Paul Bickle, 18, was shouting and swearing as he played Grand Theft Auto when his mother Donna Brown turned off his Playstation. A furious Paul then stormed out of the house and a few hours later, police turned up on Brown’s doorstep to tell her that their son had jumped to his death from a motorway bridge after the row. Paul suffered clinical depression, and had obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).
Brown had an argument with her son after he kept shouting as he played the violent video game in his bedroom. “He was upstairs on his PlayStation and started shouting and swearing. I told him it was not acceptable, but the shouting and swearing and banging got worse. I didn’t go upstairs after that. I was shouting “stop it, calm down”. I was really distressed. I said “If you don’t stop this, I’ll turn it off”. Then I turned off the internet connection. Because he was getting angry and losing his temper, I thought it was fuelling his anger. I had turned it off before because of the state it got him into,” she told the police.
Paul died on February 25, 2013. Brown believes that the tragedy could have been averted had the warning signs been taken more seriously by medics. Today she opens her heart and family album in the hope that no other parent has to suffer the same heartache. She has broken her silence to warn parents: “Don’t dismiss your children’s mood swings as teenage tantrums. Don’t dismiss OCD as something quirky – it has such a huge impact”.
If you are having suicidal thoughts, you can call Samaritans on 08457 90 90 90 or visit their website www.samaritans.org.
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Rofl! Gotta love the uneducated.
I’m sorry for her loss but he must have been mildly retarded to do something so rediculas because of a video game especially at his age.
if there was an issue with depression or any other mental disorder and his mother knew about that then shame on her for dealing with her son in that way.
You are super retarded for commenting without reading the story. He didn’t jump because of a video game, he had clinical depression, and had obsessive compulsive disorder, as stated in the story.
Dealing with her son in what way? She probably did the best she could. It says she cut the Internet connection to avoid him playing the game that made him furious. I would have done the same thing. In fact, I do the same thing if one of my kids gets angry while playing a game.
People that have OCD get pissed off by light switches. if he is already very upset because he cant accomplish something in the game, turning off the internet completely destroys the chance of him being successful. add the fact that he was clinically depressed and its no surprise. its the parents fault for not dealing with the situation properly. ya he may yell a bit. ignore it, get a counselor. what she did was like cutting off an arm to stop the pain from a bruised finger.
if you read the article correctly, you would see she does already blame herself for not treating his illnesses more seriously.
That is a ‘rediculas’ and ignorant comment
I find your use of the term “addiction” to attract readers to this article severely in bad taste considering the boy suffered from legitimate mental ailments and at no point does the article even point near the topic of addition to games or that the game itself was the cause, your linked article even stated that the mother admits the argument was just a catalyst.
“Mrs Brown knows it was not her fault that her son died. He suffered clinical depression, which was being treated with Fluoxetine, and had obsessive compulsive disorder – the row was a catalyst.
She warned other parents: ‘Don’t dismiss your children’s mood swings as teenage tantrums.
‘Don’t dismiss OCD as something quirky – it has such a huge impact.’
His OCD started when he was a teenager and by the time he was 16 he was getting up at 5.30am in order to have a bath and be clean enough to leave the house at 9am.
He cleaned his hands so much that they were bleeding.”
Vandita is obviously retarded. Can’t even get the facts straight. Mom cut the Internet connection, that is not the same as turning off the playstation. And the heading is just idiotic.
Heading is very misleading, he didn’t commit suicide because of a game, he was depressed. Seeing the comments from insensitive ppl (“he was stupid”, “natural selection”, “dumb”, bla bla) makes ME depressed. I though followers of Anonymous was better, I was wrong. Many are just idiots.
Look at you talking all kinds of dumb shit. Looks like your the retard here gtfoh
XD Am I the only one that gets this comment. Nice dude. I lold
Seriously,he need to take the chill pill,its just a game and if you failed you can try it again another time
She’s a failure for not acting sooner… what kind of parent buys a ps for a child?
Called natural selection folks. If he was that upset over losing his precious video game he had nothing to offer the world. Selfish act!
It’s called you’re a fucking idiot.
It wasn’t about the stupid game. He had mental issues that needed to be taken care of. You should look up depression and ocd and understand them. Its not because of the game, that’s just a small part and anonymous should do better in labeling their articles or else people get a completely different idea then what happened.
My younger brother would act the exact same way when he played video games.I would go in his room and ask him very nicely to stop and hed start screaming and cussing at me and slam the door in my face.he was all sorts of f#$%ed up and video games brought out the devil in him.I’ll never ever let my future children play those kind of violent games.so stupid.
People that have OCD get pissed off by light switches. if he is already very upset because he cant accomplish something in the game, turning off the internet completely destroys the chance of him being successful. add the fact that he was clinically depressed and its no surprise. its the parents fault for not dealing with the situation properly. ya he may yell a bit. ignore it, get a counselor. what she did was like cutting off an arm to stop the pain from a bruised finger.
Who are we to judge? It seems like an unfortunate escalation that Paul would’ve probably regretted in retrospect. We know how little parents listen to teenagers. Imagine if we stopped ignoring and patronizing teenagers who see the problems with society, they may actually grow up to change it. Instead they are ignored, forcing them to assimilate and showing them to not care about the obvious problems. It’s your kids’ problems, or their kids’ problems, or their kids’ problems, or their kids’ problems… How about we see the message here instead of placing blame? How low are we to blame a mother for her son taking his own life so close to Mother’s Day, over a mother taking away video-game privileges. Get off your computers and apologize to your mothers. Like now. Because I’m sure your mother took away something once or twice, and these statements make it clear that you should have killed yourself to get back at her right? Assholes. This fucking country of assholes. Can we stop judging each other for one minute to see that many of us are complete hypocrites?
Check your house for mold! Look everywhere! Mold will mess up your mind. Start looking for soft spots around vents, walls and floor near bathrooms and ac. Maybe you already know about it but didn’t consider the danger. Did he still have tonsils? Was his hair falling out? Drs don’t even ask about our living environment which has the biggest impact on us. We pay the most for drs in this country and get the lowest quality care (because they care about the dollar not the people).
sorry to say, but it’s selective breeding at work… unfortunate for him, but it’s a step forward for the future of mankind’s gene pool.