You can read part 1 here and part 2 here
Part 3
Other revolutions:
The fact is that Soros has funded so many revolutions, it is impossible to do them all justice. We will attempt to summarize two of them here and then at least list the others. It should be noted that some of these were bloodless, and some were against legitimate tyrants. However, Soros’ intentions are seldom clear and he seems to care little about the cost or benefit to the people involved, as observed in the more bloody and more… controversial revolutions. Instead, his focus is on his own agenda, which might/might not be a pure profit motive.
The Serbian Bulldozer Revolution:
The ‘Bulldozer Revolution‘ was a movement funded partly by George Soros, a movement that toppled President Slobodan Milosevic. The LA Times reported that Soros ‘played a role,’ and noted that problems would occur if he were to get too much credit for his activities. By providing funding to struggling groups that Soros believed to be in line with his agenda, including the student group Otpor, Soros was able to overthrow that country’s government.
“It’s an accomplishment that Hungarian-born financier, George Soros, doesn’t flaunt. Bragging about it, after all, could just make his global democracy-building mission more difficult.
But the multi-billionaire philanthropist quietly played a key role in the dramatic overthrow last year of President Slobodan Milosevic. His Soros Foundations Network helped finance several pro-democracy groups, including the student organization Otpor, which spearheaded grass-roots resistance to the authoritarian Yugoslav leader.”
In a 2003 press conference, Soros admitted to his involvement, not only to the revolt in Yugoslavia but to his involvement in other countries as well.
“It is necessary to mobilize civil society in order to assure free and fair elections because there are many forces that are determined to falsify or to prevent the elections being free and fair,” Mr. Soros said. “This is what we did in Slovakia at the time of [Vladimir] Meciar, in Croatia at the time of [Franjo] Tudjman and in Yugoslavia at the time of Milosevic.”
In a 2004 piece, Richard Poe of Velvet Revolution, USA, explained that Soros had a seven-step strategy that had been implemented to topple Milosevic. This strategy is the same ‘blueprint’ used in several other countries:
-Form a Shadow Government
-Control the Airwaves
-Bleed the State Dry
-Sow Unrest
-Provoke an Election Crisis
-Take to the Streets
-And above all, outlast your Opponent
Taken in proper context, we can see that final step is morbid indeed. ‘Outlast’ seems to sometimes mean murdering the incumbent as seen with Gaddafi, and suggests that one’s foe would sooner or later be brought down.
The Georgian Rose Revolution:
Soon after Yugoslavia, Soros began targeting Georgia. Originally backing the incumbent President Eduard Shevardnadze, he changed his mind and immediately sought his replacement. He began by having a young activist sent to Serbia where he was trained by the men who had successfully toppled President Milosevic.
“Funds from his Open Society Institute sent a 31-year-old Tbilisi activist, named Giga Bokeria, to Serbia to meet with members of the Otpor (Resistance) movement and learn how they used street demonstrations to topple dictator Slobodan Milosevic. Then, in the summer, Mr. Soros’ foundation paid for a return trip to Georgia by Otpor activists, who ran three-day courses teaching more than 1,000 students how to stage a peaceful revolution.”
The Melbourne Herald-Sun offered an overview of George Soros‘ Open Society Institute’s (OSI) impact in the Georgia’s Rose Revolution (Radio Islam). In December, 2003:
“[…] [Soros] backed Georgia’s former justice minister, Mikhail Saakashvili, and spent some $4 million on a protest movement against the president. His organizations brought in experts in ‘non-violent revolution’ from Serbia, gave $700,000 to an activist group that bussed-in protesters, and financed an anti-government TV station and newspaper.
It worked. Last month, protesters smashed into Georgia’s parliament, yelling — probably correctly — that Shevardnadze had stolen the elections a month ago and must quit. Shevardnadze fled, and Saakashvili looks set for leadership.”
Soros’ influence in Georgian policy was obvious and Soros flaunted his role in it, so influential is he that an analyst even called it ‘Sorosistan‘. In 2004, Soros, Saakashvili, and United Nations Development Program (UNDP) administrator Mark Malloch Brown, publicly announced their push for ‘governance reforms‘ in Georgia that would reflect the Soros version of an ‘open society‘. By 2005, an anti-Soros group arose to protest the ‘western’ influence that had attached their government to Soros’ puppet strings.
“The ‘Anti-Soros Movement’ also plans to oust Saakashvili’s government, but in a constitutional manner. The anti-Soros group claims that Saakashvili’s government places instructions from Soros above the Georgian Constitution.”
In October, 2010, critics accused Saakashvili of trying to rig the political system in his favor. Indeed, the new constitution of Georgia was structured in such a way as to allow Saakashvili to retain power.
It should be noted that the 2004 announcement was by no means the first joint effort of Soros and Mark Malloch Brown. In 1993, Brown served on the Soros Advisory Committee in Bosnia. In 2002, Soros and Brown worked together to gain UN funding for people in countries with ‘bad governments’. In 2005, Brown rented property from Soros in New York worth $120,000 a year, though his annual salary from the UN was not much more than that, at $125,000. Finally, in 2007, Brown was appointed Vice Chairman of Soros Fund Management and the OSI. This is a cozy relationship indeed.
Other notable revolutions:
Soros’ funding played a critical role in promoting other upheavals in the former Soviet bloc as well. “My foundations contributed to Democratic regime change in Slovakia in 1998, Croatia in 1999, and Yugoslavia in 2000; mobilizing civil society to get rid of Vladimir Meciar, Franjo Tudjman, and Slobodan Milosevic, respectively,” boasts Soros.
In part 4 we will examine Soros’ plans that are still in motion, his media influence and conclude the series.
Part 4: Other Plans & Media Influence