Here at Anonymous Headquarters, we have spoken about the issues surrounding plastics and waste several times already. We’ve used statistics and facts from global studies to help strengthen the message. Now almost all that information we’ve discussed over the years can be found within one shocking info-graphic.
The incredible info-graphic titled “Spiraling Out of Control: Plastic Buildup In Our Oceans”, was created by CustomMade in order to educate the world on the atrocious cycle of plastic-use that is destroying the planet.
Plastic has taken over almost every aspect of our lives. From plastic bottles, plastic bags, the wrapping of new devices, to the casing of the device you are using to read this article now. In total, there is enough plastic on the planet today to circle to Earth four times. Unfortunately, a large percentage of this plastic ends up either in landfills or in the world’s oceans, causing disastrous effect to wildlife, marine life, ecosystems and the environment.
It is estimated that 6.4 million tons of plastic enter the oceans annually, often marine and other wildlife species ingest the plastic or get entangled within it, causing their premature deaths. As the plastic cannot be fully dissolved within the ocean, the plastics are broken down into smaller particles known as “microplastics”. These microplastics are then ingested by small fish and enter the food chain, the same food chain that we ourselves feed on. In fact, 93% of Americans aged six year or older tested positive for the plastic chemical BPA.
Take a look at the info-graphic below to see how much damage waste plastic is inflicting on the planet and judge for yourself.
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