Somebody Hacked a Traffic Sign to Send an Important Message: ‘Read a F*cking Book’


Read a fucking book! That’s the message that an unknown hacker left on a Los Angeles traffic sign this week.

The person behind the message is still unknown, but an official at the L.A. Department of Transportation said “It looks like it was hacked.”
There is still a lot of speculation surrounding the sign. According to LAWeekly,
The big question, of course, is who dunnit? It wasn’t immediately clear.
But the sign reflects a Twitter hashtag, #ReadAFuckingBook, that’s been circulating since 2010. It’s often used to punctuate a perceived act of ignorance.
Motorists and pedestrians took advantage of the hacked sign to take a few selfies with it.


A spokeswoman with TMI, the company who owns the sign, has unfortunately said the message has since been changed back to what it was prior to the hack. The company says the sign may have been hacked though its wi-fi connection.
Was this someone tired of the materialist ignorance that has consumed mainstream Los Angeles culture trying to make a point that more people should go to the library and read a fucking book?
What would your message be if you could hack a traffic sign like this? Let us know in the comments below.


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  1. A friend of mine was banned from Matteo Salvini official page. The reason is that he expressed a different political opinion in this Facebook page. We need your help

    • Jon, it is actually you that is the —. A low life, ignorant, scum bag who has not evolved with the rest of society. Catch up Jon! Being a hateful loser will get you no where fast. Grow up darling. It is ppl like you that remind the rest of us of how horrible life could really be if we were stuck with a half lit brain and a heartless, soulless life as yours. I feel pity for you and I hope you find a soul and maybe enroll in school so you can catch up with the times. Straighten up for you and the ones you love will always live just below your goals because of your Karma. If you notice bad things happening to you or the ones you love, You should immediately know why.

      • Just ignore ignorant trolls like this. They are such losers that they have to make comments like this on the Internet for attention. No one in the real world pays any attention to them because they are such losers that they have to try and get a rise out of people online for attention. It’s sad really.

  2. bigger question is how to do it then who did it. I wanna learn that! But You know what, here we don’t have that kind of signs but whatsoever, I wanna know how to!!

  3. My message would be if I actua learned to hack, without getting caught would be “Remember who you are.” Because the world is now turning plastic.

  4. No that isn’t so. Isis is connected back to the Federal Grant Scam here in America. Off of my YouTube Channel I found something connected to it(InFeRr-Trail)-iycolud9-Software. This meaning this is the exact same software that another entity of the Federal Government. That Hmmm. That what’s in YouTube Storage’s What’s in Google Mainframe’s That is Even Why. That is something some one is Looking for that I be checking That YouTube & Google is the Same mainframe’s Weird But I Want more informed Thing’s That just 5 Year’s Ago The Federal-Gov was looking for The Best of The Best Software Writer’s Like myself. That they Hounded me That I don’t work for someone who’s not going to Honor Their own Contract’s. That some of my Friend’s Left we Never heard back from Them Not even Families.Has anyone else Gotten That Them Letter’s or anything Telacorp.


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