Written by Anonymous Author (submitted via eMail)
The BBC investigated the origins of world’s most expansive coffee Kopi Luwak selling for between US$100 and $600 per pound in 2010. Kopi is the Indonesian word for coffee. Luwak is a local name of the Asian Palm Civet in Sumatra. This type of coffee is produced by civet cats that eat the coffee plant berry which contains the coffee bean and the bean will be excreted by the cat. This type of coffee is very expensive as it is, usually, a very scarce product, because it is harvested by hand from the droppings of civet cats. The beans undergo a fermentation process when passing true the digestive system which will give the coffee its unique taste.
The market for the civet coffee is growing and so are the rates of civet coffee farms. The civet cat is a little carnivorous creature that lives in the Philippines, Indonesia and parts of India. Sumatra is the world’s largest regional producer of kopi luwak. The keepers of the farms where this type of coffee is produced are not concerned about the wellbeing of the animals. Often, very small cages with too many animals are commonly seen. Force feeding often leads to infections, tumors, extreme digestive problems or death. Many animal protection organizations are protesting against this type of civet coffee and demanded that only real handpicked civet coffee will be sold. Because this makes the product rare and if it is mass produced the price should not be the same. They hope to stop the farming with civet cats and make this coffee scarce again.
A 2013 investigation by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Asia found wild-caught civets on farms in Indonesia and the Philippines. The animals were deprived of exercise, a proper diet, and space. Video footage from the investigation shows abnormal behavior such as repeated pacing, circling, or biting the bars of their cages. The animals often lose their fur.
‘”The conditions are awful, much like battery chickens”, said Chris Shepherd, deputy regional director of the conservation NGO, TRAFFIC south-east Asia. “The civets are taken from the wild and have to endure horrific conditions. They fight to stay together but they are separated”
So many spelling mistakes and repeated spelling mistakes that were immediately obvious, I almost didn’t bother reading this article. I was disappointed that there was no attempt to edit or QC this article. Surprised since it’s you posting it.
Yeah, same for me.. I would even proof-read this stuff for them.. I am not the worlds top writer, but if I was presenting work for potentially thousands to read I would spend the 2 minutes to proof-read..
Really??? You are worried about the spelling! No one really gives a shit if you read the article or not.
no im preety sure lots of people care if they read it or not althoguh i do agree with you spelling should honestly be one of the last things people should be concerned about now a days lol
i will gladly take a few spelling errors for all the work they do here. Thank you anon for all your wonderful work
Who gives a fuck about spelling errors you ignorant morons!! Cats are being abused, fuck you and your $600 a pound coffee I like my Tim Hortons Java, eat shit you sick packies and creeps in 3rd world countries! You sickos that buy the shit are scum too! Poor cats,they are beautiful, and they can’t even live a normal life, sick evil world, I’m starting to believe religion and the promise that those evil people will go to hell. Poor little innocent animals. The greed and sick minded people will do anything for money, how do you sleep at night knowing these cats are caged and need basic living essentials.
i agreee those spellling failuress arre badd butt thhe poiint thhat haas bbin trienn tooo make here is faarrrrr more important…….
“world’s largest regional producer” …huh?