Scientists Built Tractor Beam


Written by: Anon.Dos


You know the beams that comes out from the bottom of a UFO or a beam that Starship Enterprise uses to tow other ships around. A team of laser scientists from Australian National University or simply ANU have created a tractor beam that is capable of dragging objects up to a distance of twenty centimeters.
After working on it for years, scientist can now repel or attract objects through the help of this laser. And who knows in future these beams could be used for handling sensitive materials or objects for examinations or even helps us study atmospheric pollutants.
The beam that is shot from the point of origin is hollowed from the center thus creating a ring like projection. The hollowed beam relies on the laser energy heating up particles in the air around it. tractor beam2

The air particles are trapped in the middle of the hollowed centre of the laser and the energy from the laser hits the particles making them travel; when it absorbs the heat on a surface or an object creating hotspots that allow air particles to collide with the hotspots which allows the particles to recoil in opposite direction.
Professor Wieslaw Krolikowski from the Research School of Physics and Engineering said that if they could achieve the benefit of using this laser on a larger scale, this would be a benchmark for laser scientists.
We know that lasers have the tendency of retaining their beam quality even in long distances so technically it could work for greater distances but the lab that Dr. Vladlen Shevdov & Dr. Cyril Hnatovsky are working in is not big enough to show it.
This technique that the researches are using is versatile since it requires a single beam to manipulate the position of an object.
It may not sound like much of an achievement but it is a big step forward in developing optical tractor beams that like those in Starship Enterprise.
It may not sound like much to move objects some centimeters, but this is an enormous venture forward in the mission to create optical tractor beams like those from sci-fi. Long distance tractor lasers were at one time confined just to theory; an idea that fundamentally sees particles, the earth, or an object’s electromagnetic field controlled by positive and negative forces from lasers or beams.




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  1. I just wanted the webmaster to be aware of some pasting mistakes in this one, great, article. I’ll be pasting the part of the article where it was wrongly pasted.

    We know that “…”object.
    It may not sound like much of an achievement but it is a big step forward in developing optical tractor beams that like those
    It may not sound like much, “…” beams.


    About the article though, I find it very exciting, and interesting! It’s great to know such improvement in technology and this reminds me of the video game “Half-Life”. We are getting closer to that one laser… Slowly, but surely.

  2. Well if this does indeed work than perhaps it may be used in the not so distant future to tug resource rich rocks into earths orbit to be mined… Also if done on a larger scale this could be our best defense against incoming rocks…

  3. Just be careful with that thing, because it could be used for something else in the wrong hands. Remember that everything can be a weapon.

  4. if we tolerate violence…we deserve the same…all of us…come on…in 21st century…we have a horror movie for real around us…its silly…who is next…next in line one he did not care for the one before…and we are normal people???? really??? for who??? for killers only!!!!!!!!!!…We have the internet-network 1st time in history…no more manipulation or lies…chronicles…ORDER OF EVOLUTION!!!!!/*\


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