
Written by Amanda Froelich at trueactivist.com
Until recently, the reason WHY red meat causes cancer hasn’t been understood. But this breakthrough changes everything…
Many people grew up being urged to eat pork, beef, and dairy products for their health, but in recent years have received advice to cut back on animal products – especially red meat.
According to a number of studies, the consumption of red meat is linked with increased risk for cancer(s), atherosclerosis (heart disease), stroke, Alzheimer’s, and even Type II Diabetes… But until now, researchers have not exactly understood why.
As The Telegraph reports, scientists from the University of California in San Diego believe it mainly has to do with sugar.
While humans, as omnivores, can tolerate eating meat (and have been doing so for many years, but not in the quantity witnessed today) there is unique sugar named Neu5Gc, found in most mammals but not in humans, that triggers an immune response which causes inflammation.
Mice were used for the study which found that all the evidence linking Neu5Gc to cancer was circumstantial or indirectly predicted from experimental setups. According to the scientists, this is the first time they mimicked the exact situation in humans through feeding non-human Neu5Gc and inducing anti-Neu5Gc antibodies. This increased spontaneous cancer in mice.
This sugar can be found in red meats (pork, beef, and other livestock), cow’s milk and certain cheeses. Because the human body is not capable of producing this sugar naturally when the sugar is absorbed into the tissues, it is perceived as a foreign invader and activates the immune system. It is suspected that over time, the chronic inflammation caused by the immune system response plays a role in the development of cancer.
Thus, those who consume red meat on a regular basis are likely to suffer a stronger reaction than those who ingest red meat occasionally.
Thankfully, great alternative foods exist to satiate your desire for a juicy hamburger. For example, the ‘Impossible Burger’ is renowned as one of the best ‘veggie burgers’ available, and there are great ways to make your own plant-based burgers at home.
In conclusion, it seems clear that those who limit their intake of red meats are assured a healthier – and less inflamed – life.
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This article (Scientists Have Finally Discovered Why Consuming Red Meat Causes Cancer) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to the author and TrueActivist.com
Maybe it’s just the toxic agents added to our food starting from the poisoned water to gm and chemically manufactured shit that they feed to animals. It’s always about genetics always about factors that are natural and can’t be anyhow human conditioned. Don’t know how ordinary has the cancer been around the centuries and how well it has been documented before industrial times and poisonous chemical era. You have to remember that some cultures diet was/is mainly meat based with no wheat or vegetables (problem is that there’s not any studies made at the times from cancer and it couldn’t be recognized). Just an opinion from someone not familiar with the subject.
You are so correct on this. It’s not the meat, it’s the people producing the meat! But not one scientist will admit to that…
The processing of meat could have been a factor to the study; it is not the main reason as to why people are developing various diseases such as those listed in the article above.
Meat is a leading cause to a number of diseases as it contains natural chemical compounds that our bodies’ cannot digest correctly. The stomach acid that is used to digest meat is low and almost non-existent in our stomachs and for that reason our body has to create this stomach acid hence taking essential calcium from parts out body; hence a leading cause to Osteoporosis.
You may argue that humans have been consuming meat for thousands of years and have had no adverse side-effects. You would be wrong. The large consumption of meat by the wealthy and the poor hygiene led to short lifespans. The heavy processing of meat and the fact that meat already contains chemical compounds that we are not meant to consume just makes it even worse for humans in modern life to consume meat.
I would suggest all of you to read about plant-based diets as it seems many of you have no clue how harmful animal products (long term) can be.
Well said. At least cut red meat out of your diets.
Maybe cut out all meat? Dunno but if it comes to industry and profit, I’ll take a pass on all this shit they feed us. Your’s sincerely, a steak lover.
meaning that if you eat enough plants that give calcium to the body you ain’t gonna get osteoporosis. Combined diet. Not only meet not only plants but combied and you’re ok. Less medicine. Plants are not as healthy as before also as they breed badly, quality of plant kind of food (fruit and vegetable) has dropped over course of 20 years, a lot. So we eat chemical, antibiotic treated meet which even doesn’t move. Look on youtube how chickens live before they end up in superstore, and calfs and pigs. So it’s really hard to say what is a genuine shit amog all that makes our healh worse. And growin out own food soon will be forbidden. Just try to buy good tomato seed and plant in a good soil, water it regulary and take care of it, believe me you won’t find that kind in store. Advice is that you should wash all plants in baking soda before use, it’s prooved that it takes over poisons from it. Also it’s good to drink it for a week. Every day on top of small spoon in glass of water for one week than make pause. It’s cheap and formula is NaHCO3. Google it if you don’t believe.
Thousands of years? Try thousands of thousands of years.
Veganism is what’s new.
Except that we likey could only successfully hunt to eat meat maybe once a week. It was NEVER part of our daily nutritional profile nor necessary for survival. We were always vegans who ate meat on special occasions.
Yeah, you can say that because you’ve done research on that and are now an expert to do these kinds of claims. What you’re doing is exactly what the mainstream media you so hate does. Claim shit based on nothing.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you are wrong. I’m just saying you’re assumptions are not facts.
You can’t say that. You don’t know what is correct and what isn’t. Opinion =/= fact.
Yeah right… You probably know better than them…
husley, you are absolutely correct. chemical interference with natural food products is making us sick.
something to consider, yet i am not an expert so please excuse my “plot holes”. i was listening to a medical expert that works in both natural and western medicine. basically, he believes we should utilize modern testing to detect cancers and diseases, but then use holistic approaches to try and cure/treat his patients. the doctor mentioned that every single day our bodies are exposed to a variety of toxins in the air, food, and water on the basic level. at the same time, our bodies are developing small cancer cells that our immune systems destroy, all while we go about our daily lives feeling just fine. from what he stated, this is normal. the problem is when the immune system is compromised, or overloaded with toxins that it cannot fight without treatment. then a body can develope tumors, cancer, heart disease, or neurological problems. from his research, many of these problems stem from a simple mistake that we do not know we are making. vitamin deficiencies. now, back to the daily toxin exposure. imagine that all the gmo food, pesticides, and tainted farm soil laced with chemicals becomes a part of your daily diet. imagine every meal you eat now has several of those chemicals in varying amounts. the human body can only take so much before it begins to slip. the changes in how we grow, harvest, and treat our food has stripped away many of the vitamins and nutrients from our diets. canned food is one of the worst offenders. despite the ability to store fruits and vegetables for long periods of time, the outcome of the food is highly negative. the water or liquid used to help preserve the food ends up leeching out the nutrients, like watching a stain slowly dissolve from cloth in soapy water. add to the loss of nutrients a massive amount of sodium, sugars, and phosphates. by the time you open your can of peas, the peas are about as healthy as salted cardboard. when eaten on a daily basis, and other foods preserved either in water or with the chemical inclusions, you are giving your body more toxins than nutrients. slowly, the body will show problems. the long term result can be a disease diagnosed too late. the fda is aware of the quality of current food, so they try to make up for nutrient loss by injecting vitamins into foods that have either lost them through processing, or are included in foods that never had that particular vitamin to begin with. that just adds to the toxic cocktail that the immune system has to fight. not every body will process synthetic compounds, yet it is not respected like a natural food allergy. it makes me think of the phrase “you are what you eat”, and when i think about it we seem to be eating more poison than food.
on a related topic about food related health problems, the issue of obesity has been a part of human history since the beginning of time. if you dig into the past you will find cultures that revered people that were robust, large, described as the elite of the society. their larger body mass indicated that they had wealth, and possibly power. in those older cultures they did not have the science to know what we do now about eating with moderation and eating a balanced diet. in the last 200 years hawaii had its own obesity problem due to an oversight in local farming and a lack of balance in their diet. pineapples ended up making many people suffer diabetes, and they went through a time of “plenty”, but at a cost. while the abundance of produce was a good thing, too much of anything can turn out to be bad. in our current times we have a new problem. pockets of abundance surrounded by seas of poverty. counties like the U.S. have massive stores dedicated to food with more selections than people need. from that comes the opportunity to make bad choices. quick processed foods over natural meals and snacks that people used to prepare for themselves. even eating “natural” is a risk because not every company will agree to label their food as gmo/chemical free so that consumers can have the option. that goes right back into the pocket of monsanto and big pharma. this is an era of control. it is a cycle that only we can end by going back to home farming. if we don’t, we keep eating their tainted food, getting sick, going to the doctor, taking medicine, and then going home to eat more slightly poisoned food.
“he believes we should utilize modern testing to detect cancers and diseases, but then use holistic approaches to try and cure/treat his patients”
Just like Steve Jobs, and how did that work out for him? Let’s ask him, I’ll get the Ouija board…
Junk Science!!!! All Stoke patients, all cancer patients, all mothers of birth defect children, all asthma sufferers, all allergy sufferers, all mental patients, all blood clot sufferers, all stomach problems, all death by poisoning, all deaths by heart attack, all deaths by accident and all the rest have one thing in common. They all drink water. That is it, all illness comes from water. Boycott water now.
Yes, I am sure you are right! Humans are omnivorous for goodness sake so why is it we can’t eat meat?? Our ancestors, I mean early humans who had to work together to tackle mammoth and the like, had a diet consisting predominantly of meat. And red meat at that. So after 100’s of years the human body decided to create cancer cells because of the consumption of red meat?! Sorry but I call bullshit.
But, we are omnivorous like I said earlier. We should be eating meat, fruit and veg. I can’t speak for the rest of the world but in the UK it’s a huge problem with people not eating enough vitamins, mainly fruit and veg. I reckon this, plus all the chemicals, pesticides and antibiotics pumped into our food these days has sent us into a downward spiral. Not to mention human stupidity. I spent my entire childhood being told by EVERYONE (even doctors) to drink plenty milk… But so many years of consuming dairy products finally allowed us to see just how silly we are. I mean looking at every other mammal in the world, why are we the one and only one species which drinks milk into adulthood!? A milk not even made for humans but for growing calves (cows)!!!
In all I couldn’t agree more with you, plus the stupidity of the human race has caused so many health problems. At the end of the day, we all die and life is rather short lived. But that doesn’t scare me. I’ll spend my life looking after my body as much as possible and when I eventually have kids I’d love to share my knowledge with them and hope they can make a difference by passing on this knowledge or even better! People who say live life to the full YOLO, I agree, have fun, make the most of it, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore education, ignore knowledge and get messed up every single weekend. Our lives matter. We CAN make a difference. But like I said, the human race is silly and ignorant and rather than helping everyone people would rather pick wars and discriminate against others. But I like to think I and people with similar ideologies can save us. Here’s hoping haha anyways, end of rant. Peace out guys and take care but don’t forget to have fun! 🙂
i loved your comment so much because i was aiming for the same , so hope you dont mind if i quote you
Hey, this is very interesting. But I’m not sure, how does the food an animal eats have any affect on its genetics?
I agree 100% food tampering, some use carbon monoxide to make rancid meat look fresh on top of the additives and injected chemicals and how about improper cooking at high temperatures which make the fats rancid or the carcinogens from the grill marks.
I refuse to give up my PETA Card, People for the Eating of Tasty Animals. If I die because I ate a tasty animal then I shall die happy.
Aneova, if you die because you ate just one tasty animal, I will be happy too.
The Fijians had it right all along, before the missionary invasion their pre religion diet consisted mainly of fish chicken and human.
I agree with husley, for so many years, hundrets of years….. thousand of years people was eating mainly meat, and was ok, so? Its again sponssored experiment which is set from the begining.
Clarification: 1. We are designed to be able to eat a lot of things we are not supposed to, on a regular basis. This so if there is nothing…we can eat something. Lesson? Just because you can eat it, doesn’t mean you should (at least not all the time)
2. Humans have been around for about 10,000 years in current form, more or less. We didn’t eat the same type of grain everyday, we didn’t eat the same kind of meat everyday either. This meant we got a little of what we needed from all the different things we ate. Now, you may eat a veggie…but I doubt you eat 5 different colored vegies a day. Back then, it would have been a common occurrence. Lesson? Mono cultures will kill us one day. Its fact. Crops will fail, and so will our bodies.
3. Yes, the nitrates that they spray on ALL RED MEAT (they do it because it literally makes it turn red. You can take and soak your steak to wash some off…it will turn a lot less red), are bad for you. However, most of the air that breath is nitrogen. We know how to eliminate molecules based on nitrogen well. However, in nature (which is what has shaped us) You don’t find fucking nitrates in those levels. Lesson? Don’t eat something that couldn’t be found in nature. This might seem like a no brainer, but it’s not natural.
4: We are not meant to eat the level of protein that we do. Fact. It stresses the kidneys and liver. Most of our protein should come from plant sources. Yes! Plants have protein! Keep in mind, when you eat meat you are eating all of the toxin in that animal at the time when it died…then it sat for days. Lesson? Steak is fine, every once in a while. Just not every day.
5: Meat has never been as prevalent in a culture until modern day. (last 20 years or so) It takes so much labor to grow the grains to feed the animal. Hypothetical example: One cow eats 10 units of grain a day. Three people eat about 10 units of grain a day. And it takes one hour to plant each unit. Would you rather work for 10 hours to feed a cow to eat, or for three people to eat? Lesson? Back in the day before the industrial revolution, our diets WERE a lot different out of necessity. We have to respect this, because it is where we came from. You don’t need to eat your grandparents….you need to eat like your great great great grandparents.
It is the sugar in the meat.
It is the protein in the milk.
This person knows exactly what they’re talking about.
Brillant Brittane couldnt be better explained! Lets share this thoughts towards the ignorance aside us!
Clarification: 1. We are designed to be able to eat a lot of things we are not supposed to, on a regular basis. This so if there is nothing…we can eat something. Lesson? Just because you can eat it, doesn’t mean you should (at least not all the time)
2. Humans have been around for about 10,000 years in current form, more or less. We didn’t eat the same type of grain everyday, we didn’t eat the same kind of meat everyday either. This meant we got a little of what we needed from all the different things we ate. Now, you may eat a veggie…but I doubt you eat 5 different colored vegies a day. Back then, it would have been a common occurrence. Lesson? Mono cultures will kill us one day. Its fact. Crops will fail, and so will our bodies.
3. Yes, the nitrates that they spray on ALL RED MEAT (they do it because it literally makes it turn red. You can take and soak your steak to wash some off…it will turn a lot less red), are bad for you. However, most of the air that breath is nitrogen. We know how to eliminate molecules based on nitrogen well. However, in nature (which is what has shaped us) You don’t find fucking nitrates in those levels. Lesson? Don’t eat something that couldn’t be found in nature. This might seem like a no brainer, but it’s not natural.
4: We are not meant to eat the level of protein that we do. Fact. It stresses the kidneys and liver. Most of our protein should come from plant sources. Yes! Plants have protein! Keep in mind, when you eat meat you are eating all of the toxin in that animal at the time when it died…then it sat for days. Lesson? Steak is fine, every once in a while. Just not every day.
5: Meat has never been as prevalent in a culture until modern day. (last 20 years or so) It takes so much labor to grow the grains to feed the animal. Hypothetical example: One cow eats 10 units of grain a day. Three people eat about 10 units of grain a day. And it takes one hour to plant each unit. Would you rather work for 10 hours to feed a cow to eat, or for three people to eat? Lesson? Back in the day before the industrial revolution, our diets WERE a lot different out of necessity. We have to respect this, because it is where we came from. You don’t need to eat your grandparents….you need to eat like your great great great grandparents.
And now that weed is proven to prevent the start of cancer, i can eat as much res meat as i like 😀
Weed plus red meat = no cancer
Thank You.
While I am not a vegan, I have adopted some parts of the vegan diet in my own, adding a lot of veggies to my diet while reducing meat and salt intake.
This have had a lot of effects on my body that I enjoy on a daily basis, including weight loss, better skin, better sleep and overall well being.
The fact that we can thrive on plants alone is evidenced by the growing community of vegans around the world. It is proven beyond any doubt that the vegan lifestyle is healthier, more environmentally sustainable, and more compassionate to all animals. Therefore:
a) Eating plant-based alternatives is healthier than eating meat
b) Eating plant-based meals contributes to a more environmentally sustainable world for everyone
c) Not killing or harming animals is ethically preferable to killing or harming them.
You can argue semantics, but these three fundamental points are indisputable.
I love animals, they’re delicious!
I don’t give a rat’s ass, I’ll cure my cancer with bacon. Studies have shown that being happy cures cancer.
Hahaha funny “being happy cures cancer.”
I’ve known this since I’ve been a child. I hated earing meat cause it left me feeling itchy / dirty ( the inflamation) they talk about. I was forced to eat meat cause its “good” for you. Im naturally a pettite girl, but my parents took me for so many blood tests cause i would eat allot but stay small. I ended up getting anemia im sure is related to the hundreds of blood tests. Any been anemic my whole life. Only since i adopted a vegan life style has my iron been perfect, so has my sugar and cholesterol. I have serious cholestrol and diabeties problems on both side of my family. From my grand parents to my parents. Strangely enough Im the vegan they tease, whilst they chomp away on their meat eggs cheese and wheat, complaining about, excema, MS, indigestion, (its so bad that they have ulcers all over their digestive systems) and then still proclaim how healthy they are and laugh at me. I’ve just learned to keep quiet. As my grandmother who had bad cholestrol a d eventually died with complications relating to her diabetes. She told me she woul not be so sick if she watched what she ate. Back then this wise old lady told me they are poisoning our food.
Does this mean that Michael Aquino and his Illuminati friends were correct in eating babies?
I would support this suggestion. I keep wondering why back in the days past, most native africans consumed so much meat, but few cases of any form of cancer, if any were reported. In our age, the disease is so prevalent even a onee-year old was recently diagnosed of huge tumours of the tongue. Who can explain this? I think the huge amount chemicals used in modern farming: Raising 3-month old ready to eat broilers, 70litre-a-day dairy cows, GMO and transgenics all have a big contribution towards the recent high prevalence of cancer.
I’ll admit.I don’t like the fact that every being on this planet must take the life of another living being to survive be it plant or animal.. I have accepted it as the way the world works and the cycle of nature. I myself am a big consumer of meat it’s mainly what I consume. I have tried many times to become more Vegan like for a lack of better terms. But I always get severly sick when doing so.. I don’t know why…
hello Jim the reason why you are probably getting stick is because you don’t have B12, D, iron and lack of food (plants low in calories) studios saying meats bad and lead’s to illness
Heart Disease:
American Dietetics Association Position on veganism:
Longest living population:
Low Carbohydrate Diets and mortality:
Plant Foods have a complete amino acid composition:
I am getting really close to not following you anymore Anonymous the crap that you post lately is nothing like what you used to post.
SUGAR IN RED MEAT CAUSING CANCER anyone who believes this is an idiot!!!
Be aware that there is a large amount of posers who claim the name of the cause yet lack the motivation, passion and mainly the ability to to contribute so hey post a lot of spam trying to look cool or pass their beliefs on you. The focus instead should be directed and focused on exposing the truth free of bias and taking action where needed. Anons are selfless seekers of truth and justice.
I thought red meat consumption induces the production of Bile acids that in turn could lead to some digestive cancers and higher levels of cholesterol being produced. BUT that using rosemary helps to cut down on the bile acids. So, besides cutting down on red meat consumption.. what can be done to regulate this odd sugar in our bodies?
i have read reports that cancer was almost non existent in the human until the industrial age…..what did we eat for the previous couple million years? meat!
But pork is not red meat it makes doubt this article. Go back to research again.
This is not the only reason NOT to eat red meat, NASA has been dropping Smart Dust in their Chemtrails and what do cows eat, you got it grass, what’s over the grass? self replicating Smart Dust, your EATING SMART DUST, IT DOES CAUSE CANCER.
Have you ever read the list of ingredients for a veggie burger!?
Eat free range organic and I’m sure you will be better off than eating vegan fake meat or milk that is filled with low quality oils and toxic additives!
Our species have survived eating meat for 2.5 million years!
“Looks like meats back on the menu boys!”
Is it just me or is anyong else thinking ‘humans cannot consume non-human meat’ from this article?