US Media Claims That Russia “Just Accidentally” Bombed Iran



First they said that Russia was bombing civilians, citing social media sources that had no credibility. Now they’re saying that Russian missiles fired from their war ships are crashing into Iran, citing the oh-so honest US military(maybe). Business Insider even made the bold statement that Russia accidentally bombed Iran. No maybes there, despite lacking evidence of any sort.


Monitoring by U.S. military and intelligence assets has concluded that at least four missiles crashed as they flew over Iran.

The U.S. believes, based on intelligence reports of damage assessments, that some buildings were damaged and civilians may have been hurt.

It’s unclear where in Iran the missiles landed. The Russian ships have been positioned in the south Caspian Sea, meaning the likely flight path for missiles into Syria would cross over both Iran and Iraq.

The Russians have been firing a relatively new cruise missile called “Kaliber,” using it for the first time in combat.

Apparently irony is lost on CNN, which then stated:

The Russian Defense Ministry, however, took strong issue with the CNN report in a posting on Facebook Thursday.

Unlike CNN, we don’t report quoting anonymous sources, but we show launches of our missiles and the targets they hit in real-time mode,” the statement reads, noting that Russian drones are operating in Syria around the clock, presumably monitoring operations.

It continues, “No matter how unpleasant and unexpected it is for our colleagues in the Pentagon and Langley, our strike yesterday with precision-guided weapons at ISIS infrastructure in Syria hit its targets.”

Upon quoting that disparaging remark by the Russian Defense Ministry, CNN responds by NOT citing any credible evidence proving that  this event had actually happened, having already relied on  monitoring by unnamed US “military and intelligence” assets. Instead, they proceed to cite an anonymous US official who apparently was also immune to the concept of irony:

“These are the people who told us there were no little green men in Crimea.”

Ooh, let me try! Let me quote an anonymous Anonymous writer:

“These are the people who bombed a Doctors Without Borders hospital one day after accusing Russia of bombing civilians; these are the people who invaded Iraq for fabricated evidence over nukes; these are the people who keep supplying ISIS with tanks and humvees by “accident”… these are the people who lied about CIA torture programs… need I go on?”-  CoNN

Iranian state TV, IRINN, reported later Thursday that an unnamed Iranian official also denied the CNN report.

I love how they point out that Iran is citing an unnamed source in an article where they themselves were citing unnamed sources. You’d THINK that perhaps a few hundred Iranian civilians would have seen something like a few MISSILES blowing up some houses? No? Can’t find any?

The U.S. assessment of the off-target missiles came as Defense Secretary Ashton Carter warned Thursday at NATO headquarters in Brussels that Russia would likely suffer casualties “within the coming days” as it deepens its military involvement in Syria.

Even IF those missiles had hit Iran, how is this relevant to Russian casualties?

And after all the huffing and puffing about Russian lies, they basically admit that all this was hearsay because they could not even officially confirm that Russia had indeed bombed Iran:

State Department spokesman John Kirby declined to confirm that the Russian missiles had landed in Iran when asked about them at the daily press briefing Thursday, but he did say that such an incident would point to the need for better coordination.

Err, yeah, decline to confirm something had happened and then go on to use this thing you cannot confirm had happened as evidence for another contention…

Well, when faced with a startling lack of evidence… do what the Daily Mail does and CUE THE INFO-GRAPHICS!

US officials claims that at least four Russian cruise missiles fired at Syria from a Russian ship in the Caspian Sea crashed in Iran


There. That should prove something happened somewhere. Allow me now to quote sources more reputable than the mainstream media uses; well-liked commenters on that Daily Mail article:

Lauren, Australia, 3 days ago (3856 upvotes, 229 down)
I can only say I have respect for Russia. All the countries of the West, they just sat back and allowed this force of evil to grow and grow and did nothing. Why?

Morrow, Portstewart, United Kingdom (36 upvotes, 1 down)
I think if you check you’ll find that Iran has denied that any missiles crashed. Just like if you check you’ll find that Turkey are fine with the accidental incursion into their airspace by Russian jets . Although nato aren’t . Keep it up Russia


Sources: CNN, Daily Mail, Business Insider

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  1. It would appear that all US mediamedia is satire, they never seem to be able to speak the truth therefore the American public is permanently poorly informed on all matters.


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