While this may appear to be a future fiction article based upon the hit movie The Terminator, the truth behind the matter is no laughing matter. The military are assisting in battling the ongoing war of cyber-attacks by developing CVA/H.
When we first look into this new weapon, we can see several resemblances to Skynet. The United States Air Force calls their new high-tech weapon Cyberspace Vulnerability Assessment/Hunter (aka CVA/H). The software is designed and developed in order to better assist the Air Force’s already-in-place command center network, which provides assistance for vulnerabilities. Once the software has found such vulnerabilities, the software automatically moves into patching them up. This new software development is much like the Air Force hiring a digital stalker that is constantly searching out the militaries network for any and all plausible intruders, and then eradicating the exploits.
This new software application can provide the military with an “in-depth assessment of information system assets such as computers, infrastructure, applications, data, and cyberspace operations,” the Air Force command goes onto describing the CVA/H main mission parameters “as being able to characterize adversary activity then “engage” and defeat that activity, as directed.”
And sure enough, this is not the only proposed cyber weapon in which the military have in their disposal. However, this revolutionary new software is in fact, a massive monitoring software known as the Cyberspace Defense Analyses Weapon, and has been designed to perform the same analyses upon all communications systems across the world. Once that setup is completed, the software will check and see if the device(s) are sending or receiving any sensitive information.
Looking deeper amongst these two massive cyber weapons, in which has been presented by the U.S. Government, they are a part of the shift set forth by the US Space Command, in order to attempt the creation of an extremely powerful defensive shield for our military’s ongoing and ever expanding cyber systems. This is aimed at preventing the risk of the rising war of cyber-attacks from other nations, as well as those from their own country.
When the military provides new technology or weapons, they are required to keep a copy of all records pertaining to the respective information. This information remains true even in this case, and with .mil websites containing almost every aspect of the U.S. government’s records, is accessible.
I performed a search upon the .mil web pages and found the “Fact Sheet” in which represents the ‘Cyberspace vulnerability Assessment/Hunter Weapon System.’ Within the boundaries of this fact sheet, we can see that the 92d Cyberspace Operations Squadron (COS) – as well as other squadrons – will be in full control over this new cyber weapon in the near future.
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just create a honeypot server that plants a bait and then that automatically learns their algorithm and knowledge base library… and then when they think it is impossible, attack them… surprise one… the mystery of the egg and the being inside… behind the curtains…