …. I mean america is great an all … ya’ll have killed millions in exchange for the 4000 that were killed on 9/11 …. whats the end game here? …. when does it stop … ? and somepeople just get richer n richer ….. so if the russian machine puts and to isis and assad regains control in syria …. its one less thing to worry about there … or one more I dont … the world is so twisted by the information overload which is also twisted … which makes me wonder if the people who think they are in control (them people in big chairs to whom we’re all pawns)are really in control anymore …. peace love and good happening stuff !!