Actor Ryan Gosling, has openly called the conditions found at Costco’s egg supplier “cruel”, and has stated that Costco’s “deceptive labeling on cartons featuring graphics of birds living out in a green pasture,” is “appalling.”
Last month, the Humane Society of the United States released a video showing the living conditions of the egg-laying hens that supplies Costco. It was uncovered that Costco’s egg supplier uses abhorrent factory farming conditions—including small overcrowded cages, many of which contain the mummified corpses of those who could not survive—to raise the hens. In 2007, Costco made a public commitment to eliminate cage confined chickens from its supply chain, but detailed no timeline for this goal.
According to the Humane Society of the United States, “a Costco egg supplier cramming chickens into tiny cages, forcing birds to live in cages with the decayed, mummified corpses of their dead cage-mates, and engaging in other inhumane practices that are bad for animals and food safety.” Multiple studies have found that “confining hens in cages increases salmonella risk.”
WOW. @RyanGosling tells @CostcoToday CEO the company should go cage-free on eggs: http://t.co/2LJAGy9Y93 pic.twitter.com/2IswwOMLJe
— Kenny Torrella (@kennytorrella) June 22, 2015
However, the treatment of these hens is made all the more worse when Costco then labels their eggs with deceptive imagery. This imagery could ultimately be misleading consumers, as the actual conditions and treatment uncovered at Costco’s supplier are “in stark contrast to the happy hens and green fields depicted on egg cartons sold at Costco.”
The campaign which has already had overwhelming support from A-lister celebrities including Emily Deschanel, recently prompted Canadian actor Ryan Gosling to urge Costco CEO Craig Jelinek, to set plans for Costco to go completely cage-free for its eggs. In an open letter, Gosling wrote:
Video footage revealed abhorrent cruelty including rows upon rows of birds confined in filth-laden cages with the mummified corpses of their cage-mates—eating, sleeping, defecating and laying eggs on top of dead birds—and hens’ wings, legs and necks trapped in the corroded wires of their battery cages.
Watch the undercover investigation here:
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